Timothy Buchanan
Behold the contrast
By Timothy Buchanan
January 28, 2021

Now that the dust has settled and Joe Biden occupies the White House, many things will change very quickly. While no one in his or her right mind believes that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election, he now occupies the office and no one should be surprised by what happens next. The sad fact is that most folks will neither know nor care.

For four years, the American people were led with a carrot. Now, we shall be driven with a stick. One his first day in office, Biden revoked the Keystone XL pipeline permit, terminating 70,000 jobs.

Because dishonest news networks refuse to contrast the inauguration of Joe Biden with that of Donald Trump four years ago, a bit of review might be in order. This year, there were no BLM fascists or Antifa Nazis burning cars and looting businesses in Washington D.C. In the days following January 20th, there was no Women’s March protest featuring self-described “nasty women;” no vulgar speeches from washed-up Hollywood starlets; no profane far-left pop singers publicly confessing a desire to blow-up the White House.

What’s happening now

The ideologically-bankrupt Democrat party has already begun to expand its policies of death and depravity and destruction. Abortion, now the leading cause of death world-wide—will explode without a word from the left-wing press, and taxpayers will be compelled to fund the killing. We have chosen death over life through callous neglect and disinterest. The drowsy and the dull hardly notice.

Immigration laws will no longer be enforced. Scarce jobs will be permanently lost and unvetted violent offenders will once again prey upon the American people. The Biden administration will re-establish a lop-sided trade deal with Communist China to the glee and increased wealth of members of Congress and the new first family.

The Biden-Harris administration will push for extreme and unconstitutional gun regulations. Outright firearm bans will be proposed. Silly and thoughtless folk will surrender their rights (and those of their neighbors) to deceitful government officials for the illusion of peace and safety, or to just make the issue go away.

What happens next

Some Republicans believe that they will be able to mitigate the damage done by this corrupt administration in the next midterms, but they are delusional. After demonstrating a woeful misunderstanding and, in some cases, open contempt for their political base, Republicans will lose and lose big in 2022. Unlike their political opponents, conservatives are motivated more by the noble constitutional ideals of liberty, equal protection under the law, equal opportunity, real justice (as opposed to “social justice”), and personal integrity. They are not as prone to being manipulated by the carnal emotions: greed, fear, hate, and vengeance.

Having allowed President Trump’s election fraud allegations to be mocked and dismissed as the ravings of a trouble-maker, conservative voters will no longer trust Republicans. Many years or even decades, will pass before another constitutional conservative with the necessary energy and devotion to American freedom will bother to take up the mantle for the GOP. Lesser candidates will campaign and fail in monotonous succession. Why? The tactic that attracts hedonists to the Democrat party—elevating style over substance and personality over policy—drives conservatives away from Republicans. GOP members of Congress and the state legislatures have forgotten this fact.

Meanwhile, federal, state, and local governments will grow increasingly corrupt, powerful, and deeply-entrenched. Officials will enforce only the laws that suit their needs and set out to destroy political and ideological opponents. Democrats will stubbornly and shamelessly advance their chosen course of embracing abortion deaths, raunchy sexual deviance, and personal enrichment now that they have no viable opposition.

Donald Trump was despised by Democrats, some independents, and a few Republicans for the heinous offense of telling hard truths that men and women of shaky character would rather not hear. Some, like the inhabitants of ancient Judah, prefer to entertain the false prophets of Baal rather than the truth spoken by a modern-day Jeremiah. “Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies,” goes the Fleetwood Mac song. The chorus might serve as the de facto theme hymn of socialist sympathizers who worship government as their saving deity.

When the measure of truth is reduced to whether people choose to believe it, the benefit of truth is forfeited and all people suffer. It has well been said that America deserves the leaders it chooses. Whether by ignorance or apathy, the consequence of 2020 will be severe and just. (Whom shall we blame, then?) But woe to the innumerable innocent victims who did not choose this evil day. Today, we weep for them. Tomorrow, we shall weep for ourselves.

President Trump did great exploits for the American people. He is a man with flaws as are we all.

In his monumental speech, Dr. Martin Luther King (another flawed leader), said that his dream for his children was that they would be judged, “not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Dr. King’s dream presupposed that folks were honest enough with themselves, to rightly judge the character of another man or woman. Is that assumption valid today?

The American people are more deeply divided by the color of politics than skin, religious faith, or any other distinguishing characteristic. Perhaps, President Trump did not fail to lead so much as we failed to follow.

© Timothy Buchanan


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Timothy Buchanan

Timothy Buchanan is a US Navy veteran, a former defense contractor and broadcast engineer. He's the author of two published books and a regular contributor to BarbWire.com. Timothy and his wife live among the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia.


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