Clenard Childress
Lurking within Health and Human Services
By Clenard Childress
The Department of Health and Human Services actually offers very little to humans in the stage of their lives before birth. This present administration's lust for the destruction of life in the womb is unprecedented. The relentless manipulation to achieve abortion-on-demand at taxpayers' expense ever lurks behind every Executive Order and proposed legislation by the Obama Administration. America should have braced for a certain impact of such machinations when Kathleen Sebelius was appointed to head the Department of Health and Human Services.
Kathleen Sebelius has a long history of a pro-abortion agenda and partnership with the leading abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. During one of my many social activist projects, I had one of the most surreal experiences while in Kansas City at a public protest. It was at a fundraising event for Planned Parenthood where Kathleen Sebelius was in attendance, where I saw for the first time the most notorious abortionist of our era, George Tiller. I have to say, and this is not an attempt to dredge up his horrid past when it comes to killing babies, but at the time, I knew George Tiller was doing late term abortions, dressing the dead babies he had aborted in gowns, and then a church-going usher would officiate at the funeral service for the child with parents or mother in attendance. George Tiller and Kathleen Sebelius were the best of friends and he contributed heavily to her campaigns. In Kansas City I saw this man in person for the first time, and I must say, if a person ever knocked on my door and said his name was "Death," he would probably look just like George Tiller. It was deeply unnerving to see him. I remember when I asked local citizen and co-laborer, Dr. Bill Calvin, "Who is that?" When Dr. Calvin identified him, I was speechless.
Well, this same agenda and spirit is operating in Washington, DC. The Contraceptive Mandate implies there are too many humans which require the government to launch their social engineering legislation. In order to do this, of course you would have to ignore the Constitution, and hope there are enough tainted judges on the Supreme Court who feel the same way and desire to diminish the Constitution's influence in our lives. The president has one justice in his pocket and that's Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Recently on a trip to Egypt she was asked whether or not all constitutions of other nations should be relied upon as guides for the new regimes that are being formed. Her response about the document she has sworn to uphold was this: "I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a Constitution in the year 2012." Can you believe it? So, if she still desires to serve, it is with the sole purpose to "change" the Constitution until it mirrors her warped ideology.
Due to the contraceptive mandate by HHS, the church has received its mandate to go to the public square and demand their God given liberties be not stripped from them by the very nation that was birthed to uphold them. Times have changed and we are all seeing the change Barack Obama had in mind when he campaigned and won the highest office of the land. I believe all things work together for good and our president's aggressive socialistic agenda is awakening the sleeping giant from decades of a drunken social stupor. The hangover has done its damage and much like Mr. Rip Van Winkle, plenty has passed us by while we were in lala land. Yet now for the first time in a long time, the church is hearing the clarion call for justice and the preservation of the most profound sociopolitical document ever produced. Yes, that's what Dr. Martin Luther King declared in the struggle for Civil Rights in the 50s and 60s. Dr. King said,
© Clenard Childress
April 6, 2012
The Department of Health and Human Services actually offers very little to humans in the stage of their lives before birth. This present administration's lust for the destruction of life in the womb is unprecedented. The relentless manipulation to achieve abortion-on-demand at taxpayers' expense ever lurks behind every Executive Order and proposed legislation by the Obama Administration. America should have braced for a certain impact of such machinations when Kathleen Sebelius was appointed to head the Department of Health and Human Services.
Kathleen Sebelius has a long history of a pro-abortion agenda and partnership with the leading abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. During one of my many social activist projects, I had one of the most surreal experiences while in Kansas City at a public protest. It was at a fundraising event for Planned Parenthood where Kathleen Sebelius was in attendance, where I saw for the first time the most notorious abortionist of our era, George Tiller. I have to say, and this is not an attempt to dredge up his horrid past when it comes to killing babies, but at the time, I knew George Tiller was doing late term abortions, dressing the dead babies he had aborted in gowns, and then a church-going usher would officiate at the funeral service for the child with parents or mother in attendance. George Tiller and Kathleen Sebelius were the best of friends and he contributed heavily to her campaigns. In Kansas City I saw this man in person for the first time, and I must say, if a person ever knocked on my door and said his name was "Death," he would probably look just like George Tiller. It was deeply unnerving to see him. I remember when I asked local citizen and co-laborer, Dr. Bill Calvin, "Who is that?" When Dr. Calvin identified him, I was speechless.
Well, this same agenda and spirit is operating in Washington, DC. The Contraceptive Mandate implies there are too many humans which require the government to launch their social engineering legislation. In order to do this, of course you would have to ignore the Constitution, and hope there are enough tainted judges on the Supreme Court who feel the same way and desire to diminish the Constitution's influence in our lives. The president has one justice in his pocket and that's Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Recently on a trip to Egypt she was asked whether or not all constitutions of other nations should be relied upon as guides for the new regimes that are being formed. Her response about the document she has sworn to uphold was this: "I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a Constitution in the year 2012." Can you believe it? So, if she still desires to serve, it is with the sole purpose to "change" the Constitution until it mirrors her warped ideology.
Due to the contraceptive mandate by HHS, the church has received its mandate to go to the public square and demand their God given liberties be not stripped from them by the very nation that was birthed to uphold them. Times have changed and we are all seeing the change Barack Obama had in mind when he campaigned and won the highest office of the land. I believe all things work together for good and our president's aggressive socialistic agenda is awakening the sleeping giant from decades of a drunken social stupor. The hangover has done its damage and much like Mr. Rip Van Winkle, plenty has passed us by while we were in lala land. Yet now for the first time in a long time, the church is hearing the clarion call for justice and the preservation of the most profound sociopolitical document ever produced. Yes, that's what Dr. Martin Luther King declared in the struggle for Civil Rights in the 50s and 60s. Dr. King said,
"...this idea of the dignity and worth of human personality is expressed eloquently and unequivocally in the Declaration of Independence. 'All men,' it says, 'are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' Never has a sociopolitical document proclaimed more profoundly and eloquently the sacredness of human personality." "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, which among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..."
© Clenard Childress
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