Clenard Childress
What America has left behind
What would Martin say?
By Clenard Childress
This is The Urban Prophet's translation of II Chronicles 7:14 for America today as we ponder our present state of affairs.
God has done everything possible to get the Church to respond to the II Chronicles 7:14 mandate and to discern the times and seasons. This present administration just doesn't only support, but aggressively advocates the systematic child killing Abortion Industry, which has resulted in a genocidal effect on the Black Community. Over 21 million African-Americans have been mutilated and killed in the wombs of their mothers since Roe vs. Wade. As well, this same administration has determined that clergy, such as myself, are bigots for not performing same-sex marriages and recommends we should renounce our allegiance and loyalty to the Judeo-Christian Ethic bowing to a central government.
Then there is the insidious healthcare plan which declares the state now trumps faith and conscience. This legislation demands that religion must come under its regulation or else face the wrath of the state. Refusing to kill a child in the womb is no longer your prerogative; you must capitulate and assist in the process. One can hear the Angels in Heaven saying, "Surely there will be an outcry from the Church now." But this was not so... Only a few of its members, mostly Catholic, were moved to protest this outrageous legislation. And if that wasn't enough, the president of the United States approved a platform that would take the name of God out of the Democrat's National Convention Platform and denounce Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. With such blatant disregard for the Almighty, and the obvious pandering to the Muslim Brotherhood, you would think there would be an alarm sounded of such magnitude that every Protestant Denomination, the Catholic Church, and Jewish Synagogue would flee from this madness and withdraw their blind allegiance. But no... Most still went to the polls and pulled the lever voting for the very platform that booed God and Jerusalem as Israel's Capitol completely ignoring God.
As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King prophetically spoke at the Second Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan on February 28th, 1954, in a Sermon he entitled, "Rediscovering Lost Values," "America must rediscover lost values and remember there is a God in the process." I beg of you, read this message in its entirety, but to whet your appetite, here are a few excerpts from the prophet which timelessly speak so clearly to us today.
Once again the wrong crowd got its way, for when voters were offered the sanctity of life, they instead chose Barabbas. Why? To each his own... It was whom they deserved... Sadly, it's what we deserved. We have not rediscovered our lost values, and until we do, Barabbas will always be at the helm. It is interesting with Barabbas, that after the "vote" when their rationale was questioned in light of the comparison of the records of the candidates — Mathew 27:25- it was recorded they said, "Then answered all the people, and said, 'His blood be on us, and on our children.'" Who does abortion, marriage, and a failing school system hurt most? Children! We are not only being robbed by taxes, but more importantly, the future of our children, conscience, faith, and right standing with God.
"Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34
© Clenard Childress
November 15, 2012
This is The Urban Prophet's translation of II Chronicles 7:14 for America today as we ponder our present state of affairs.
"If my people which are called by My Name, will stop worrying about government providing for them and taking thought about provision, I have already promised them and begin to walk in and stand for righteousness, I have already given them, then, I will forgive them of their insecurity, I will repair their broken economy, I will restore their prosperity, and heal their land."
God has done everything possible to get the Church to respond to the II Chronicles 7:14 mandate and to discern the times and seasons. This present administration just doesn't only support, but aggressively advocates the systematic child killing Abortion Industry, which has resulted in a genocidal effect on the Black Community. Over 21 million African-Americans have been mutilated and killed in the wombs of their mothers since Roe vs. Wade. As well, this same administration has determined that clergy, such as myself, are bigots for not performing same-sex marriages and recommends we should renounce our allegiance and loyalty to the Judeo-Christian Ethic bowing to a central government.
Then there is the insidious healthcare plan which declares the state now trumps faith and conscience. This legislation demands that religion must come under its regulation or else face the wrath of the state. Refusing to kill a child in the womb is no longer your prerogative; you must capitulate and assist in the process. One can hear the Angels in Heaven saying, "Surely there will be an outcry from the Church now." But this was not so... Only a few of its members, mostly Catholic, were moved to protest this outrageous legislation. And if that wasn't enough, the president of the United States approved a platform that would take the name of God out of the Democrat's National Convention Platform and denounce Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. With such blatant disregard for the Almighty, and the obvious pandering to the Muslim Brotherhood, you would think there would be an alarm sounded of such magnitude that every Protestant Denomination, the Catholic Church, and Jewish Synagogue would flee from this madness and withdraw their blind allegiance. But no... Most still went to the polls and pulled the lever voting for the very platform that booed God and Jerusalem as Israel's Capitol completely ignoring God.
As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King prophetically spoke at the Second Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan on February 28th, 1954, in a Sermon he entitled, "Rediscovering Lost Values," "America must rediscover lost values and remember there is a God in the process." I beg of you, read this message in its entirety, but to whet your appetite, here are a few excerpts from the prophet which timelessly speak so clearly to us today.
"We've left a lot of precious values behind; we've lost a lot of precious values. And if we are to go Forward, if we are to make this a better world in which to live, we've got to go back. We've got to rediscover these precious values that we've left behind."
"The first is this — the first principle of value that we need to rediscover is this: that all reality hinges on moral foundations. In other words, that this is a moral universe, and that there are moral laws of the universe, just as abiding as the physical laws."
"The thing that we need in the world today, is a group of men and women who will stand up for right and be opposed to wrong, wherever it is. All I'm trying to say is, (Have mercy, my God) our world hinges on moral foundations. God has made it so! God has made the universe to be based on a moral law. (Lord help him) So long as man disobeys it he is revolting against God. That's what we need in the world today — people who will stand for right and goodness."
Once again the wrong crowd got its way, for when voters were offered the sanctity of life, they instead chose Barabbas. Why? To each his own... It was whom they deserved... Sadly, it's what we deserved. We have not rediscovered our lost values, and until we do, Barabbas will always be at the helm. It is interesting with Barabbas, that after the "vote" when their rationale was questioned in light of the comparison of the records of the candidates — Mathew 27:25- it was recorded they said, "Then answered all the people, and said, 'His blood be on us, and on our children.'" Who does abortion, marriage, and a failing school system hurt most? Children! We are not only being robbed by taxes, but more importantly, the future of our children, conscience, faith, and right standing with God.
"Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34
© Clenard Childress
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