Curtis Dahlgren
"Historic" blunder: From here to insanity, it's the stupidity, Stupid
By Curtis Dahlgren
March 22, 2010

JUST DON'T CELEBRATE TOO HARD JUST YET; America had already told you "no," and now, like yer momma, she's gonna say that "No" means "NOOOO!" The President says in effect that if you like to have your mouth shut, you git to keep it shut. In your dreams!

Someone told me last week to shut up because "no one's opinion is less valid than anyone else's"! If so, that person isn't going to like this column. I'm sorry, but your facts aren't "as valid" as ours. Comparing Paul Ryan's facts with the President's "facts" is like comparing navel oranges to navels.

"TRUST ME," you socio-sophists, the Messiah hasn't arrived yet; if He had, you wouldn't need CNN to tell you that He had. "Trust me," the King doesn't have the Midas touch yet. The Emporer couldn't pay for this package even if he did have the Midas touch.

Speaking of "no one's opinion is less valid than anyone else's," that's the rule on the Left side of the aisle; the underqualified Speaker's opinions are about as "valid" as whatever she wants her underqualified underlings to believe they believe (which is whatever the naked Emporer wants Nancy to believe). They made a mockery of the Season. It was just a Sunday afternoon's walk in the Dark.

All that was, Sunday, was a game of political chicken and the chickens won the booby prize, that's all. It was "historic" all right — a historic blunder. They weren't even voting on an actual Bill, but on "changes" to something "deemed" to have passed already. They're going to back-date the "whatever" that comes out the back door of the Capitol building.

The Emporer said last week that "whatever" the House would vote on was [essentially] a vote on "healthcare." WRONG. It was a vote on a takeover of CARE by the Emporer's branch of the government, and they obviously don't CARE about our "opinion" — or US. We can now — essentially — move on to a new paradigm in which he is deemed to be, essentially, "Presidente for LIFE" (never mind the lives of babies unborn, or the elderly).

In my March 1, 2009 column I noted a headline: "Assisted suicide becomes a front-burner issue." Yes how pithy. There are six degrees of separation between sanctified human life and expendable life, and that first step is a doozie. "No surprise there," I wrote. "When government 'pays,' government rations." This is how the gas ovens become "front-burner issues," historically speaking. "The Jury is hung while Washington weeps"*

I couldn't sleep last night, and when I got up and turned on the radio at 11 PM, it was ironic that I heard the news over a Chicago station, even though I live in the U.P. of Michigan. I guess I haven't moved far enough north yet. The news was:

"The House passed, 219-214, 'health care reform' and it will become law when signed" (as Rush predicted), but that "changes" will be made "later."

I got an e-mail from Oboma this morning. The subject line is "This is what change looks like" [so this is IT — present tense?]. I'm going to save it for laughs. That's the best punch line I've heard in a long time! I'm so broke I picked up a penny in "change" yesterday.

What change? You mean like your check is in the mail? "Of course we'll respect you chumps in the morning"? Never mind where all this is going; getting there is half the fun! Jen Shroder says that Oboma is like a bad date who won't take no for an answer [isn't that "harassment"?].

The Presidente should have signed it before midnight, before his limo turned into a punkin.

A margin of 5 votes out of 433 is just a smidgeon over 1 percent. I want a recount, like the one in Minnesota; 219-214 is almost like receiving a commendation from your baseball team and having the tie vote broken by the manager. Where was the parliamentarian anyway, out with one of John Edwards' old girl friends?

I see my census form asks if Person 1 in my house sometimes lives "somewhere else." Yes, I sometimes live in better dreams about America with better angels than this, but I'm not about to tell them that. A psychiatrist would call these "racing thoughts," and it's a good thing I didn't get the long census form that asks if anyone in my household has trouble concentrating or other handicaps. That 3/01/09 column said:

"The dominant news media — the Pravda/Izvestia wing — routinely label their 'obstructionist' opponents as 'stupid' and 'controversial' — even the intellectuals among us, ala the good ol' Soviet Union. How long before we get sent to reeducation camps? Maybe the Left will find a use for Alaska yet: just send all those pesky 'right-wingers' up there!"

"The people are the obstacle to dictators." — Rush Limbaugh (3/17/10)

Has President Oboma finally jumped the shark? At least 47 percent of the People think he has and 46 percent think he hasn't, and the rest are either undecided or indulging in March Madness. The Ides of March lasted a whole year this year. That's how long it took to pass "reform" (in a sort-of way). If this thing is such a good idea, why did it take so long? Who looks "stupid" now?

All the polls show the approval rating for Congress around 14 percent and heading for single digits. Hey Bart, did you know that this isn't golf? The lowest score doesn't win. Don't give up your day job in Michigan if you can find one. Lotsa luck on the Executive order on abortion funding, or keeping everyone happy in the 1st District of Michigan.

The theory is that if women want abortion insurance, they must write out a check for the ["government approved"] coverage, but with most of those types qualifying for subsidies, Uncle Sam is essentially paying for the abortion. And there is no "morning after pill" for Uncle when all these bills come due for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Kool-Aid.

Bill Murchison wrote a column entitled "The Season of Penitance" (2/25/09) and said:

"Boy, do we humans blow it at times! Are we moronic (or worse)! Such are [the season's] logical lessons: hard to grasp when the hedge funds are soaring, and borrowing a house is easy as driving up to one and walking in [but] . . . "

I don't know who, but someone once said, "Sin isn't hurtful because it's forbidden; it's forbidden because it's hurtful."

Uncontrolled spending and stealing "other people's money," is both sinful and hurtful. Uncle Sam has not only jumped the shark, but he wants to jump Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Sally all over again. I keep hearing radio commercials advertising "programs" that reward those who have over $10,000 in credit card debt, etc by stealing the taxes of people who worked harder and paid their mortgages and other bills. And every time I go to the credit union, I see more ads for repossessed vehicles.

"Consequences are unpitying . . . It always remains true that if we had been greater, circumstance would have been less strong against us." — George Eliot

That sound you hear isn't a marching band smothered in confetti. It's just the piper. I mean, if you go to the Big Dance, yo gotta pay the piper, they say. Eliot (Mary Ann Cross) said:

"The egoism which enters into our theories does not affect their sincerity; rather, the more our egoism is satisfied, the more robust is our belief . .

"Falsehood is easy, truth so difficult . . . An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry."

Yeah, right.

*P.S. That other sound you hear is Washington weeping (they all look pretty grim, don't they?).

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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