Selwyn Duke
Barack Obama's Attention Deficit Disorder
By Selwyn Duke
July 2, 2010

(Originally published at American Thinker)

While I'm no fan of the Attention Deficit Disorder diagnosis, I think it may be applicable to Barack Obama. After all, the man seems to suffer from a case of it that mainlining Ritalin wouldn't remedy.

Just consider Obama's relationship with Jeremiah Wright. Despite calling the prejudiced preacher a friend, mentor and uncle, despite sitting in Wrong's church for 20 years, despite being married and having his daughters baptized by him, Obama says he was completely unaware of the bigot's anti-American, anti-white, anti-Jewish, anti-Western and anti-Christian views. And, just so we can appreciate the severity of Obama's affliction, Wrong has quite conveniently provided a reminder of what those unforgettable views are. The scene was a five-day seminar at the Chicago Theological Seminary where, for a mere $1000 if taken for college credit and $300 if not, you could be enlightened by Wrong on matters of race, brotherhood and Zionism and kibitz with him during lunch breaks. Reporting on the wisdom he imparted, the New York Post wrote:

    "You are not now, nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be a brother to white folk," he [Wrong] said. "And if you do not realize that, you are in serious trouble."

    He cited the writings of Bill Jones — author of the book "Is God a White Racist?" — as proof that white people cannot be trusted. "Bill said, 'They just killed four of their own at Kent State. They'll step on you like a cockroach and keep on movin', cause you not a brother to them.' "

    Wright referred to Italians as "Mamma Luigi" and "pizzeria." He said the educational system in America is designed by whites to miseducate blacks "not by benign neglect but by malignant intent."

Wrong also said, "We probably have more African-Americans who've been brainwashed than we have South Africans who've been brainwashed" and "All your commentaries are written by oppressors."

As for Wrong's oppression, whatever its nature, it's quite a pleasant one. A few months ago he relocated to a new, opulent, million-dollar home that boasts its own cul-de-sac and proximity to a golf course.

And then there is the oppression of mental deficiencies. What I mean is, since Wrong doesn't seem like a shy, retiring type who hides deeply held views from his inner circle, I can only conclude that Obama's ADD kicked in again. Obama never assimilated the aforementioned wisdom from his longtime pastor. He never heard Wrong bellow "The US of KKK-A!" or "G**d**n America!" Instead, Obama said about his friend, "Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms." "Heard?" Or is it more like "in one ear and out the other"? Whatever. Perhaps, when Wrong's lips were moving, Obama was thinking about golf or basketball or singing "The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round" in his mind while bobbing his head side-to-side.

Of course, we must show compassion for the handicapped, and this is another area where Wrong is found wanting. In an apparent reference to Obama, the "reverend" said that black leaders were guilty of "cuttin' and duckin'" at the mention of Louis Farrakhan's name. But can he be so sure? Maybe Obama never really "heard" anything Farrakhan said.

Given this deficiency, though, we have to wonder what, if anything, Obama has learned or is capable of learning. Will he come to understand that bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing to humanity for America's alleged sins (which, presumably, he has heard about) doesn't engender respect in this streetwise world? Can he figure out that if even thoroughly statist European leaders reject his global stimulus plan, spending your way to oblivion isn't prudent economics? Can he grasp that if an oil gusher was spewing oil into the ocean yesterday, and the hole hasn't been plugged, that it will spew oil into the ocean today? Can he learn that, if foreign companies with expertise in oil clean-up wish to help in the Gulf, it probably isn't a good idea to decline their services based on a protectionist 1920 law? Can he fathom that if our border was porous yesterday, and hasn't been sealed, that it will be porous today? Can he learn that illegal means illegal, that amnesty for criminals yields more criminality, and that when "undocumented" weapons of mass destruction come across our southern back door we'll end up with a very well-documented 9/11-squared? Can he learn — anything — or does the brain shut down with the teleprompter and start to alpha-theta-wave flatline?

So perhaps Obama isn't just our first "black" president but also our first ADD president. At least, that's what the idea that he could carry on a deep, 20-year relationship with Wrong and not know of the man's vile views — and not share them to some degree — suggests. Of course, there is another possibility:

Barack Obama is a liar.

Barack Obama is a radical, a demagogue and a clear and present danger to these United States.

Perhaps the Americans who voted for Obama need to consider that he not only is one of Wrong's fellow travelers (the title of Obama's second book, The Audacity of Hope, came from one of Wrong's sermons) but, just as damnably, only "threw him under the bus" when Wrong became a political liability; that Obama apologizes because he — and his wife, who said that she never had been proud of America as an adult — are consumed with the typical left-wing hatred of the U.S.; that he spends trillions we don't have because he's an out-of-touch fool or, worse still, wants to collapse the free-market system; that he instituted an unconstitutional health-care plan because the nationalization of healthcare is a tenet of communism; that he allows the Gulf's ecosystem to be damaged in deference to unions or, worse still, because he wants to provide impetus for his cap-and-tax scheme; and that he wants our nation flooded with unassimilable foreigners because he knows that such people, once naturalized, will vote for him and his fellow leftists to the tune of 90 percent.

In 2008, Barack Obama (I'll clean this figure of speech up a bit) spit down Americans' backs and told them it was rainin', and 53 percent of us believed him. Many of us still do. But it's time to grow up and wise up — because our time is almost up. That deluge of national destruction running down your back is not some unexplainable natural phenomenon. It is the effluent that naturally flows when you elect Marxists, malcontents and miscreants to office.

© Selwyn Duke


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