Randy Engel column
Randy Engel, one of the nation's top investigative reporters, began her journalistic career shortly after her graduation from the University of New York at Cortland, in 1961. A specialist in Vietnamese history and folklore, in 1963, she became the editor of The Vietnam Journal, the official publication of the Vietnam Refugee and Information Services, a national relief program in South Vietnam for war refugees and orphans based in Dayton, Ohio. She recorded for the Voice of America and Radio Saigon. In 1970, she received the Distinguished Service Medal for "exceptional and meritorious service to Vietnam."

In addition to her writings and relief work on behalf of the VRIS, in the mid-1960s, Randy Engel developed an intense interest in pro-life issues including population control, abortion and eugenics, putting her on the ground floor of the emerging Pro-Life Movement. In 1972, she founded the U.S. Coalition for Life in Pittsburgh, Pa., an international pro-life research and investigative agency, and began editing the USCL's official publication, the Pro-Life Reporter. Her four-year study on the eugenic policies and programs of the March of Dimes titled "Who Will Defend Michael?" quickly put the USCL on the map as the finest pro-life research agency in the U.S.

Her investigative findings documenting the rise of the federal government's anti-life programs at home and abroad served as the basis for her testimony before Congressional hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Randy Engel's groundbreaking investigative findings related to US/AID abortion and sterilization programs in Latin and South America, Asia and Africa were instrumental in bringing about major pro-life changes in the Agency for International Development's foreign assistance programs.

Many of her original research publications for the USCL including A March of Dimes Primer: the A-Z of Eugenic Abortion, and The Pathfinder Fund: A Study of US/AID Anti-Life Funding have become pro-life classics and continue to enjoy wide circulation.

In 1995, the veteran pro-life researcher exposed the long-standing eugenic abortion record of Dr. Henry Foster, President Bill Clinton's nominee for U.S. Surgeon General, resulting in the Senate's failure to approve the nomination.

Sex Education: The Final Plague, Randy Engel's first full-length book on the sexual conditioning of Catholic school children was published by Human Life International (Baltimore, MD) in 1989 and later by Tan Publishers (Rockville, IL). Her second book, The McHugh Chronicles: Who Betrayed the Pro-Life Movement? was published in 1997, while she continued to gather researching material and conduct interviews for The Rite of Sodomy.

Over the last forty years, Randy Engel's articles have appeared in numerous Catholic publications including Liguorian Magazine, Our Sunday Visitor, The Wanderer, Catholic Family News and the Homiletic and Pastoral Review. She has received numerous awards for excellence in investigative journalism including the prestigious Linacre Quarterly Award for Distinguished Writing by the Catholic Medical Association.

Meticulous documentation and references and easy readability are the hallmarks of Randy Engel's investigative writings, and The Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church is no exception to the rule. The 1,318-page text contains over 3000 endnotes, a bibliography of over 350 books, is fully indexed and reads like a top-flight mystery thriller - except that it is not fiction - it is true.

A Documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part IX
Randy Engel
June 17, 2024

Introduction The case of Robert Philip Hanssen, super spy and a supernumerary of Opus Dei, was officially closed on May 10, 2002, when Judge Claude Hilton in . . .

A documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part VIII
Randy Engel
June 10, 2024

Knights Funding of Opus Dei “Apostolates” Any study of how the Knights of Columbus billion dollar insurance business has or has not, in some way, . . .

A documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part VII
Randy Engel
June 6, 2024

Introduction As noted early, much of this series is about relationships – the relationship between organizations, that is, between Opus Dei and the Knights . . .

A documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part VI
Randy Engel
May 24, 2024

Introduction As noted in Part I of this series, because so much of Opus Dei’s intrigues are shrouded in the deepest of secrecy, it’s impossible for . . .

A Documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part V
Randy Engel
May 21, 2024

Introduction Although the June 26, 2023 International Ecclesiastical Institutional Complaint Against Opus Dei for Regulatory Fraud Against the Holy See and . . .

A Documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part IV
Randy Engel
May 14, 2024

Introduction Thus far, the reader has been provided with key background information on the activities of the Knights of Columbus in modern times, information . . .

A Documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part III
Randy Engel
May 10, 2024

Jim Dennany vs. Knights of Columbus The Jim Dennany Sex Abuse Case Federal lawsuit, Case No.: 10-CV-1961, and the John Doe No. 1 [Hector Stone] Case No. 3:1 . . .

A documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus: The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part II
Randy Engel
May 6, 2024

Introduction Under Virgil Dechant’s leadership, the Knights of Columbus, that is, the local rank and file of the Knights, continued to raise millions of . . .

A documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus: The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part I
Randy Engel
May 3, 2024

Introduction In the business world, a “takeover bid” is defined as an attempt by a competing person or entity to gain control of a company by buying up . . .

The life and times of Archbishop John R. Quinn & friends: A study of the West Coast homosexual network, Part IV
Randy Engel
June 18, 2023

Introduction According to former Benedictine monk and psychotherapist-writer Richard Sipe: In 2004 a reliable source of information about the Catholic . . .

The life and times of Archbishop John R. Quinn & friends: A study of the West Coast homosexual network, Part III
Randy Engel
June 12, 2023

Introduction: It is a common myth among Catholic pew sitters that the harm caused by habituated clerical sodomites only affects the moral sphere, but do not . . .

The life and times of Archbishop John R. Quinn & friends: A study of the West Coast homosexual network, Part II
Randy Engel
June 9, 2023

Introduction On October 21, 1967, at the age of 38, Pope Paul VI appointed John Rafael Quinn an auxiliary bishop of San Diego under Bishop Francis J. Furey. . . .

The life and times of Archbishop John R. Quinn & friends: A study of the West Coast homosexual network, Part I
Randy Engel
June 6, 2023

Introduction This series chronicles the life and times of homosexual Archbishop John Rafael Quinn (1929-2017) and his homosexual hierarchical entourage, . . .

A defense of Catholic sexual morality & condemnation of the Synodal Way, Part I
Randy Engel
February 13, 2023

Introduction If there is one lesson that faithful Catholics the world-over need to learn from the more than half-century of the rule of the Robber . . .

Bishop James T. McHugh: The forgotten man in the McCarrick equation (Part 5)
Randy Engel
August 26, 2022

The USCCB and the Forgotten Constitutional Human Life Amendment Bishop James T. McHugh was called to his Maker some twenty-two years ago on December 10, 2000 . . .

Bishop James T. McHugh: The forgotten man in the McCarrick equation (Part 4)
Randy Engel
August 23, 2022

The Creation of a Catholic Prolife Bureaucracy In the fourth installment of this series on the influence of Bishop James T. McHugh and other homosexual . . .

Bishop James T. McHugh: The forgotten man in the McCarrick equation (Part 3)
Randy Engel
August 14, 2022

Lost time can never be regained There’s a saying that “History repeats itself,” which is true enough from a macro-point of view. But history . . .

Bishop James T. McHugh: The forgotten man in the McCarrick equation (Part 2)
Randy Engel
August 7, 2022

Cardinal Cody Betrays Early Prolife Movement There are two important historical footnotes to be added to this aforementioned tragic scenario before zeroing . . .

Bishop James T. McHugh: The forgotten man in the McCarrick equation
Randy Engel
August 1, 2022

[Author’s Note: The following five-part series, “Bishop James T. McHugh – The Forgotten Man in the McCarrick Equation,” first appeared in The Catholic . . .

A national write-in campaign to refocus the U.S. Supreme Court’s attention on the unborn child
Randy Engel
May 19, 2022

From: U.S. Coalition for Life, Export, PA To: Prolife Americans of All Ages, Creeds, and Racial/Ethnic Backgrounds Date: From May 15, 2022 – Until . . .

$450 billion stolen from U.S. Covid-19 Economic Relief Program
Randy Engel
April 10, 2022

Introduction Revised: Biggest Thefts In World History As of the late fall of 2021, the American taxpayer has been swindled out of a minimum of $450,000,0 . . .

Book review by Randy Engel of Boomers’ Families – How a Generation Became a Force for Destruction
Randy Engel
March 9, 2022

This reviewer missed being cataloged as a “Baby Boomer” (1946-1964) by seven years. I was born on New Year's Eve, 1939, to Italian and Portuguese . . .

The Salk Vaccine and Covid-19 – Lessons never learned, Part V
Randy Engel
November 21, 2021

Lessons Americans Never Learned The following is a summary by Dr. Herbert Ratner of lessons Americans should have and needed to learn from the Salk vaccine . . .

The Salk Vaccine and Covid-19 – Lessons never learned, Part IV
Randy Engel
November 19, 2021

Reports of Paralysis and Death Begin On April 25, 1955, the first reported case of paralysis from the Salk vaccine came into the NIH’s Laboratory of . . .

The Salk vaccine and Covid-19 – Lessons never learned, Part III
Randy Engel
November 14, 2021

The NF/MOD Timetable for the Salk Vaccine(s) As noted in Part II, Dr. Jonas Salk was only one of the many polio researchers funded by the NFIP, now better . . .

The Salk vaccine and Covid-19 – Lessons never learned, Part II
Randy Engel
November 12, 2021

Introduction There’s a short 16th century adage – “Live and Learn.” But if the current Covid-19 deadly vaccine fiasco is any indication of what . . .

The Salk vaccine and Covid-19—Lessons never learned
Randy Engel
October 31, 2021

Background on Government Propaganda Machines Introduction The danger of government lies and the implications of official deception of whole peoples . . .

Bill mandating women register for the draft is a camel’s nose under the tent
Randy Engel
September 11, 2021

Dear Renew America Friends, The enemies of God, family, and country never sleep. While Americans are preoccupied and distracted by the Covid-19 Plandemic, . . .

The McCarrick Report – After the dust has settled
Randy Engel
March 10, 2021

First published in Catholic Family News Introduction It’s been almost twenty years since this writer introduced St. Peter Damian’s moral masterpiece, . . .

America rising – The awakening of the sleeping giant
Randy Engel
January 8, 2021

I think the pro-Trump March was a wake-up call to the millions of Americans who were not in DC on January 6th but wish they were.  . . .

Join the international boycott of Hallmark at Christmas time and forever
Randy Engel
November 22, 2020

Please circulate to family and friends and pastors: Hi Everyone – Last year the US Coalition for Life managed to clip the homosexual “Christmas” . . .

The case against “ABORTION CONSENSUS”—The prolife movement at the crossroads
Randy Engel
October 23, 2020

[Note from the author: This article was originally part of a series appearing in The Catholic Inquisitor titled “Bishop James T. McHugh – The Forgotten Man . . .

The tactics of Opus Dei
Randy Engel
May 2, 2020

“The things of Opus Dei – Where is the power of Opus today, how does it exercise it, who is channeling it, in what media does it influence or where . . .

Knights of Columbus dump Crux–Who picked up the slack?
Randy Engel
April 30, 2020

Who’s Carrying Water For Crux and Allen In 2020? Now that the Knights of Columbus have cut off their financial support of Crux, who has picked up the . . .

Knights of Columbus dump Crux–Who picked up the slack?
Randy Engel
April 29, 2020

Inés San Martín – Crux Rome Bureau Chief Inés San Martín worked for the Boston Globe and John Allen, Jr. in Rome, Italy, as Crux’s Vatican . . .

Knights of Columbus dump Crux–Who picked up the slack?
Randy Engel
April 27, 2020

A Backgrounder on John L. Allen, Jr. On its home page, Fort Hays State University states it is “proud to offer an immersive, advanced education to hard . . .

Knights of Columbus dump Crux–Who picked up the slack?
Randy Engel
April 22, 2020

Knights of Columbus Bail Out Liberal Crux Remember all the publicity and fanfare back in March of 2016 when the Knights of Columbus proudly announced that . . .

Hugh Moore and his pathogenic population control schemes[1], and why every Catholic needs to remember his name
Randy Engel
March 29, 2020

Introduction In recent years, the anti-life conjoined twins of the Climate Change Movement and the Neo-Malthusian Movement of the 20th century have merged to . . .

"Good afternoon Mr. Alison, this is Pope Francis calling"
Randy Engel
February 17, 2020

Introduction – Early this fall, Associate Editor Robert Shine of the pro-homosexual pseudo-Catholic New Ways Ministry published an article titled "Pope . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian Letter #10
Randy Engel
January 2, 2020

December 23, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Once again, welcome to the League of Saint Peter Damian. Two-thousand nineteen anno Domini is . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian Letter #9
Randy Engel
December 26, 2019

November 23, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Once again, welcome to the League of Saint Peter Damian. Two-thousand nineteen anno Domini . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian Letter #8
Randy Engel
December 24, 2019

October 23, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome, once again to the League of Saint Peter Damian. Two-thousand nineteen anno Domini is the . . .

Soros-backed euthanasia version of Roe vs Wade coming to the Senate floor - Act now!
Randy Engel
December 10, 2019

Introduction Remember the old Sangerite adage, "Birth Control without Death Control is useless? Well, the U.S. government has been in the Birth Control . . .

Hey! Catholics! Lifetime and "Gay" Liberation just sent you a message! Did you get it?
Randy Engel
December 8, 2019

Introduction Last week, as the founder and executive director of the U.S. Coalition for Life[1] I began sending out an email/National Alert titled "The 'Kiss . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian Letter #7
Randy Engel
October 21, 2019

September 23, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome, once again, to the League of Saint Peter Damian. Two-thousand nineteen anno Domini is . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian Letter #5
Randy Engel
August 4, 2019

July & August 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome, once again, to the League of Saint Peter Damian. Two-thousand nineteen anno . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian Letter #4
Randy Engel
July 9, 2019

June 23, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome, once again, to the League of Saint Peter Damian, and thank you for inviting the League into . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian Letter #3
Randy Engel
June 11, 2019

May 23, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome, once again, to the League of Saint Peter Damian. Two-thousand nineteen anno Domini is the . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian Letter #2
Randy Engel
June 2, 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome, once again, to the League of Saint Peter Damian. Two-thousand nineteen anno Domini is the year of the League's . . .

National alert: PBS promoting sodomy and lesbianism among children
Randy Engel
May 15, 2019

Dear Friends – Every tax-paying American citizen "contributes" $1.35 a year to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting – self-identified as  . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian
Randy Engel
May 12, 2019

Originally published in the Catholic Inquisitorfor March/April 2019 March 23, 2019 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Welcome to the League of . . .

Sex abuse victims and clerical suicide – A study of the toxic legacy of clerical molestation
Randy Engel
April 29, 2019

Introduction On February 21-24, 2019, Pope Francis will convene an international "summit" on clerical sexual abuse and the protection of minors (and . . .

Pederasty and paedophilia – What's the difference? And what difference does it make? Part II
Randy Engel
April 4, 2019

A Short Primer on the Nature of Perversion One of the unique hallmarks of contemporary society has been the successful organization, politicalization, and in . . .

Fallen Order – Homosexual Pederasty in the Roman Catholic Church: Part I
Randy Engel
April 2, 2019

Introduction Picture this scene if you will – A religious superior, a devout priest and founder of a relatively new religious order dedicated to the . . .

The League of Saint Peter Damian in formation
Randy Engel
February 18, 2019

February 16, 2019 From: Randy Engel February 23 is the feast day on the Old Calendar of Saint Peter Damian, a Doctor of the Church and the author of the . . .

The Gaztelueta trial ends with a guilty verdict, Opus Dei appeals ruling to Supreme Court
Randy Engel
February 12, 2019

Introduction The following is a six-day account of the historic trial of Opus Dei numerary, José María Martínez Sanz, on charges of sexually assaulting a . . .

Amoris Laetitia and "Sex Education:" Does Francis really love children and the family?
Randy Engel
January 29, 2019

A New Introduction The following article "Amoris Laetitia and 'Sex Education,'" appeared on the AKA Catholic website of April 29, 2016. At the time, Pope . . .

What the Catholic hierarchy should know about clerical pederasty
Randy Engel
January 23, 2019

First Published on AKA Catholic, December 31, 2018 Introduction In late August of this year, following the release of the Office of the Attorney General's . . .

The strange case of Archbishop John Clayton Nienstedt Part IV Opus Dei's Role in the Viganò Affair
Randy Engel
December 26, 2018

Introduction This is the fourth and concluding installment of my series on Archbishop John C. Nienstedt and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the Papal Nuncio . . .

Remembering Cardinal Hans Hermann Groër, O.S.B
Randy Engel
November 12, 2018

It's been more than 23 years since the Cardinal Hans Groër, O.S.B sex abuse scandal erupted in Vienna, Austria. Recently, while researching the Cardinal . . .

Dear Friends in Christ
Randy Engel
November 3, 2018

First it was "Queering the Youth Vote" in 2008. Then, in 2012, it was "Queering the Church," which has been changed to http://queerchurch.com/. As Catholic . . .

The strange case of Archbishop John Clayton Nienstedt, Part III
Randy Engel
October 23, 2018

Introduction On August 26, 2018, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the Papal Nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016, issued a "Statement by Archbishop . . .

Randy Engel interview with Mr. Juan Cuatrecasas on the Gaztelueta sex abuse case
Randy Engel
October 14, 2018

[Note: The following interview with Mr. Juan Cuatrecasas Asua is a follow-up to the detailed investigative report of the Gaztelueta sex abuse case by this . . .

The strange case of Archbishop John Clayton Nienstedt, Part II
Randy Engel
September 1, 2018

The following series first appeared In "The Catholic Inquisitor" July-August 2018 The First Secret Investigation of Nienstedt – Cast of Main Characters . . .

The strange case of Archbishop John Clayton Nienstedt, Part I – A homosexual cleric on the fast track
Randy Engel
August 30, 2018

The following series first appeared in The Catholic Inquisitor July-August 2018 Introduction Who can expect the flock to prosper when its shepherd has . . .

The "Uncle Teddy" McCarrick case
Randy Engel
June 29, 2018

Introduction It's been an "open secret," for almost 100 years, that the American hierarchy has been plagued by homosexual/pederast predators within its ranks . . .

Tales from the Humanae Vitae Diaries
Randy Engel
June 28, 2018

Introduction This new occasional series titled "Tales from the Humanae Vitae Diaries" is based on my upcoming two-volume book set on Population Control and . . .

The Gaztelueta sex abuse case: Opus Dei on trial - Part II
Randy Engel
April 13, 2018

Pope Francis Enters the Fray While Prosecutor Calparsoro was pondering his future actions on the Gaztelueta case, albeit without any real enthusiasm for . . .

The Gaztelueta sex abuse case: Opus Dei on trial - Part I
Randy Engel
April 12, 2018

LAUNCELOT: Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of the knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his own child. Well, old man, I will tell . . .

"Postscripts to the Jones/Voris Affair"
Randy Engel
October 9, 2017

Introduction This is the third and final installment to my first two articles, "All the Men Behind the Opus Dei Curtain," and "On the First Anniversary of . . .

On the first anniversary of the Voris/Jones affair
Randy Engel
July 13, 2017

July 2017 On April 20, 2017, E. Michael Jones posted the following letter to my earlier commentary "All the Men Behind the Opus Dei Curtain," a study of the . . .

"All the Men Behind the Opus Dei Curtain"
Randy Engel
April 19, 2017

Introduction "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."  . . .

Contemporary Nestorian heretic exhorts his flock: "Mary is not the Mother of God"
Randy Engel
December 31, 2016

Down under, and I mean "really down under," in the Australian Diocese of Wollongong in New South Wales, a Roman Catholic priest by the name of Father Rick . . .

Book review of Marrano by John Bishop
Randy Engel
December 16, 2016

MARRANO by Randy Engel, New Engel Publishing, 2015. Paperback, 554 pp. Available from NEP, Box 356, Export, Pennsylvania 15632, USA. Price: $20 (plus $5 . . .

Francis repeats use of vile words associated with sexual perversion in a public forum
Randy Engel
December 9, 2016

On November 9, 2013, this reporter wrote an Open Letter to Pope Francis "On a Papal Commission of Inquiry into Homosexuality, Pederasty and La Lobby Gay in the . . .

The sex abuse case against Father Anthony J. Cipolla
Randy Engel
December 3, 2016

Introduction As I indicated earlier in this series, the Pittsburgh Diocese's mishandling and cover-up of the Father Anthony Cipolla Case in the late 1970s . . .

The sex abuse case against Father Anthony J. Cipolla
Randy Engel
November 30, 2016

Introduction Father Anthony Joseph Cipolla was born on August 29, 1943 in Rochester, PA, a borough of Beaver County. He was the youngest of five children  . . .

The sex abuse case against Father Anthony J. Cipolla
Randy Engel
November 28, 2016

Introduction On the morning of Tuesday, August 30, 2016, the former Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Roman Catholic priest, Father Anthony Joseph Cipolla, 73, died . . .

Interview of Randy Engel with John Vennari on Amoris Laetitia and "Sex Education"
Randy Engel
June 21, 2016

J.V. Pope Francis' pronouncement in Amoris Laetitia on "The Need for Sex Education," appears in Chapter Seven, titled "Towards a Better Education of Children," . . .

Saint Peter Damian - Part II
Randy Engel
March 28, 2016

Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As to be hated needs but to be seen; Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then . . .

Saint Peter Damian -- Part I
Randy Engel
March 25, 2016

Introduction February 23rd on the traditional Roman Catholic calendar is the feast day of one of the greatest saints in the Church, Saint Peter Damian (1007 . . .

Pope Francis, the divinization of change, and the new world order
Randy Engel
January 22, 2016

Introduction According to Vatican Radio, on Monday, January 18, 2016, the day after Pope Francis' visit to the Great Synagogue of Rome, the pontiff delivered . . .

Headlines we'd love to read -- Pope unveils secret encyclical
Randy Engel
May 28, 2015

[Author's note: Renew America readers who are Gilbert and Sullivan comic operetta fans will recall the haunting refrain sung by the chorus concerning the zeal . . .

Michael Fund researcher opens door to Down syndrome fetal therapies
Randy Engel
March 9, 2014

Introduction It is my honor and privilege, as the co-founder and Executive Director of the Michael Fund to announce a major breakthrough in prenatal . . .

Randy Engel interview with Mr. Charles Parlato, the producer of Nicaea -- The Movie
Randy Engel
February 6, 2014

Introduction In my first Renew America column of August 8, 2013, on the epic film masterpiece Nicaea currently in production, I highlighted the basic themes . . .

Vatican hires world's leading pro-homosexual corporations as advisors
Randy Engel
January 1, 2014

Introduction In their efforts to bring "transparency" and "efficiency" and "financial reform" to the Government of the Vatican City State (the "Governatorato . . .

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo: for the record
Randy Engel
November 17, 2013

Introduction On November 12, 2013, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of the Diocese of Galveston-Houston was elected on the third ballot of the assembled American . . .

An open letter to Pope Francis
Randy Engel
November 10, 2013

On a Papal Commission of Inquiry into Homosexuality, Pederasty and La Lobby Gay in The Catholic . . .

Catholic Castle -- a monthly online magazine for the Catholic family
Randy Engel
October 8, 2013

Randy Engel: I'd like to thank you David, and your wife Rosemary and daughter Helen for the opportunity to discuss your very exciting literary breakthrough in . . .

NICAEA -- an inspiration epic movie in the making
Randy Engel
August 8, 2013

Artist Giulio Romano's (1499-1546) breathtaking rendering of the Battle of Milvian Introduction Following in the tradition of Mel Gibson's ground . . .

Catholic Relief Services -- another anti-life laundry for the death peddlers
Randy Engel
July 23, 2013

Strike One It's time the American Bishops applied the "three strikes and you're out" rule to Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the United States Conference of . . .

Randy Engel interview with Dr. Marthe Gautier, discoverer of trisomy 21
Randy Engel
March 6, 2013

RE : Dr. Gautier, before we begin this interview, I want to thank you for recommending to me the remarkable book by Professor Peter Harper of Cardiff University . . .

"Liar, liar, pants on fire"
Randy Engel
February 28, 2013

On Monday, February 25, 2013, at St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park, Calif., Cardinal William Levada gave a media conference at which he defended the presence . . .

"Pittsburgh Catholic Magazine runs favorable story on Andy Warhol AKA 'Angel of Death'"
Randy Engel
July 19, 2012

Introduction In a recent Family Life special publication of Pittsburgh Catholic Magazine, distributed by the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Bishop David A Zubik . . .

Sisters in rebellion - non serviam (Part III)
Randy Engel
April 26, 2012

I have seen the bands of ecclesiastical predators expel lesbians and gay Christians from our churches, relegate women to second-class citizenship, and support . . .

Sisters in rebellion - non serviam (Part II)
Randy Engel
April 23, 2012

"Regulars, as well men, as women, shall order and regulate their lives in accordance with the requirements of the rule which they have professed; and above all . . .

Sisters in rebellion - non serviam (Part I)
Randy Engel
April 22, 2012

In a papal audience of November 17, 2008, Pope Benedict XVI, acting upon the initiative of Franc Cardinal Rodé, C.M., Prefect of the Congregation for . . .

"The Sirico Brief" makes news again - controversial priest to address Catholic men's conference (Part II)
Randy Engel
April 13, 2012

Sirico's Conversion to Libertarianism The year 1977 was a pivotal one in Robert Sirico's life. As he tells it, an unnamed friend introduced him to the world . . .

"The Sirico Brief" makes news again - controversial priest to address Catholic men's conference
Randy Engel
April 12, 2012

Introduction On April 14, 2012, the Catholic Men's Fellowship (CMF) of Pittsburgh is holdings its 7th annual gathering of Catholic men at Duquesne . . .

Book review: Finis Vitae -- Is "Brain Death" True Death?
Randy Engel
January 27, 2012

"Why Does A Corpse Need Anesthesia? — A Hundred and One Questions and Answers on the Fiction of 'Brain Death' . . .

Book review: Finis Vitae -- Is "Brain Death" True Death?
Randy Engel
January 17, 2012

"Why Does A Corpse Need Anesthesia? — A Hundred and One Questions and Answers on the Fiction of 'Brain Death' . . .

Book review: Setting the Table
Randy Engel
December 17, 2011

This review appeared in Catholic Family News in November 201 . . .

Clerical sex abuse crimes -- how should traditionalists respond?
Randy Engel
December 4, 2011

Introduction The first in-depth book I ever read on the sexual abuse of young boys by Catholic clergy and religious was Unholy Orders — Tragedy at . . .

The unborn child as a casualty of Catholic ecumenicalism -- a reflection on Assisi III (Part II)
Randy Engel
November 15, 2011

Introduction In Part I of this series, I explored the grave conflicts and scandals that have arisen in the post-Conciliar Church as a result of Catholic . . .

The unborn child as a casualty of Catholic ecumenicalism -- a reflection on Assisi III (Part I)
Randy Engel
November 8, 2011

The Rabbi Brickner Scandal — 2005 On September 2, 2005, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Office of Media Relations issued a . . .

Catholic Family News interview with Marielena Stuart
Randy Engel
September 29, 2011

This interview appeared in Catholic Family News (http://www.cfnews.org/cfn.htm) in September 2011 Interview with Marielena Stuart [Editor's note: On . . .

Homosexuals in high places -- 'gay' Irish senator David Norris and 'the Greek thing,' Part II
Randy Engel
September 19, 2011

The Fatal Magill Interview In May 2011, shortly after "gay" Senator David Norris' announcement that he was going to seek a nomination to run for the . . .

Homosexuals in high political office -- the saga of Irish senator David Norris (Part I)
Randy Engel
September 4, 2011

Introduction For most Americans, the name of the Irish politician David Norris probably won't ring a bell. For one thing, Norris holds office in the . . .

Jackson Lab project defeated in Florida, Part III
Randy Engel
May 24, 2011

On July 27, 2010, the Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, met in public session to discuss and take action on the Jackson Lab controversy. The taxpayers . . .

Jackson Lab project defeated in Florida, Part II
Randy Engel
May 13, 2011

The answer to the $64,000 question asked in Part I of this series on the Jackson Laboratory's controversial plans to build a large genetic research facility in . . .

Jackson Lab project defeated in Florida -- a major victory over the U.S. eugenic establishment
Randy Engel
May 9, 2011

"The recent coalescence of the Right to Life movement into a national force of significant proportions, I believe, has been a surprise to all of us. To some, . . .

How Catholic "gay ministries" serve the homosexual collective
Randy Engel
April 26, 2011

Introduction The recent controversy over a Mexican "gay Catholic ministry" called the San Elredo Comunidad or the Lesbian and Gay Community of San Elredo, an . . .

Book review: Crossing the Threshold of Confusion
Randy Engel
April 14, 2011

This review appeared in Catholic Family News in April 2011 Crossing the Threshold of Confusion By Andrew J. McCauley Reviewed by Randy Engel To . . .

The A-Z of eugenic killing, Part II
Randy Engel
April 11, 2011

(See Part 1) O is for Orwellian Newspeak For an explanation of what is meant in MOD genetic circles by the phrase "therapeutic research," we quote Dr. . . .

The A-Z of eugenic killing
Randy Engel
April 9, 2011

A is for Alpha -The Beginning On July 22, 1958, the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis/March of Dimes (NF/MOD) announced it was turning its sights on . . .

New lies for old -- The USCCB and New Ways Ministry
Randy Engel
April 1, 2011

Introduction In his classic work New Lies For Old — The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation, ex-KGB Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn . . .

Book review: Paul VI Beatified?
Randy Engel
March 27, 2011

This review appeared in Catholic Family News in March 2011 Paul VI Beatified? By Father Luigi Villa Th. D. Reviewed by Randy Engel Introduction  . . .

CFN interview with Randy Engel on "homosexuality and the New World Order"
Randy Engel
March 24, 2011

This interview first appeared in Catholic Family News, Aug. 2009, http://www.cfnews.org/cfn.htm Introduction — Have you ever wondered how the . . .

Don't give your heart away -- know the facts about vital organ transplantation
Randy Engel
March 21, 2011

This article first appeared in the January 2011 issue of Catholic Family News, http://www.cfnews.org/cfn.htm An admission of ignorance Many Renew America . . .

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