Lisa Fabrizio
A plethora of platitudes
By Lisa Fabrizio
August 30, 2012

Now that the convention action is finally heating up, we can fully expect the liberal propaganda machine to spin into high gear, as it were. From the phony hurricane allusions designed to invoke the cherished dogma that Republicans are to blame for everything, including acts of God, to their ongoing, fear-mongering ditties, Democrats are in full attack mode.

Democrat talking heads will keep repeating the mantra that Republicans make people nervous on 'social issues'; that they are waging a war on women, blacks, senior citizens and any other groups who are not welcome in their 'small tent.' Never mind that these groups were well represented in the field of 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls; if these words appear on the teleprompters of liberal politicos or news anchors, they must be true. How do I know this? Well, everybody know it!

You see, liberals have inculcated their poison into our culture through many and diverse ways, chief among them our educational system. But maybe even more effective is the way they have redefined what it is to be an American, through what would seem to be a series of innocent and innocuous platitudes, mostly disseminated through their leftist entertainment and news wings. How have they affected the mindset of this country? Let me count the ways:

I'm a good person. This paean to the culture of relativism has been the catalyst for the breakdown of personal responsibility and the cult of victimhood which is strangling the road to the American Dream. If, as every Hollywood movie and network TV show affirms, we are all entitled to our own definition of right and wrong, thereby validating our own opinion of 'goodness,' then everything is acceptable and no one is wrong; except in the eyes of those old fogey religious fanatics who are, no doubt, judgmental and racist homophobes.

So how might these knuckle-dragging Neanderthals redeem themselves as members of a kinder and gentler, utopian America? Easy. They must learn to give back to the community. This nauseating phrase — an offshoot of the "it takes a village" mentality — is the get-out-of-jail card for everyone from unrepentant, thieving politicians to gang-banging sports and rap stars. Meant, I suppose, to indicate the intention of helping others, it nonetheless calls to mind the imposition of 'community service' on low-grade criminals; that is, something which is forced upon the giver.

Now years ago there was something called 'charity' which comes from the Latin term for love, caritas; as in Deus Caritas Est, an encyclical by Pope Benedict XVI which translates to, God is Love. We helped our friends and neighbors out of love; the only imposition being the response to the love God has for us and for them. But if you dare mention this motivation for charitable works in public, you will not only not be giving back, you will be labeled divisive, offensive and a threat to the community.

Of course, modern, enlightened Americans need to be protected from these kinds of discussions lest their minds be diverted from truly important things like the latest doings of the Kardashians. So in order to be a good member of the community, you must always remember: Never discuss politics or religion at a bar. Never mind that this great nation of ours was founded by folks discussing these very subjects in bars and taverns all across the thirteen colonies, this is now an unpardonable transgression against the state. And besides, who wants to hear about all this political stuff when there are some hot chicks down at the Rock the Vote rally?

Yet, should anyone be so politically incorrect as to have an opinion on any of the above in a public place, this would engender probably the most heinous of all liberal aphorisms: Everybody knows it. You know how this one goes. You try and make a point to liberals at a family gathering; something like, "Cutting taxes across the board will create jobs because...;" and before you can get the next words out of your mouth, your niece who's home on spring break will shout you down with Democratic talking points. When asked for proof of said points, she will throw you a patronizing look and say, "C'mon Aunt Lisa, everybody knows that!"

So how to counter these familiar tactics? Although it will take generations for most of this propaganda to be washed away from our nation in general, that shouldn't stop us from trying to make inroads personally. Speak up and do not be afraid to debate the value of objective moral truths wherever and whenever the opportunity presents itself. When you are accosted on your way out of a supermarket to donate to the latest planet-saving cause of the day, simply reply that you have already amply given back to the community via the IRS. And the next time someone tells you that 'everybody knows' something, just say, "Well I don't. Suppose you explain it to me." That'll stop them cold.

© Lisa Fabrizio


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Lisa Fabrizio

Lisa Fabrizio is a freelance columnist from Stamford, Connecticut. You may write her at


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