Lisa Fabrizio
Racial warfare
By Lisa Fabrizio
August 2, 2013

Two months ago, President Obama declared again, that the War on Terror is over. As if the side under attack can simply decide that the hostilities are ended just because they are tired of defending themselves. Of course for those of us who live in the real world, which is populated not only by Obama's liberal base, but also by hordes of blood-thirsty Islamists bent on killing us all, we know that war will only end when both sides agree to some kind of peace.

But there's one conflict that will truly never end, or more precisely, will never be allowed to end: the perceived war of American racism. In this conflict even though, for all intents and purposes, a kind of peace was reached years ago through constitutional amendments and numerous legislative acts, the battle rages in the hearts and minds of too many Americans. And although innate prejudices cannot be legislated away, I think it's safe to say that the hopes and dreams of the civil rights pioneers of the 1950's and 1960's have been met and some would say, wildly surpassed. But there are others whose thirst for revenge and reparation will never be satisfied:
    Even though the practice of affirmative action in the workplace and college campuses has tipped the scales so far in favor of minorities, that whites are now filing and Ma href="">winning lawsuits contending that they are being discriminated against because of race.

    Even though blacks serve at the highest levels in all facets of American life, in both the private and public sectors – although those who dare to espouse conservative values are belittled as "Uncle Toms" – and are themselves in positions of power and therefore able to effect changes in hiring practices.

    And most significantly, even though the American people have twice seen fit to elevate a black man to the highest office in the land; the very symbol of our way of life.
You would think that all of this proves that blacks certainly do have access to the American Dream and are at last being judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. But no; the demands for more equality – the phrase itself is a curious oxymoron – fill the airwaves whenever the opportunities present themselves.

And they present themselves with nauseating frequency. From foolish incidents like the Sergio Garcia remarks about serving chicken to Tiger Woods, to rare moments of constitutional sanity like the recent decision on the Voting Rights Act, to supposed travesties of justice like the Trayvon Martin case; any number of things seem to spark the flames. But why is this so?

Well, the reason seems obvious to those who are able to look at events dispassionately; that is, without rancor or hatred. And that reason is that liberals need anger to stoke the flames of their socialist populism; and unfortunately, African-Americans have provided a rich target. This is nothing new, as Democrats going back to Franklin Roosevelt have sought to buy votes from the underprivileged by promising to raise them out of their poverty. It's just that in recent days, with too much of the black population, they have succeeded in keeping them poor but hoping: Just keep voting Democrat and you will reach the Promised Land!

And can you imagine a president of the United States weighing in on criminal cases before legal proceedings have even commenced? Yet that's precisely what Barack Obama did in not one, but two incidents involving private citizens. Recall the case of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates where Obama, the chief law enforcement figure in America, claimed that the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" in arresting Gates for disorderly conduct. This was followed by the disgraceful and self-serving insertion of himself into the Trayvon Martin affair, both before and after George Zimmerman stood trial.

One wonders why Barack Obama, a man who is half white, would choose to continually beat the war drums of race; he who campaigned as a racial healer? Because there is a secondary benefit to continual racial and class warfare. They need to keep the wounds open and raw in order to use the cudgel of slavery as a comparison – often hilariously so – to press for other 'civil rights' like gay marriage, abortion rights, etc. Again, the war cry: Vote for us and we will set you free from Republican oppression!

Would that some disgruntled American blacks would focus their laudable and considerable passions on repairing the inestimable damage done to their culture by the forces of liberals and other race-warriors who stand to profit financially or politically from their misery; a misery that will not end any time soon if Democrats can help it.

© Lisa Fabrizio


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Lisa Fabrizio

Lisa Fabrizio is a freelance columnist from Stamford, Connecticut. You may write her at


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