Bryan Fischer
The gay gestapo brings back slavery
By Bryan Fischer
Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"
Slavery, by definition, is involuntary servitude. It is being forced to provide labor or produce a product against one's own will.
When a man is forced, under threat of being sent to jail, to do work that he would not do unless he was compelled to do it, he is no longer a free man but a slave.
We fought a brutal civil war over this very issue, and took a pledge as a nation that we would never tolerate slavery again.
Apparently someone forgot to tell the Stormtroopers in the homosexual movement about the civil war, the civil rights movement, and freedom of both will and conscience.
The leaders of the Gay Gestapo have become our new slave masters. They can now send us to the hole if we refuse the massa's demands.
Jack Phillips is a baker in Colorado. He was ordered on Friday by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (what a mockery of a name) to bake wedding cakes for same-sex couples, despite his deeply held religious convictions that marriage, by God's design, is exclusively the union of one man and one woman and that homosexual behavior is a sin.
Not only is gay marriage a mockery of God, it is still flatly illegal in Colorado. So Phillips is being threatened with jail time for refusing to participate in something that is forbidden by Colorado law. (The couple got "married" in Massachusetts, and wanted to celebrate it in Colorado.)
It would be as if a farmer could be ordered by the Nebraska agriculture department to grow marijuana, in violation of state law, just because it is legal in the state of Colorado.
Now folks can call a sexually deviant relationship a "marriage" if they want to (who will stop them?) as long as they don't use the power of the state to label it and legalize it as a "marriage" and compel others to call it a marriage too.
This Colorado commission threw out the First Amendment to the Constitution by declaring that Phillips' religious freedom does not trump asinine state discrimination law. That would be news to the Founders, who so believed in the unalienable right to freedom of religious expression that it was the very first liberty they protected in the Bill of Rights.
It should be noted that Colorado's discrimination law also makes it a crime to discriminate against somebody based on "religion," which of course is exactly what this sham commission has done to Phillips. If anybody ought to go to jail over this, it ought to be Colorado's civil rights commissioners, who apparently could not recognize anti-Christian discrimination and bigotry if it bit them in the leg.
Here's hoping Phillips files the mother of all discrimination lawsuits against the state of Colorado, and teaches them a legal and constitutional lesson it will not soon forget.
Not only is Phillips being reduced to slavery, he is now the victim of tyranny as well since he is being compelled by the government to violate his own conscience.
So meet our new overlords, the new owners of the American plantation, the gay mafia. All hail Big Gay, our new slave masters.
It is time for all American citizens of conscience and principle to stand athwart history and yell "Stop!" at the top of our lungs. The Gay Gestapo must be stopped in its tracks, immediately and decisively, before all freedom, whether of the religious or civil kind, vanishes from America.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)
© Bryan Fischer
June 2, 2014
Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"
Slavery, by definition, is involuntary servitude. It is being forced to provide labor or produce a product against one's own will.
When a man is forced, under threat of being sent to jail, to do work that he would not do unless he was compelled to do it, he is no longer a free man but a slave.
We fought a brutal civil war over this very issue, and took a pledge as a nation that we would never tolerate slavery again.
Apparently someone forgot to tell the Stormtroopers in the homosexual movement about the civil war, the civil rights movement, and freedom of both will and conscience.
The leaders of the Gay Gestapo have become our new slave masters. They can now send us to the hole if we refuse the massa's demands.
Jack Phillips is a baker in Colorado. He was ordered on Friday by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (what a mockery of a name) to bake wedding cakes for same-sex couples, despite his deeply held religious convictions that marriage, by God's design, is exclusively the union of one man and one woman and that homosexual behavior is a sin.
Not only is gay marriage a mockery of God, it is still flatly illegal in Colorado. So Phillips is being threatened with jail time for refusing to participate in something that is forbidden by Colorado law. (The couple got "married" in Massachusetts, and wanted to celebrate it in Colorado.)
It would be as if a farmer could be ordered by the Nebraska agriculture department to grow marijuana, in violation of state law, just because it is legal in the state of Colorado.
Now folks can call a sexually deviant relationship a "marriage" if they want to (who will stop them?) as long as they don't use the power of the state to label it and legalize it as a "marriage" and compel others to call it a marriage too.
This Colorado commission threw out the First Amendment to the Constitution by declaring that Phillips' religious freedom does not trump asinine state discrimination law. That would be news to the Founders, who so believed in the unalienable right to freedom of religious expression that it was the very first liberty they protected in the Bill of Rights.
It should be noted that Colorado's discrimination law also makes it a crime to discriminate against somebody based on "religion," which of course is exactly what this sham commission has done to Phillips. If anybody ought to go to jail over this, it ought to be Colorado's civil rights commissioners, who apparently could not recognize anti-Christian discrimination and bigotry if it bit them in the leg.
Here's hoping Phillips files the mother of all discrimination lawsuits against the state of Colorado, and teaches them a legal and constitutional lesson it will not soon forget.
Not only is Phillips being reduced to slavery, he is now the victim of tyranny as well since he is being compelled by the government to violate his own conscience.
So meet our new overlords, the new owners of the American plantation, the gay mafia. All hail Big Gay, our new slave masters.
It is time for all American citizens of conscience and principle to stand athwart history and yell "Stop!" at the top of our lungs. The Gay Gestapo must be stopped in its tracks, immediately and decisively, before all freedom, whether of the religious or civil kind, vanishes from America.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)
© Bryan Fischer
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)