Jenn Giroux
Indiana: You do not stand alone
By Jenn Giroux
For 25 years now God-fearing Americans have gasped in horror at the boldness of the Abortion/Gay advocates as they shamelessly forced their morally depraved agendas into every aspect of our government including the military, courts, legislatures, and School Boards of America. These immoral policies pushing birth control, abortion, and perverse unlimited (homo) sexuality have spit in the face of God and the U. S. Constitution and are an affront to the traditional religious values on which America was founded and built.
These haters of America have long ago perfected their "scorch and burn" tactics to accomplish their dirty deeds and remove our freedoms. The full extent of the damage they have done may very well be irreversible. They have stopped at nothing to accomplish their agenda...legal or illegal. Indeed, we now have an entire population 50 years and younger who have no memory of what America is suppose to be nor do they seem to understand that their Constitutional rights and religious freedoms have been slowly taken from them with the hijacking of the true meaning of right and wrong.
"Tolerance," they have been taught, trumps all sense of God's supreme rights over us.
Through many years of silent judicial appointments a lethal dose of change has perverted the interpretation of our local laws and the Constitution which once protected every human life (born and unborn) and our religious rights to live free of Government interference.
This lethal change which created, then mandated, abortion and homosexual rights was accomplished through the judicial creation of the right to 'privacy' (a word that does not appear anywhere in the Constitution). They have used that seven letter bully club to pound away and finally reverse Anti-Sodomy laws which the U. S. Supreme Court upheld until 1986. That is correct, just 19 years ago in Bowers v. Hardwick homosexual sex was declared a crime in all fifty states: ''The Constitution does not confer a fundamental right upon homosexuals to engage in sodomy.''(1)
How far have we fallen as a culture when such an outcry we hear when one courageous Indiana Governor steps forward to assure religious freedom is protected in his own home state. By signing into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) Governor Mike Pence simply provides protection for Hoosiers who live their daily lives according to their faith against government discrimination.
This Indiana law is like the federal RFRA that was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, and RFRAs in 19 other states.
So why the screams of "intolerance" and threatened boycotts against Indiana?
There is a simple two word answer: Homosexual Rights.
It has never been about 'tolerance.' It is and always has been about total acceptance and affirmation. Those who will not affirm, elevate and embrace homosexual rights and gay marriage with its perverse and deviant sexuality as a moral equal to that given to us by God in traditional marriage are to be persecuted. And so Governor Pence is being persecuted on the world stage right now for all to see...and all to be warned. The State of Indiana and its economy are to be starved, we are told. If you don't comply, you, too, are an advocate of discrimination against homosexuals.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Unfortunately, everything today is confusing in its presentation which at times makes it difficult to see and discern right from wrong for those that were taught to worship first at the altar of "tolerance."
Now is not the time to collapse our tent, it is the time for everyone to support Indiana.
Indiana does not support discrimination nor does the Catholic Church, nor does any true Christian denomination.
Governor Pence.....thank you for your courageous efforts to defend religious freedom. Our prayers are with you and your family that you have the strength not to compromise or bend. Please keep in mind that no amount of change or clarification to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of Indiana will make them happy. They want the law gone, gone, gone.
And make no mistake, they want you gone too.
They are the intolerant haters of religious freedom and now of you. All you can do is speak and defend the truth and leave the rest to Heaven. During this Holy Week cast your stress to the foot of the cross and take solace in Our Lord's words, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:10) (2)
Indiana: you do not stand alone.
(1) http://www.nytimes.com/1998/11/24/us/georgia-s-high-court-voids-sodomy-law.html.
Bowers v. Hardwick in 1986.
(2) King James Bible "Authorized Version," Cambridge Edition
© Jenn Giroux
April 1, 2015
For 25 years now God-fearing Americans have gasped in horror at the boldness of the Abortion/Gay advocates as they shamelessly forced their morally depraved agendas into every aspect of our government including the military, courts, legislatures, and School Boards of America. These immoral policies pushing birth control, abortion, and perverse unlimited (homo) sexuality have spit in the face of God and the U. S. Constitution and are an affront to the traditional religious values on which America was founded and built.
These haters of America have long ago perfected their "scorch and burn" tactics to accomplish their dirty deeds and remove our freedoms. The full extent of the damage they have done may very well be irreversible. They have stopped at nothing to accomplish their agenda...legal or illegal. Indeed, we now have an entire population 50 years and younger who have no memory of what America is suppose to be nor do they seem to understand that their Constitutional rights and religious freedoms have been slowly taken from them with the hijacking of the true meaning of right and wrong.
"Tolerance," they have been taught, trumps all sense of God's supreme rights over us.
Through many years of silent judicial appointments a lethal dose of change has perverted the interpretation of our local laws and the Constitution which once protected every human life (born and unborn) and our religious rights to live free of Government interference.
This lethal change which created, then mandated, abortion and homosexual rights was accomplished through the judicial creation of the right to 'privacy' (a word that does not appear anywhere in the Constitution). They have used that seven letter bully club to pound away and finally reverse Anti-Sodomy laws which the U. S. Supreme Court upheld until 1986. That is correct, just 19 years ago in Bowers v. Hardwick homosexual sex was declared a crime in all fifty states: ''The Constitution does not confer a fundamental right upon homosexuals to engage in sodomy.''(1)
How far have we fallen as a culture when such an outcry we hear when one courageous Indiana Governor steps forward to assure religious freedom is protected in his own home state. By signing into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) Governor Mike Pence simply provides protection for Hoosiers who live their daily lives according to their faith against government discrimination.
This Indiana law is like the federal RFRA that was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, and RFRAs in 19 other states.
So why the screams of "intolerance" and threatened boycotts against Indiana?
There is a simple two word answer: Homosexual Rights.
It has never been about 'tolerance.' It is and always has been about total acceptance and affirmation. Those who will not affirm, elevate and embrace homosexual rights and gay marriage with its perverse and deviant sexuality as a moral equal to that given to us by God in traditional marriage are to be persecuted. And so Governor Pence is being persecuted on the world stage right now for all to see...and all to be warned. The State of Indiana and its economy are to be starved, we are told. If you don't comply, you, too, are an advocate of discrimination against homosexuals.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Unfortunately, everything today is confusing in its presentation which at times makes it difficult to see and discern right from wrong for those that were taught to worship first at the altar of "tolerance."
Now is not the time to collapse our tent, it is the time for everyone to support Indiana.
Indiana does not support discrimination nor does the Catholic Church, nor does any true Christian denomination.
Governor Pence.....thank you for your courageous efforts to defend religious freedom. Our prayers are with you and your family that you have the strength not to compromise or bend. Please keep in mind that no amount of change or clarification to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of Indiana will make them happy. They want the law gone, gone, gone.
And make no mistake, they want you gone too.
They are the intolerant haters of religious freedom and now of you. All you can do is speak and defend the truth and leave the rest to Heaven. During this Holy Week cast your stress to the foot of the cross and take solace in Our Lord's words, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:10) (2)
Indiana: you do not stand alone.
(1) http://www.nytimes.com/1998/11/24/us/georgia-s-high-court-voids-sodomy-law.html.
Bowers v. Hardwick in 1986.
(2) King James Bible "Authorized Version," Cambridge Edition
© Jenn Giroux
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