Donald Hank
Is "gay marriage" a historical imperative?
By Donald Hank
August 14, 2010

According to expert testimony before the House in 1963, the 26th of the "Current Communist Goals" was:

    26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

My recent response to the court decision by a homosexual judge in California supposedly making any ban on "gay marriage" unconstitutional received a deluge of of responses, including some expressing gay rage at my refusal to accept the use of the word "marriage" appied to same-sex relationships. (Check out the comments section under the article "Same-sex marriage? There's no such thing").

Some suggested I was a Nazi, others a bigot, still others a hater. It was the same old Gramscian tactics that the Left has used for over 100 years, showing an almost complete lack of reflection and no palpable originality.

In the last comment, a poster, who calls himself a "Christian" and apparently wants to pass as a "conservative," said:

    "Of course, the rest of society has moved on [emphasis added], and we pretty much look at them [anyone opposing 'gay marriage'] with a mixture of pity and revulsion, but hey, it is their right."

So the work of a single judge activist is proof that "society has moved on"?

In fact the people of California, arguably the most liberal state in the nation, voted for Proposition 8, which makes "gay marriage" illegal. So what is going on?

Let me try to explain.

This activist is portraying "gay" marriage as a historical imperative.

Hegel's concept of the historical imperative found its first application in communism by the founders of that ideology. It is an example of the Left's inversion of all things. If you are an ordinary person, you look at history objectively in logical chronological sequence, from past to present. Not the Leftist. He sees history's starting point in the future utopia that he imagines. For him, all recorded history must meet one criterion: It must show unequivocally that all of history is marching toward a great egalitarian revolution, where all are equal. It is inevitable and the history books must be revised to reflect this "fact." "Gay marriage" is an important stepping stone in the quest for this revolutionary "equality" or "social justice."

But do utopians really ever bring about equality and social justice?

The Soviet Union, Cuba, China, North Korea, all reflect the opposite. There, the leaders pursued lifestyles of great opulence, living in palaces and feasting daily as the masses either starved or lived hand to mouth. In the Ukraine, under Stalin, for example, at least 10 million were killed, mostly by starvation. Still more were starved to death in China under Mao.

The closer any country comes to the dreamed-of "Utopia," the further from equality it gets.

Of course, the above examples are restricted to the hardline communists, who, thanks to the unlimited power they enjoyed, had no need to use victim groups to get votes. But the same principle applies to soft Marxism of the kind that prevails in Europe and the US, where interest groups (like homosexuals) are seen as crucial to acquiring power. You need only look at Michelle Obama's taxpayer-funded trip to Spain or Nancy Pelosi's fabulously expensive taxpayer-funded airliner to see that the Western world is destined for an impoverishment of the middle class that may rival — or even exceed — that of hardline communist nations. You will get even poorer and the politically well-placed will get wealthy beyond measure. Our world financial and economic crises are a result of wealth distribution under "soft" Marxism. Yet our elites continue to borrow for ineffective Keynesian "stimulus" programs that transfer the wealth of the middle class to rich bankers, and will continue to do so as long as we close our eyes to the unconstitutionality of this plundering of our resources. (The elites confuse us by reminding that the "conservative" G.W. Bush also promoted such practices as lending to the insolvent and "stimulus" programs. Recruiting false conservatives into the Marxist game plays a key role in the subterfuge. "Conservative" Prime Minister David Cameron is playing this role in the UK, where he promised voters to hold a referendum on EU membership and then reneged on that promise. And in case you missed it, the "conservative"Ann Coulter has recently taken her place in the ranks of the cultural Marxist campaign, promoting "gay marriage," thereby ensuring her place in a leftward-evolving GOP).

In other words, the "historical imperative" that the above-quoted homosexual activist alludes to, and his disdain for counter-revolutionary traditionalists like me (regarding conservatives with "pity and revulsion"), are a sign of a great inequality that is to come, one that is cynically expected to be a utopia.

Let me further clarify: The homosexual agenda we see proceeding apace before us is not, on the surface, the kind of economic Marxism we saw (or see) in Russia, China, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, etc. It is something more subtle and insidious but with the same intent — namely, Fabian Marxism, which is a stealth revolution that is intended to eventually usher in economic Marxism later on once power is consolidated in the hands of the Left. Now if this "historical imperative" — the inevitability of the Marxist revolution — were possible, then the question is: why did it not happen a long time ago?

The first known Utopian screed appeared almost 2,500 years ago. It was written by none less than Plato. The first Utopian experiment was in 4th Century Persia and it failed ignominiously for the same reason all such experiments fail: no one wanted to work.

There were utopian movements from the 13th Century on in the Dark Ages and on through the Renaissance and beyond. They played crucial roles in the great wars of the time. All of them failed.

The French Revolution touted égalité, among other things. It follows that today's France is very accepting of same-sex "marriage." Yet today, there is scarcely a more economically skewed society, with government employees receiving vastly more income and perks than workers in the private economy. And, of course, as in all "egalitarian" Utopias, there is a vanishing trend in work performed by this privileged class, while the less-fortunate private-economy workers earn less and less in terms of real wages, corrected for cost of living.

It is quite possible that eventually, the masses will be dumbed-down and propagandized to the point of no return, relinquishing the little freedom that remains, and learn to accept the unacceptable. A quick look at the sociocultural reality of Europe is a glimpse of our future, barring unforeseen circumstances.

But if past revolutions are a viable indicator, then the activists themselves will be the main recipients of the unintended consequences of their own actions.

Already, the first "gay" divorces have been examples of wealth redistribution, with the richer of the 2 being forced to relinquish a significant proportion of their income and property to the other.

It is to be expected that some of these "beneficiaries" of the homosexual revolution will eventually look back longingly at the days of traditional marriage and its defenders.

I for one will be looking at them not with revulsion, but with pity.

© Donald Hank


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Donald Hank

Until July of 2009, Don Hank was operating a technical translation agency out of his home in Wrightsville, PA. He is now retired and residing in Panama with his wife and daughter.

A former language teacher, he holds an undergraduate degree in French and German from Millersville State University (PA), a Master's degree in Russian language and literature from Kutztown State College (also in PA), has studied Chinese for 3 years in Taiwan at the Mandarin Training Center, and is self-taught in other languages, having logged a total of 8 years abroad in total immersion situations.

He is also the founder of Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents, a volunteer organization that provides Christian counseling for non-custodial parents.


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