Michael Oberndorf
Cloward and Piven on steroids
By Michael Oberndorf
Many Americans are asking why the Democrats and their running dog RINO accomplices in Congress are so adamantly refusing to move to even slow, much less stop, the massive invasion of illegal aliens across our southern border. It's an excellent question to which there are seemingly myriad answers, many of which are partially correct. However, underlying them all is one that is now fundamental, the driver, that is propelling the juggernaught: the Cloward and Piven strategy.
Students of leftist strategy and tactics are familiar with Cloward and Piven, but everyone who cares about preserving America as a free, capitalist, constitutional republic needs to be, too. You may remember hearing the names occasionally during the Obama years. They were mentioned sometimes as the creators of the strategy that the Obama radicals were pursuing, but since the strategy is a revolutionary leftist one, and the Ministry of Leftist Propaganda, aka, the "mainstream" media, did not want the public to realize that Obama was out to destroy America, little was said about it, and the subject was always changed as quickly as possible.
So, what is it, and why is it so important to understand it now?
Developed by two "professors" at Columbia University (supposedly, one of Obama's alma maters) in 1966, it was a plan for overloading the welfare system to the point that it could no longer function – not enough money, people, resources – bringing about its collapse. Extended to the entire system – healthcare, education, jobs and unemployment, housing, and so on – it would all be overwhelmed, and the country would collapse. Revolution without guns.
Obama, et al. tried their best to wreck the economy and so force more and more people to rely on government welfare programs. They did a great job, slowing growth to nearly nothing, driving up unemployment, and expanding all sorts of government giveaways, including the current student loan scam which has created a whole generation of debt slaves. They also encouraged illegal immigration, making sure the border stayed wide open, and "immigrants" and "asylum seekers" were allowed in with minimum vetting and shipped into red state communities before anyone knew what was happening.
While President Trump has done everything he could to bring the growing invasion under control, he has been blocked and undermined at every opportunity by ALL the Democrats, and a large portion of the Republicans, and of course, the radical judicial activists infesting the federal court system. Under our America First president, we have seen Congress and Democrats at the state and local level, flaunt the Rule of Law by refusing to obey all sorts of federal laws by illegally declaring "sanctuary" cities, counties, and states. The result has been a massive increase in the number of invaders, to the point...wait for it...yes, the systems are becoming overwhelmed.
Immigration enforcement is now "catch and release." Ninety-seven percent of those required to appear in court never show up. Crimes committed by invaders keep the police tied up and the prisons overcrowded, but even when they actually end up in jail, they are not deported when released. It's appalling, too, how many of those convicted of crimes have been deported multiple times in the past, but just re-invaded again. Thousands of Americans killed, tens of thousands raped and robbed, have put a huge load on police emergency services and the courts.
Based on what appears to be a very low estimate of 12.5 million invaders in the country – the figure is likely much closer to 60 million – the cost to the federal government is calculated at $45,870,474,332; the cost to state and local governments calculated at $88,992,981,032, for total cost to the American taxpaying citizens of $134,863,455,364. The taxes paid from jobs illegally held by the invaders are estimated at a total of $18,968,857,700, leaving you and me on the hook for $115,894,597,664. One hundred-fifteen BILLION, eight-hundred ninety-four MILLION, five-hundred ninety-seven THOUSAND, and change...(https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers).
Remember, too, that these figures could be five times higher, based on 60 million, rather than 12 million invaders, somewhere around half a TRILLION of OUR dollars.
This is money that is not going and will not go to provide services for Americans. If you are actually in need of welfare, you may be SOL. Need health care from an emergency room? The hospital you used to go to may well have shut down, making whatever is still open way overcrowded. Someone breaking into you home and you need a cop? They're stretched thin, so it may be 20 minutes, maybe an hour, before anyone can get there. And so on...
Between one and two more million invaders are predicted to illegally enter the country this year, since there is nothing to stop them, and the "caravans" appear to be well funded and organized. Congress appears complicit in allowing some very wealthy and powerful forces to use "migrants" as pawns in a Cloward and Piven strategy, aimed at bringing about the collapse of America so it can be replaced by a totalitarian, collectivist police state. What, my fellow patriotic Americans, are we going to do about it?
© Michael Oberndorf
April 1, 2019
Many Americans are asking why the Democrats and their running dog RINO accomplices in Congress are so adamantly refusing to move to even slow, much less stop, the massive invasion of illegal aliens across our southern border. It's an excellent question to which there are seemingly myriad answers, many of which are partially correct. However, underlying them all is one that is now fundamental, the driver, that is propelling the juggernaught: the Cloward and Piven strategy.
Students of leftist strategy and tactics are familiar with Cloward and Piven, but everyone who cares about preserving America as a free, capitalist, constitutional republic needs to be, too. You may remember hearing the names occasionally during the Obama years. They were mentioned sometimes as the creators of the strategy that the Obama radicals were pursuing, but since the strategy is a revolutionary leftist one, and the Ministry of Leftist Propaganda, aka, the "mainstream" media, did not want the public to realize that Obama was out to destroy America, little was said about it, and the subject was always changed as quickly as possible.
So, what is it, and why is it so important to understand it now?
Developed by two "professors" at Columbia University (supposedly, one of Obama's alma maters) in 1966, it was a plan for overloading the welfare system to the point that it could no longer function – not enough money, people, resources – bringing about its collapse. Extended to the entire system – healthcare, education, jobs and unemployment, housing, and so on – it would all be overwhelmed, and the country would collapse. Revolution without guns.
Obama, et al. tried their best to wreck the economy and so force more and more people to rely on government welfare programs. They did a great job, slowing growth to nearly nothing, driving up unemployment, and expanding all sorts of government giveaways, including the current student loan scam which has created a whole generation of debt slaves. They also encouraged illegal immigration, making sure the border stayed wide open, and "immigrants" and "asylum seekers" were allowed in with minimum vetting and shipped into red state communities before anyone knew what was happening.
While President Trump has done everything he could to bring the growing invasion under control, he has been blocked and undermined at every opportunity by ALL the Democrats, and a large portion of the Republicans, and of course, the radical judicial activists infesting the federal court system. Under our America First president, we have seen Congress and Democrats at the state and local level, flaunt the Rule of Law by refusing to obey all sorts of federal laws by illegally declaring "sanctuary" cities, counties, and states. The result has been a massive increase in the number of invaders, to the point...wait for it...yes, the systems are becoming overwhelmed.
Immigration enforcement is now "catch and release." Ninety-seven percent of those required to appear in court never show up. Crimes committed by invaders keep the police tied up and the prisons overcrowded, but even when they actually end up in jail, they are not deported when released. It's appalling, too, how many of those convicted of crimes have been deported multiple times in the past, but just re-invaded again. Thousands of Americans killed, tens of thousands raped and robbed, have put a huge load on police emergency services and the courts.
Based on what appears to be a very low estimate of 12.5 million invaders in the country – the figure is likely much closer to 60 million – the cost to the federal government is calculated at $45,870,474,332; the cost to state and local governments calculated at $88,992,981,032, for total cost to the American taxpaying citizens of $134,863,455,364. The taxes paid from jobs illegally held by the invaders are estimated at a total of $18,968,857,700, leaving you and me on the hook for $115,894,597,664. One hundred-fifteen BILLION, eight-hundred ninety-four MILLION, five-hundred ninety-seven THOUSAND, and change...(https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers).
Remember, too, that these figures could be five times higher, based on 60 million, rather than 12 million invaders, somewhere around half a TRILLION of OUR dollars.
This is money that is not going and will not go to provide services for Americans. If you are actually in need of welfare, you may be SOL. Need health care from an emergency room? The hospital you used to go to may well have shut down, making whatever is still open way overcrowded. Someone breaking into you home and you need a cop? They're stretched thin, so it may be 20 minutes, maybe an hour, before anyone can get there. And so on...
Between one and two more million invaders are predicted to illegally enter the country this year, since there is nothing to stop them, and the "caravans" appear to be well funded and organized. Congress appears complicit in allowing some very wealthy and powerful forces to use "migrants" as pawns in a Cloward and Piven strategy, aimed at bringing about the collapse of America so it can be replaced by a totalitarian, collectivist police state. What, my fellow patriotic Americans, are we going to do about it?
© Michael Oberndorf
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