Joan Swirsky
The midterm elections and the Communist Manifesto
By Joan Swirsky
September 13, 2010

When it comes to celebrating the anticipated shellacking that Democrats will take in the midterms — with Republicans possibly even capturing both the House and the Senate — I'm not as sanguine, indeed giddy, as are the pundits, pollsters, and media gurus who clearly trust that today's politics are the same as they were in pre-2009, pre-totalitarian America.

Back then, we had simple under-the-table deals, payoffs, graft, and widespread voter fraud, all undertaken with a wink and a nod by politicians and the public alike. But compared to Obama's presidential campaign, in which a good portion of more than three-quarters of a billion dollars of donations is still unaccounted for but suspected of being illegal or even coming from jihad sources and other suspect foreign sources, according to Pamela Geller of — where voter fraud through ACORN reached unprecedented depths of corruption and indictment in 14 states, and where the media and the opposition party were mysteriously rendered mute — the "dirty tricks" of the past seem small potatoes by comparison.

While the media, the Congress, and even the courts have spent the past almost-two-years dancing around the word "socialist" to describe the hard-left economic, social, and foreign policies enacted by the Obama regime, to me those policies have the distinctively noxious stench of Communism, the deadly political movement that has murdered and subjugated far more people throughout the world than all the wars since the beginning of time — a modest number is a hundred million!


Karl Marx, in his 1848 opus The Communist Manifesto, laid out 10 planks necessary to destroy a free-enterprise system and replace it with a system of pervasive, overarching government power and control. "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need," Marx preached, positive that the pure Communism he envisioned would result in a just society where big bad capitalists — you know, the people who create jobs, establish foundations, support charities, et al — could no longer exploit the victimized masses.

Marx and his acolytes — both then and now — touted a society in which God was dead — the state was god! Where all property was held in common, and all economic activity was controlled by the state, a state that Marx fancied knew better than the average Joe or Jane how to corral all the children into the sandbox.

That's right...children, which is how the Left contemptuously views the public, which is why in Communist regimes there are always the so-called grown-up oligarchs who, among other things, take serial vacations, play host to their circle of elitist cronies, and live in tasteless, usually nouveau-riche luxury, while the policies they've put in place cause unspeakable suffering to multimillions who naively believed their sales pitches of "power to the people" or "hope and change."

According to the hugely-popular film The Obama Deception, "Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps, and Martial Law. And let's not omit:

  • Obama turning NASA into a group therapy forum for Muslims because as NASA administrator Charles Bolden said, Obama ordered him to pursue three new objectives, among them to "help Islamic nations 'feel good' about their scientific accomplishments."

  • Obama's looming threat to grant amnesty to multimillions of illegal aliens.

  • Obama's egregious filing of a report to the cesspool on New York's First Avenue — to which he has a fanatical fealty — known as the United Nations, accusing Arizona of human rights violations!

  • Obama's manic mad dash not only to shred the U.S. Constitution and subvert the rule of law, but to snuff the life out of American capitalism.

Author and journalist Alan Caruba writes: "Between the time that George Washington took the first oath of office as president and when Barack Obama did — 1789-2009, the United States had borrowed nine trillion dollars. Since Obama took office, it has borrowed or imposed nearly three trillion more debt. Tell me he is not deliberately seeking to bankrupt the nation."

Caruba adds: "Despite the 9.6% figure the government cites, the actual levels of unemployment are far closer to 20%....The nation has reached the point where well-respected economists are now openly using the 'Depression' word."

In fact, just the other day, Bank of America's Jeffery Rosenberg predicted that the expiration of Bush Tax Cuts Will Kill 1.3% of America's Entire Economic Output.


As we've seen in the past couple of years, the Leftists who hate America will go to any lengths to see her weakened, compromised, undermined, and ultimately destroyed. For the best description of their ruthless tactics, see Oleg Atbashian's new book, Shakedown Socialism.

Ask the people still alive who lived under Hitler, Stalin, Tito, and Mao, or today under Fidel, Hugo, Evo, etc., how cruel and brutal, anti-life and anti-freedom those regimes were and are. Then listen to the Leftists and Liberals and Progressives of the Obama ilk today who still prefer Socialism and Marxism and Communism to Democracy and Americanism! Listen while they gloat about paying for the needs of the masses by eliminating the young through wholesale abortions and the elderly or disabled through, yes, death panels. And notice their perpetual sky-is-falling outlook. I've often thought that leftists are undiagnosed depressives, projecting their personal doomsday perspectives on an essentially sunny — or at least optimistic — world.

The Communist Manifesto dictates, among other things:

  • The abolition of private property (eminent domain, anyone?).

  • A heavy progressive or graduated income tax (actually massive taxation).

  • Abolition of all rights of inheritance (death tax, anyone?).

  • Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank (Federal Reserve, anyone?).

  • Centralization of the means of communications (net neutrality, anyone?).

  • Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state (General Motors, banks, healthcare, anyone?).

  • Free education for all children in public schools (and free healthcare, housing, even cell phones, anyone?).

And now, among other egregious power grabs, Obama wants to federalize America's waterways, including oceans, rivers, bays, estuaries, and the Great Lakes!

In 1963, according to according to Jeff Rense, an American version of the Communist Manifesto was entered into the Congressional Record. It listed 45 goals, among them:

  • Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

  • Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.

  • Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

  • Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

  • Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

  • Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, and policy-making positions. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

  • Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

  • Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

  • Infiltrate and gain control of unions.

  • Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

  • Discredit the family as an institution.

Sound familiar? While the leftists among us — including the 70 Democrat members of the current Congress who belong to the Socialist Party of America — have been effecting these changes for decades, the Obama regime has sped the process significantly, purposefully blitzing our system with policies and laws dictated by the Cloward-Piven Strategy, which according to David Horowitz "seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse."

The goal is to fulfill Marx's dream of crushing capitalism and turning America's magnificent Republic into either a Soviet-style totalitarian state or a third-world banana republic.

Here, enterprising blogger Doug Ross catalogues some of the dire damage already inflicted on America by Obama & Co.


Creeping Socialism has been part of the American experience for decades, its biggest purveyors being Democrats FDR, LBJ, and Jimmy Carter. Bill Clinton would be in this pantheon, but Speaker-of-the-House Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" in 1994 gave the popular president a Republican Congress and moved him, reluctantly, to the center — although his wife, like the head of the regime she serves, was enthralled by and wrote her senior thesis at Wellesley about the arch community organizer, Marxist Saul Alinsky.

What we've witnessed since the inauguration of Obama in 2008 is not creeping Socialism, but, it seems to me, galloping Communism! It is not only Obama's and his tsars' and his wife's and his cabinet's clear preference for American-hating Communist, Marxist, Muslim and fascist dictators throughout the world, or his willful failure to condemn the Muslim jihadists among us (for instance, the Fort Hood murderer of 13 servicemen), but also the equally willful attempted destruction of our economy and the cold and calculated undermining of our military through his suicidal Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan.

And let us not forget what I have personally coined — Obama's own American Security Suicide Manifesto (ASSM) of announcing to our sworn and lethal enemies the exact dates when our troops would withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan. The mind boggles!

Robert "Buzz" Patterson, whose experience in presidential administrations is second to none, has written an explosive new book, "Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama is Destroying the Military and Endangering Our Security." Patterson says:

"As I outlined in [my first book]''Dereliction of Duty,'" Patterson writes, "I lay the blame for the attacks of September 11, 2001 fully at the feet of Bill Clinton, and I felt an obligation to tell that story. Now, I see history repeating itself in the presidency of Barack Obama. Only this time the misconduct and the dereliction of duty of Obama and his administration could lead to far worse's worse, much worse...I believe Obama's foreign policy record so far and his agenda for the future are extremely deleterious to our national security, and need to be reversed in the elections of November 2010 and 2012."

Patterson continues: "You can't win a war if you're unwilling or unable to identify the enemy. We have a president that, during the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, wanted to kick the 'ass' of British Petroleum but doesn't want to kick the ass of an ideological enemy sworn to defeat us, which murders innocents and suppresses human rights around the globe. Obama has a thin skin. He has shown a tendency to lash out angrily at his opponents — Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Tea Partiers, BP, Republicans, 'fat cats' on Wall Street, and the state of Arizona, to name a few. But when it comes to identifying America's real enemies — the ones fighting and killing Americans every day — he just can't muster an interest in the fight."

In a devastating review of the book, writer John Howard calls Patterson "a modern Paul Revere."

"On rare occasions," he says, "a book will appear that can alter the tide of public policy...that must prompt only one conclusion: our current international circumstances are no accident. They are the product of a philosophy so at odds with American tradition, so at variance with American values, so contrary to the very idea of American exceptionalism, that it virtually repudiates American history....It is the dark world view of the radical left...It is the worldview into which President Obama was born..."

Howard says that Obama's mother was "a committed Marxist whose penchant for the ethnic self-loathing [was] so current in the 1960's..." and "Obama's supposedly middle American white grandparents were actually ardent leftists who imbued him with leftist theory even as they introduced him to a succession of black radical theorists and poets in what seems to me a particularly patronizing effort to immerse him in what appeared to them as 'Black culture.' He was inoculated with the politics of black grievance at a very early age."

In Chicago, Howard says, "Obama chose as his friends and sponsors such as Weathermen Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, Marxist terrorists and would be murderers "...and gravitated "to the church of Black Liberation theologian Jeremiah Wright whose sermons combined Marxist philosophy with a distorted Christianity into an incendiary mix of grievance, hatred, certitude, demagoguery and entitlement...[and] he [took] as his ideological Sherpa radical strategist Saul Alinsky, whose work he internalized and taught, and who called for a soft revolution of cooption by lie...[and] he [assisted] in making grants to a variety of radical organizations populated by Islamist anti-Semites and leaders of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party."

Patterson, he says, "demonstrates how Obama's ideological architecture compels a view of the United States as fundamentally and structurally flawed — maybe even malevolent — perhaps not even the equal of other nations — but, in any event, in no moral position to lead the world."


In Deuterotomy 30:19, God says: I have set before you life and death...choose life.

On November 2, Americans will be called on to choose life — indeed, save the life — of America.

The reason I stated at the beginning of this article that "I'm not as sanguine as are the pundits, pollsters, and media gurus" about the shellacking Democrats would take in November is because there is no political movement on earth that has fought and lusted for and gained power — particularly through a putative coup d'état — that has ever given up that immense power and influence and bully pulpit without a fight to the death.

I've been e-mailing my friends for several months that I "dread" the midterms because of the drastic and deadly things I know the Left is capable of. I take very seriously the "dress rehearsal" that took place a few days ago when two men from Detroit boarded a plane with terrifyingly suspicious box cutters and cell phones taped to other objects and $7-thousand in cash...but were freed by the "authorities" in Amsterdam!

I urge anyone reading this article to go to any one of the hundreds of search engines to research the depraved actions Communist regimes have taken to retain power. This is what America is facing on November 2nd!

On the other hand, if Obama and his fellow leftists lose the House and Senate in November, I don't think he, personally, will care all that much. He certainly won't care if he's a one-term "president" — it's a job he clearly loathes and isn't very good at. And he certainly won't care how many Democrat politicians — including the lapdogs who have done his nefarious bidding — go down to defeat. We may have never seen his college transcripts, but we know he has a figurative doctorate in throwing mentors, colleagues, and America's allies under the bus.

Why the insouciance on his part? Because he has already done what the handlers who ferried in this Trojan Horse into our body politic dictated he do: ravage the American economy, co-opt the media, and weaken our military.

And, with a lame duck Congress, he and the other losers will set in motion further destruction, both domestic and foreign, which will leave those who win the midterms the years-long task of undoing — in fact completely repealing — virtually everything that has come out of this poisonous regime.

The Fox newscaster Glenn Beck, who attracted a half-million people or more to his recent Washington, D.C rally, said: "There is a coup going on ... it has been done through the guise of an election"

As for the November 2nd midterms, Beck told Christopher Ruddy, the CEO of "I fear a Reichstag moment," in which he referred to the 1933 burning of Germany's parliament building in Berlin that the Nazis blamed on Communists and that Hitler used as an excuse to suspend constitutional liberties and consolidate power.

Beck and millions like him — including me — are right to be nervous about the upcoming elections. Don't believe for a millisecond that these anti-freedom, anti-American predators will go away quietly. They won't. They detest and revile and loathe and resent America and there is nothing — including suitcase nukes exploded in mid-Manhattan, weapons of mass destruction disseminated in New York's subway system, or terror acts in towns and cities across America — that fanatical leftists won't do to intimidate America in the same way they've destroyed England and France.

God save America!

© Joan Swirsky


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