Stanley Zir
What's next for America if Obamacare is struck down?
By Stanley Zir
June 11, 2012

Six months after the essay Obama Coup was published, we find the President in full attack mode. His recent skirmish with the Supreme Court was not unprecedented. At the State of the Union Address in 2010, he dressed down the Judges in front of the nation and the world for overturning his. finance law .

Neither attack was unpremeditated. These were calculated attacks on the Judges that fits the modus operandi of all petty dictators and fascists. Tyrants use this tactic to rally their base to undermine the rule of law and overthrow the government.

In Obama's case, he pre-emptively slammed the Supreme Court as a bunch of an "unelected group of people" who would have turned to "judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint" if they decide to strike down his signature legislative achievement, the Healthcare Reform Act.

Obama touted the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as "a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress. Further, he stated, "I am confident the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."

It is apparent that Obama's counsel to the Supreme Court was a political ploy to gain populist support in order to prevent them from striking down Obamacare. In actuality, it was a veiled threat, a WARNING that the Court must not go against the will of the duly elected People's Congress because of the tyranny of a few select judges who are not elected officials.

His threat is not unlike that of a Mafia boss who menaces another criminal enterprise that dares to invade its rival's territory. But this encroachment into Obama's turf was not from a criminal enterprise. It was from the Supreme Court whose Judges are authorized by Congress to determine if laws they pass, when challenged, comply with our Constitutional guidelines that protect our nation from laws that support governmental tyranny.

Lincoln and Roosevelt each took positions similar to Obama's regarding the Supreme Court's overreach, yet neither ever labeled Supreme Court Justices "unelected officials." To call these Justices 'unelected officials' is to challenge their authority to overturn laws passed by duly elected officials.

Obama's overreach attacked our Constitution at its core, the system of checks and balances, the front line of defense to prevent the rise of a tyrant uncontested authority would give him free reign to govern us. This is the final impediment Obama knew he must overcome to achieve his goal of absolute power.

Obama's attack on the Constitution mirrors the same systematic attack on America by her worst enemies His incendiary tirades against the rich and their capitalist system that he claims are the seeds of economic inequality have whipped his fan base into a frenzy, igniting a culture of street violence and lawlessness, as seen in nations that are divided into warring camps, capitalism and communism.

Obama's disrespect for the rule of law alerts his base that any attempts by the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare will be a declaration of war on the people. Obama's criticism of those who dare oppose him are not mere disagreements, but directives, a call for action from the supporters of his junta to take to the streets to intimidate, threaten, and terrorize the populace — a warning that this is what will happen if you don't bend to his will.

We can't be naïve; Obama is not going to give up Obamacare. And don't be surprised if we even see an "Occupy Supreme Court" or "Occupy Congress," by those claiming this decision is unconstitutional because the American people were betrayed by conservative judges who are lackeys of the rich.

You have to remember that the Democrat Party NEVER forgave the Supreme Court for ruling in Bush's favor over Al Gore in the 2000 election. The Democrats felt the election was stolen by the Supreme Court, therefore we can assume that they are determined to not accept a ruling by the Supreme Court if they overturn Obamacare, a bill the Democrats worked tirelessly to pass. Their support for Obama's junta is inevitable, if the Supreme Court does not rule in their favor, but they won't do the heavy lifting. They will let the mob do the dirty work as Nancy Pelosi said "those Occupy Wall Street people are so idealistic and wonderful." Thus it will not be surprising if the Democrats claim that the tyranny by a select few judges overturned the will of Congress.

The Supreme Court has served this nation well. Whether decisions from the court favored conservative or liberal positions, we still advance towards a more perfect union. The proof is that our citizens have chosen to honor the principles of our Constitution as the staple to nurture America's cultural ethic for over 232 years.

Time and again in the history of our own country, we have been able to rise out of the ashes of our own inequities (slavery, segregation, etc.) by using the Constitution's unrelenting mirror of justice. We have been richly rewarded for such idealism with a renaissance in each generation, despite the tyrannical naysayers' predictions of our impending doom and accusations of our greed and decadence.

But Obama has chosen another path down which to lead our nation. He claims the people have been betrayed by the greed of the few, the rich, and a tea party that is determined to thwart Obama's plans to construct an entitlement nation.

His Democrats claims that the Tea Party Nation is based on racism, not on their concern to save our nation from economic meltdown. It is Obama's assertion that 'slavery was America's original sin' that supports the notion that the Tea Party is discriminatory. To Obama's distress, Herman Cain is proof that, regardless of skin color, the American dream is alive to those who will strive to achieve greatness.

Obama forgets the U.S. Constitution was penned to overcome thousands of years of bondage. It was a couple of Caucasian Americans who wrote the greatest documents of governance for the peaceful existence between all nations. The Constitution exposed not only their sin of slavery, but would begin to put asunder all the sins humanity had committed against each other in the pre-colonial era as America moved towards a more perfect union.

It is time to set the record straight. Never in the history of the world has there been such a guideline to end governmental tyranny in this world as the American Constitution provides.

It embraces people of all cultures and beliefs equally under its canopy. Its creators took the best of secular and religious ideas, morals and ethics, and condensed their essence under one umbrella, then crowned that enlightenment by outlying a form of governance whereby the individual, not the state, would emerge to become the only standard that would be adhered to for creating the building blocks to forge a new emerging civilization.

From this stage, America's Founding Fathers launched in America the greatest experiment in the history of civilization: the quest to secure liberty as the foundation to eternally ensure the protection of all people's inalienable rights against any and all, who would release tyranny's deadly venom into the hearts of humankind.

This year the Reverend Sharpton, his disenfranchised core, social-justice groups, the yes-we-can government unions, illegal aliens, and Occupy Wall Street nation will begin actions of civil disobedience as soon as Obamacare is struck down. They will pull out all stops to win this election. Even Eric Holder is trying to get stop Florida from verifying the names of voters to secrete their illegal alien status. I am sure at the end if Obama loses this election, Holder and his legions will find some way to declare the election unconstitutional.

Just as a small piece of fodder turns a sumptuous soup into a vile concoction, when the principles on which the foundation of our Republic stand, the Constitution, are altered, violated, or vacated in order to accommodate peoples' cultural, religious and political agendas, only a doctrine of tyranny will remain. There is only one brand of democracy in our Republic, only one culture under its domain — the culture of Freedom. Stay alert. Do not give Obama and the Democrats any wiggle room. Stay on top of them every step of the way, or they will steal this election from under us.

© Stanley Zir


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Stanley Zir

Stanley Zir has dedicated his life's work to two issues: (1) combating forces that undermine the unique freedoms held by American citizens, and (2) the importance of the safety, security and survival of Israel. As founder of several websites, he is unafraid to spotlight incongruity, illegalities and treason in government power plays.... (more)


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