Stanley Zir
Letter to senators on Iran deal
By Stanley Zir
September 17, 2015

Dear Honorable Senators,

America is asking, "Is this really the best deal you can make you can make for America?"

How will you reconcile that the enormous sum of $150 billion that will be turned over to Iran, which they have already declared will be used to finance firearms, will essentially be used to kill our own servicemen and women around the world? By agreeing to this deal, you are willfully desecrating the graves of every veteran who sacrificed his and her life to protect the freedoms we enjoy today.

I ask you again, "Is this really the best deal you can make for America?"

Our closest Democratic Ally, Israel, is guaranteed to be the prime target of aggression as daily chants of "death to Israel" are broadcast proudly and daily from Iran. Our President, in collaboration with two Communist partners, Russia and China, has agreed to protect Iran, should Israel decide to protect itself. That being, of course, should Iran behave itself and not violate the terms of the agreement.

Why are we putting our trust in both Russia and China, both countries that fought relentlessly to block sanctions against Syria, Iran's closest ally. Yet, President Obama has agreed to first seek their approval in determining if there are any violations by Iran. Let's consider Russia's interest in finding any violations when it was Russia's technology and finance that helped build the nuclear plants in the first place.

Furthermore, just after the deal was signed, Russia and China agreed to supply Iran with airplanes that have been designated to "expand and strengthen its range and power for aerial aggression." Where do you think those planes will be heading, Senators?

So under any circumstances where Israel may attack Iran in order to protect herself, the agreement is written to view this as an attack on America and her new International Peace Partners; Communist China and Communist Russia. Just a reminder both our new partners of peace embrace tyranny as their rule of law.

I will ask you again, Senators, "Is this really the best deal you can get for our Democratic, long-time ally Israel?

President Obama, together with Russia and China, now threaten America with isolationism if we dare challenge this deal. So what? Who are we afraid of isolating us: Two communist countries that are already in direct conflict to our Democratic system and our free society? And the rest of the P5+1 Germany, France and England who don't want to disrupt their sweet economic deals they have with Iran.

Instead of acquiescing and accepting a bad agreement because we are afraid to be isolated, why aren't we able to stand up proudly and declare that this agreement violates every American principle that sustains our freedom?

Instead, you forty-one Senators have declared that you think this is the best we can do and the only alternative to preventing a war with Iran. Really? Iran is threatening us with extinction, deal or no deal. Do you not hear the chants? Do you not believe them? You know the ones to which I am referring, "Death to America!" Thousands of them, daily as part of their prayer service. Those threats are real, targeting our military. Your constituents. Your spouses. Your children

Yet Obama is s threatening us with starting a war if we don't accept this deal. Since when is defending our nation from those who proudly boast to launch a global nuclear jihadi attack considered an act of war and not an act of genocide prevention? Didn't we learn from World War II that the only way to defeat fascism is to overwhelm it with a force more powerful that its misguided beliefs? Do you really believe that Iran will simply step aside and let us dismantle their nuclear sites? Do you really believe Iran will be a partner in this process? Really? Based on what? History? A leap of faith?

Senators, honorable men and women who have vowed to stand by our Constitution and protect this wonderful republic, do you really believe that giving Iran every opportunity to become a nuclear terrorist state is the best deal you can get for America?

I could go on and on about the absurdities of this deal, the 24 day notice in cases of violations, allowing Iran to sample their own soil, not being allowed to access the military sites, etc. You know this is madness. There is no way you can think this is a good deal – unless of course, you were Iran.

Senators, the only deal you are obligated to honor is the one our Founding Fathers made with the American people 200 years ago. Our Constitution guarantees "we the people" will have our freedoms and safety protected from any country or ideology that tries to impose its reign of terror upon our nation, from within and afar. That's the best deal.

If our nation is to remain solvent, it will be because you honor your pledge to stand against tyranny and with the Constitution, as you were sworn to do. The Constitution itself was a declaration of war against tyranny. Our Founders had no tolerance for tyranny or those who embrace it because it is diametrically opposed to our rights and freedom.

I implore you stand strong against those who seek to extinguish the light of Liberty. America exists to triumph over tyranny, not pay tribute to it. Certainly, not to shake its hands and invite it as a willing partner. Approving this deal is in direct violation of our Constitution's rule of law. It is not a deal, it is a declaration of war on all that America has stood for and fought against since the birth of our nation

You may think that you have the final word and this is a done deal. You are wrong. As our great Patriot Nathan Hale once said, "Give me liberty, or give me death." That is America's DNA. "We the People" hold the purse strings. Why would we consent to fund a government that uses our hard-earned money to support the activities of those who vow to destroy us, our government and our freedoms?

We have every right to secure our nation as an eternal sanctuary from the reign of fear, terror and oppression that the governance's of tyranny bring. Senators, If you can not see the severity of the circumstances we face by authorizing this deal, then we have every right to march into D.C. and shut down the Capital with peaceful acts of civil disobedience until our demands are met. There are enough pro-Zionist Jewish and Christian organizations and ex- military patriots to unleash an army of millions to march on Washington. We can withhold our taxes that is our right, our strength and our power.

This is Liberty's last call. You can choose to stand with George Washington and our Constitution and protect America or stand as Benedict Arnold and betray the citizens who elected you to protect their freedoms and secure their interest

Stanley Zir.

© Stanley Zir


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Stanley Zir

Stanley Zir has dedicated his life's work to two issues: (1) combating forces that undermine the unique freedoms held by American citizens, and (2) the importance of the safety, security and survival of Israel. As founder of several websites, he is unafraid to spotlight incongruity, illegalities and treason in government power plays.... (more)


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