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August 6, 2013
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ALAN KEYES — is reporting on the activities of people who have been gathering on highway and other overpasses in different parts of the country with signs advocating the impeachment of Barack Obama... (more)

August 5, 2013
ALAN KEYES — These days, some politicians in the GOP are rallying conservatives with the slogan "Abolish the IRS." Obviously, they are looking to exploit the anger of people outraged by the tax agency's politically-motivated efforts to abort the conservative uprising against the elitist faction's agenda to overthrow America's constitutional government of, by, and for the people... (more)

August 5, 2013
HUMAN EVENTS — The Republican Study Committee hosted a bicameral panel today to discuss "the Obama Administration's abuses of power and its refusal to enforce current laws on the books." Senator Ted Cruz showed up at the last minute in cowboy boots to put an exclamation point on the whole thing.... (more)

August 5, 2013
DEROY MURDOCK — Congress possesses the power of the purse, but only if it wields it. And it should do so to defund Obamacare, before this medical Godzilla grows larger and more ferocious.... (more)

August 5, 2013
NEWSMAX — If Republicans stop funding Obamacare when Congress passes its annual appropriations bills to keep the government operating, the blame lies with the president for a government shutdown if he chooses to veto the measure, says former Sen. Jim DeMint.... (more)

August 5, 2013
JOSEPH FARAH — They call it the Grand Old Party. It may be old, but it's anything but grand right now. And the Republicans who replaced the Whigs may soon be as relevant as Andrew Jackson's party if they are not very careful. What do I mean?... (more)

August 5, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — House Republicans voted in support of legislation linking taxes, the IRS and the unpopular Obamacare, just before leaving Washington for their August recess on Friday.... (more)

August 5, 2013
CNET — The U.S. government is quietly pressuring telecommunications providers to install eavesdropping technology deep inside companies' internal networks to facilitate surveillance efforts.... (more)

August 5, 2013
NEW YORK TIMES — The National Security Agency's dominant role as the nation's spy warehouse has spurred frequent tensions and turf fights with other federal intelligence agencies that want to use its surveillance tools for their own investigations, officials say.... (more)

August 5, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — After 17 years of investigating a criminal cabal at the top of the Clinton administration and Department of Justice, which included my indictment and trial for investigating them, I finally gathered a comprehensive fact-set any rookie prosecutor can take to a grand jury and obtain indictments. First comes the low-ranking people that keep their federal jobs by engaging in willful blindness -- sycophant savants, a common affliction within the FBI and Department of Justice. Then comes the middlemen, and so on up the line.... (more)

August 5, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — A straight-talking tea-party favorite is taking over the microphone of one of the nation's most popular talk shows on radio for a day. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, will host the three-hour, nationally syndicated "Sean Hannity Radio Show" this Monday, August 5th.... (more)

August 4, 2013
GATEWAY PUNDIT — Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was on with Greta Van Susteren Thursday to discuss the Obama scandals. This came after Jake Tapper at CNN broke the news that there were "dozens" of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on 9-11 when the consulate came under attack and the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.... (more)

August 4, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — With just days before he heads to trial, the accused Fort Hood shooting suspect, Maj. Nidal Hasan, renounced his citizenship with the United States, repudiated his Army oath and publicly embraced -- once again -- his affiliation as a "Soldier of Allah."... (more)

August 4, 2013
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Liz Cheney might have challenged Enzi for his "go along, to get along" personality in the Senate, but the three-term senator is joining the effort to defund Obamacare promoted by Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla.... (more)

August 3, 2013
BRENT BOZELL — After a long three-year gap since their last exclusive sit-down interview with President Obama, you might think The New York Times would be ready to ask tough questions on the most contentious issues of the day, beginning with the deepening Obama scandals.... (more)

August 3, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — The government's ability to track 316 million Americans without a warrant rests on a flimsy premise upheld Tuesday by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The judges, intentionally or not, move us into the shadow of the total surveillance society.... (more)

August 3, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — Tea party groups on Friday warned House Republicans they fear GOP leaders are preparing to "pull a bait and switch" that will ultimately allow a broad immigration bill pass that legalizes illegal immigrants.... (more)

August 2, 2013
NEWSMAX — While the Obama administration is seeking to bury the Benghazi controversy by calling it a "phony scandal," new disclosures about the attack on American diplomatic personnel last September are keeping it very much alive.... (more)

August 2, 2013
CNN — CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, in the wake of the deadly Benghazi terror attack. Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the assault by armed militants last September 11 in eastern Libya.... (more)

August 2, 2013
NEWSMAX — Rep. Peter King says the threat of an al-Qaida attack this weekend somewhere in the world was "the most specific I've seen" since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and the Pentagon.... (more)

August 2, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — House Republicans on Friday accused Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew of obstructing their investigation into the IRS's targeting of tea party and conservative groups, and issued subpoenas for more agency documents.... (more)

August 2, 2013
MICHELLE MALKIN — The resignation of Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett couldn't have come at a better time. His disgraceful grade-fixing scandal is the perfect symbol of all that's wrong with the federal education schemes peddled by Bennett and his mentor, former GOP Gov. Jeb Bush: phony academic standards, crony contracts, big-government and big-business collusion masquerading as "reform."... (more)

August 1, 2013
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — History may record the second decade of the 21st century as the era in which "the lying (at long last) had to stop." Any one of several factors may serve as "the turning point": another outsized 9/11 -- perhaps at three or four times the body count (and the extent of overall destruction); multiple "leaders" feel confident enough to drop their masks and reveal their true intentions; or speech police may add a sharper-edged enforcement to the public opprobrium of violators of "political correctness."... (more)

August 1, 2013
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — My last essay was A Brief History of Conservatism, Part 1, 800 B.C. to 1300 A.D. During that journey of 2,100 years, we learned how four streams of Conservatism contributed to Western culture. This essay picks up the story in the year 1300 A.D. We shall go on a journey through the proto-Renaissance of literature (1300-1375), the Italian Renaissance (1375-1520), and the Northern Renaissance (1520-1600). Our story of this era begins with Dante and ends with Shakespeare... (more)

August 1, 2013
ROBERT KNIGHT — The federal government is growing like kudzu. That's the Japanese ivy plant that is taking over roadsides all over the south and is even invading the north. Kudzu does some good, holding the ground and so on, but the price is steep: It kills the other plants, trees and bushes by smothering them. It's kind of pretty in the summer, like the topiary animals at Disney World, full of fanciful shapes... (more)

August 1, 2013
NEWSMAX — Sen. Mike Lee mocked former GOP powerhouse Karl Rove on Wednesday, calling his plea to Republicans not to defund Obamacare "dead wrong," and sarcastically asking, "Who is Karl Rove?"... (more)

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