Kari Lee Fournier
Almighty God vs. Satan: Ferocious fire and brimstone in California—A wakeup call?
By Kari Lee Fournier
January 23, 2025

Just when we think that this epic war on good versus evil has reached a crescendo, yet another event startles us into the stark realization that Almighty God of the Bible—the one true and living God—just ain’t finished with this scene on Earth quite yet.

While it’s true that only the Lord knows exactly what is going on with the massive wildfire event in California, knows exactly how that happened...we Believers in Christ sure do sense that this very well could be His Hand at work, as the Lord continues to reveal to us all of the pernicious, behind-the-scenes filth currently embedded worldwide.

Of course, it’s so very sad that good folks are caught in the middle of this unfolding situation, but we also know that God has the ability to provide comfort/assistance for them amidst this storm—and that God will turn this trial into something good in the end for Believers in Christ who are caught up in this muck and mire...that He will bring good things like patience, perseverance, and strength of character out of this challenge.

We also make note of the fact that although many have lost so much in terms of Earthly possessions, the only true tragedy is to lose one’s Soul. Fire—or any cataclysmic event, for that matter—cannot kill the Soul. Our Souls will live on throughout Eternity, either in Heaven or in Hell...and thus we must heed the Lord’s sage advice to choose wisely...to choose either Almighty God, or the spuriously sinful and salacious Satan.

And these devastating wildfires are not the only recent disasters that have overwhelmed America and the entire globe of late. We also saw water calamities in the form of widespread flooding in East Africa, particularly in countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia...flooding caused by heavy rains fueled by the El Niño weather pattern, impacting millions of people with shattering consequences—including displacement and loss of livelihoods.

Indeed, these immense surges are considered to be one of the most severe flooding events in the region in recent times. And already in 2025, we also have seen the massive ice and snow that hit the middle parts of the United States, including the big ‘once in a century’ snowstorm that recently hit the Gulf Coast, including New Orleans and Texas.

Now, one can argue that the California wildfires could have been started by mankind—even on purpose—and that’s certainly a possibility. But no matter the ‘cause,’ Almighty God signed off on it. They were allowed. And so the human race continues on a self-induced downward spiral...and the only way that it can stabilize, and thus stop its drastic descent into debauchery, is for humans to grasp onto Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Nevertheless, so many of the evil ones will not accept that Divine Truth. For example, as these weather events descend upon us, the Global Elite Machine and its minions simply attribute them to their ever-ready explanation of ‘climate change.’ But we who do our research are well aware that climate change always has been merely the umbrella operation/catchall for the expansion of the Global Elite Machine’s philosophy of Communism/Marxism.

Thus, the Elites try to pound into our heads: “You’re killing the planet by not letting us control you! Why do you hate the planet?” They also foist tons of ridiculous programs upon We the People, such as those that force electrical commodities over gas-supplied wares: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/how-madoffs-ponzi-beneficiaries-are-funding-climate-lawfare.

Yes, these malevolent monsters purposely have tried to gain control of citizens in America by intentionally dismantling our energy base, and they also have targeted our manufacturing base and our once-strong Military.

Thankfully, however, brave warriors like ex-Military Pete Hegseth have refused to back down from their bold and deceptive ploys to take down America. Hegseth—picked by President Trump to be his Secretary of Defense—recently had his confirmation hearing before the U. S. Senate’s Armed Services Committee...and Hegseth’s passion for his country registered many/many notches above the legitimacy of the left’s ‘gotcha’ questions/interrogation.

Another shining star in these hearings was former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who wore a Cross of Christ necklace and refused to be even slightly intimidated by her sickeningly scheming interrogators. Bondi actually told Democratic Senator Alex Padilla that she ‘would not be bullied’ by his verbal onslaughts. She also candidly reminded Democratic Senator Adam Schiff that he had been censured by Congress for comments similar to those that he was directing toward her!

But it was another key comment of Bondi’s that really showcased her depth of character and refusal to be intimidated. It involved an exchange that she had with Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, where Blumenthal suggested that Bondi was tailoring her answers at the hearing in a dishonest way just to get confirmed.

Can you say no to the President of United States when he asks you to do something unethical or illegal?” Blumenthal asked. Bondi shot back, “Senator, first, I need to clarify something that you said—that I have to sit up here and say these things. No, I don't! I sit up here and speak the truth. I’m not going to sit up here and say anything that I need to say to get confirmed by this body. I don’t have to say anything. I will answer the questions to the best of my ability.”

This gal’s confidence in both herself and in God’s Truth was so very inspiring to all who were listening to this fiery exchange: https://www.rawstory.com/excuse-me-indignant-pam-bondi-pushes-back-on-blumenthal-s-fbi-inquiry/. And it is courage like this, and like that exhibited by Pete Hegseth, that forges a new way ahead in dealing with these fraudsters...fraudsters who too many times in the past have been given their way as soon as they start to put into play their vile bullying tactics.

We also must keep in mind that the Deep State/Global Elite Machine consists of much more than politicians. Other parts of this contemptible Machine include many media outlets, corrupt corporations, big pharma, Hollywood, academia, the science world...virtually most all of America’s institutions, plus many of our governmental agencies.

These disgraceful institutions have done exactly what this Deep State Machine told them to do—for many decades. They were the main players—along with the World Economic Forum (WEC), the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and Davos/Elite crowd—in Satan’s ongoing diabolical war...a war that currently has reached a long-awaited climax.

Moreover, Satan’s war against Jesus Christ, against Christianity, strategically continues to take major aim against the United States of America in particular because we are, as stated in our Pledge of Allegiance, “One Nation, Under God.” America is a Christian nation, no matter what Satan and his minions frantically try to drill into everyone each and every moment of the day.

And these despicable villains have no compunction in terms of going so far as to openly purge Christian conservatives from our Military: https://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=7341.

Remember that a good chunk of the upper levels of America’s Military has been infiltrated by those who answer to the Global Elite Machine, by those who go along with the forever wars that keep these Deep State Elite deviants in power. We saw many of them come out from hiding during the recent Presidential race in the U. S., when 741 former national security officials endorsed Kamala Harris instead of our ‘anti-Elite’ Trump: https://truthpress.com/news/741-former-national-security-officials-make-kamala-harris-endorsement/?utm_source=truthpress.beehiiv.com&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=trump-shooter-s-son-arrested&_bhlid=5eab5d240f722fdb1f8692eaa7e4cbdd2361d988.

Nevertheless, President Trump now has—against all odds—delivered a lethal blow to these Deep Staters worldwide. Indeed, it sure does seem like Almighty God is backing both Trump and his army of Christian soldiers. So many of the corrupt government officials, corporate powerhouses, big tech moguls, and media magnates suddenly are visiting Trump at Mar-a-Lago...as if they are admitting their subservience to him...as if they are buying into his new ‘for-the-people’ agenda...many even making large donations to Trump’s inauguration.

Truly, something big is happening. The power factor definitely has shifted away from the Global Elite Machine to Trump and his White Hat Military Alliance—the latter of which is made up of U. S. loyal military, the Pentagon and Space Force, and also certain Asian elders and benevolent European nobility.

Those who know Trump on a personal level say that he is fair-minded in terms of giving middle-of-the-roaders—those who have not, for example, committed something as egregious as treason—a chance to make a plea deal and walk ‘the straight and narrow’ from this point forward.

But right now, so many who had been in power—who had been a player at some level in the Global Elite Machine’s diabolical schemes—seem to have made their choice as regards where they stand on the subject of good versus evil. And many of these unwavering malevolent monsters appear to finally have realized that Trump and his warriors—warriors who profess to be Believers in Christ, Believers that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Who died for our sins and rose again—have placed them in that oh-so-dreaded position of ‘Checkmate.’

We saw that on full display at President Trump’s recent inauguration, where Trump derisively castigated Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton, and others right to their face—as they sat fuming right next to him with an assortment of irritated/angry expressions. Yes, Trump filleted these evil ones for all of the world to see!

Truly, this amusing scene was as priceless as it gets.... One was reminded of the final scene in so many notorious action movies...where the villain sits dejectedly slumped over, either dead or very close to it....

And yet, this particular movie is about to get even more interesting...as Trump and his mighty Alliance continue to put out any smoldering embers left behind by these egregious Elites—both in America and the entire globe.

Remember that we are in a Continuity of Government right now. Retired Military/Army veteran Derek Johnson has been keeping us informed...reminding us daily that there was a series of Military Laws and Orders put in place during Trump’s tenure as President, and that after his first term in office, Trump remained Commander-in-Chief of the United States...and that Trump was able to remain in this role via a ‘Continuity of Government’ 7-year plan that Johnson also has provided on his channel on Truth Social, which is https://truthsocial.com/@derekjohnson. And following is Johnson’s posted blueprint of this current White Hat Military Operation: https://thedocuments.info/.

This fine ex-Military warrior also points to proof of the Continuity of Government currently taking place right on the White House’s website!: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/notice-continuation-the-national-emergency-with-respect-certain-terrorist-attacks-20.

But just in case you’d like further validation that Trump never left office as our Commander-in-Chief, Johnson—in his daily posts on Truth Social – continues to provide us with solid proof that this endeavor remains solidly underway—and on a massive scale!

For example, look up Executive Order 13961 that President Donald J. Trump signed on December 7, 2020. It is entitled ‘Federal Mission Resilience Strategy,’ which is none other than ‘Continuity of Operations’ for the Executive Branch of our government. We are under a Military Operation—the largest in U. S. history!

Also please notice that ‘Joe Biden’ waited until January 19, 2025, to revoke portions of this Continuity of Operations. Why would he do that if we are not in a Continuity of Operations?: https://static-assets-1.truthsocial.com/tmtg:prime-ts-assets/media_attachments/files/113/861/742/337/168/467/original/41ca5adad99fd683.jpg.

As well, we see that both President Trump and his former White House Deputy Chief Of Staff Dan Scavino recently sent messages indicating that it’s time to wake the rest of the people up to what’s been going on behind the scenes—and that it’s time to unleash the lion...time to show the world who really is in charge. Hint: it was always the God-backed Patriots!

Additionally, it does look like time is running out for any Elite last-minute plea deals. Derek Johnson recently posted the following on Truth Social: “When you trap the enemy [you get what is happening right now in real-time]...they [the enemies] were given the chance to step across the line on their own, or be funneled into a place where they’ll have to wave a white flag or completely self-destruct. This is what happens when pride stands in the way of simply doing what’s right even if there’s consequences. Should have been doing what was right to begin with. The swamp is being drained; everything President Trump has proclaimed, has been or is being played right in front of everyone.

These past several years have been breathtaking in scope. Finally, after decades of the Global Elite Machine running America and the world in a way that profited only them and tragically hurt We the People, the Lord’s Powerful and Mighty Hand has made itself known.

Indeed, our Lord only strives with evil for so long...for a certain length of time. But then, in His perfect timing, he sets forth His Holy and Righteous Judgment.

As for we Believers in Christ at this moment in time, we simply continue to focus upon Almighty God and only upon Him...knowing that no matter what unfolds in the days/weeks to come—and it no doubt will be phenomenal!—we will be just fine in the end. Heaven is soon-to-come, and we are Rapture-Ready!

We mimic our beloved Warrior-in-Christ Pete Hegseth’s assault on evil, remembering how he sent all of the vicious vermin scurrying during his Senate confirmation hearing on January 14, 2025. Yes, we all held our heads just a bit more elevated as we heard our heroic Hegseth brazenly declare these final words to his odious oppressors who had continued to brutishly interrogate him: “All Glory, regardless of the outcome, belongs to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His grace and mercy abounds each day. MAY HIS WILL BE DONE.”

We Believers in Christ also continue to pray even for the worst-of-the-worst...that their hearts would melt for Jesus Christ. Right now, a picture of their heart no doubt would reveal a stone-cold slab...but Scripture counsels us that God can work miracles in anyone’s heart if they would only willingly give up their daily devotion to the Devil and his foul agenda.

Now, it may seem at times as though Almighty God is hard to find, that all is lost as this world continues to spiral on downward, faster than ever. But when we hearken back to Jesus Christ and His Holy Word, we innately understand that despite all of the ongoing rampant evil amidst us...yes, in the face of all of the corruption, filth, lies, and deceit that abounds...He, Our Mighty Lord and Savior, at each and every moment remains closer than our very breath...indeed, He Never Left!

© Kari Lee Fournier


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Kari Lee Fournier

Kari Lee Fournier is a Christian conservative freelance writer. Recently retired after 38 years with her City Water Utility, Kari likes to say that she's still in the water business – although her work now involves the 'Living Water,' represented by the Holy Spirit, which is freely given by Jesus Christ to those who believe that He is their Savior who died and rose again for their sins. In her writings, she primarily attempts to relay the message of the Holy Bible in a simple way, so that those who read her work can immediately apply the Bible's teachings to their own personal life's journeys and trials. Kari's columns have appeared in the Faith Perspectives section of Gannett Company newspapers throughout northeastern Wisconsin.

Contact Kari at wolfgang4234@hotmail.com.


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