Jenn Giroux
Easter 2009: Choosing the perfect plan
By Jenn Giroux
April 12, 2009

Recently a new study has revealed that 40% of births are born to single mothers. Also, this past week Planned Parenthood's annual report tells us that they have increased both the number of performed abortions and the amount of federal funding that they have received from our tax dollars. It is only appropriate for us take a closer look and see how these two reports really reflect each other.

We have recently seen a new effort by Planned Parenthood to obtain more federal funding in order to provide contraception to those women who cannot afford it. Let's analyze their concern and generosity: 60% of women who seek abortions tell us that they do so because their birth control has failed. Planned Parenthood knows this. Their push for more federal funding for contraception is insidious at its core, for its very intention is to bring their unsuspecting contraceptive clients back in later in order to increase their abortion business. With this financial incentive, how can anyone credibly claim that their motivation is to provide women assistance and "reproductive freedom"? This push for more contraception also encourages promiscuous sexual behavior outside of marriage. This results in the increased number of single women having children as well.

It has been funny to see commentators and reporters display surprise and shock at the single mother statistic when these same news outlets have long supported graphic sex education at a very early age and increasingly more sexuality on network TV, commercials, and other advertising venues that reach young people in their formative years. Now they are asking "why" after rarely giving a breath of airtime or a dot of ink to the success and effectiveness of abstinence based programs. It is well documented that early sex education encourages earlier sexual activity. We are now seeing the unfortunate fruits of this. The goal long ago was to remove God and morality from all of the discussion. In light of this, there are no surprises in these recent statistics.

Isn't 40 years of financially motivated, empty advocacy for women from Planned Parenthood enough? Children are 5 times more likely to live at poverty level if raised by a single mom than if raised in a traditional two-parent family. Furthermore, what about the women? As a Registered Nurse, I have yet to speak with one girl who wishes she had engaged in sex sooner. As a result of buying into the lies that are still being distributed right along with our tax dollar funded contraception, the physical, mental, and spiritual damage of having multiple sex partners has caused sustained suffering among this generation. It is long past the time that we should step forward and reclaim our respect as women, the dignity of our bodies, and the holiness of our relationships. It is incumbent upon us to make sure that our daughters and nieces do not repeat the same mistakes. Planned Parenthood and the mentality of Margaret Sanger have done damage to us all. Abortion is and always has been a safety net for irresponsible sex. Until we openly begin to talk about the eternal consequences of irresponsible and immoral sexual behaviors, the numbers of abortions and single mothers will continue to climb.

Sadly, this is a prime example of how America has lost her way.

But it is not too late. The time is now for us to speak up and remind one other that there is the perfect plan. God Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth intended one man and one woman for marriage and commanded them to go forth and multiply. This command was not intended to be perverted by pre- or extra- marital sex, or frustrated by contraceptive sex. But as sin entered the world, everything changed. As we look around today it is easy to feel that we live in a world gone mad. Thankfully, with the passage of time, there are some things that have remained the same. The abortion industry and everything for which they advocate cannot change the timeless yearning in the deep confines of a woman's heart. When asked privately, women will admit that they long for a devoted husband and life long marriage, sustained by Faith, purified by sacrifice, and enriched by its fruitful blessings: children.

Despite the fact that Planned Parenthood does not want us to believe in this, relationships of this kind do still exist. It is a choice. The one choice they do not want us to make. But, to avoid permanent self destruction, Americans must make this choice...a choice that can only by made by turning our gaze to the redeeming merits of the Cross to heal our country's brokenness. It is only there that we can find the strength and hope that we need to overcome the distorted influences that have brought us down this road of moral decadence. It is only then that we will be able to reclaim God's perfect plan for the family. A plan where men and women will find the grace to turn from their selfish and promiscuous ways and embrace fidelity to one another and, once again, trust in the promise of the risen Savior: "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev 21:5)

Happy Easter!

© Jenn Giroux


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Jenn Giroux

Jenn Giroux has been a Registered Nurse for 29 years, where she has witnessed firsthand the physical, emotional, and spiritual fallout of the women's movement, especially in the areas of contraception and abortion. In response, she has answered God's call to be a witness to the hidden truths on these subjects... (more)


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