Donald Hank
The rotten fruits of the "carbon credit" scam
By Donald Hank
February 23, 2010

The notion of "global warming" has been used to introduce perhaps the biggest tax in history, and one of the avenues for this tax was so-called "carbon offsets" or "carbon credits."

Fortunately, the American people have not completely fallen for this scam as yet. But the UK, which has long labored under the heavy hand of two essentially foreign governments — their "own" out-of-touch "leaders" and the EU — has had little choice. Almost none of the elected leaders in the UK there are in touch with the people, who are increasingly aware that they are being scammed on a grand scale. (While serving as the head of state, Tony Blair was also the head of the Fabian Socitey, whose avowed purpose is to undermine democracy and introduce Marxism — Karl Marx's sister was one of the founders).

Now please pay attention: America now faces the same choices as they once did: either we go it alone as the exceptional nation we have been or we take that same turn into oblivion and let the "elites" take us over. So far we have done a terrible job of maintaining our sovereignty and our representative government. Many "conservatives" and even the somewhat more enlightened Tea Party people have fallen for the RINO neocon scam in MA, where Scott Brown was presented as a "conservative." CPAC portrayed Scott, Mitt Romney and other RINOs the same way, although, to the credit of the attendees, in a poll taken by CPAC, Romney lost to Ron Paul — a sign that the leadership of groups like this is no longer calling the shots. A McCain loss in his Senate campaign in Arizona would be a further sign that even without any higher-up leadership, the grassroots can now make up its own mind.

Our heads are very slowly emerging from the sand, but there are a lot of GOP die-hards out there who keep longing for the "good old days" of the globalist, open-borders GW Bush administration. They haven't quite figured it out yet.

The press release appearing below is one of the most amazing but likewise, one if the saddest, pieces of news Laigle's Forum has ever received from an independent source.

It is in fact the fulfillment of what WND's Jerome Corsi had foreseen and written about earlier ( It shows not only the extent of the criminal activity of the world elites but also the extent to which they will go to hush up their activities.

The sender, the assistant to Nigel Farage, founder of the UK Independent Party (UKIP), one of the most outspoken voices in Europe and a man who has consistently opposed the European Union dictatorship — even from his position as a Member of Parliament in the EU, sent out the press release immediately after dictating it, showing the outrageous consequences of "carbon credits."

To sum it up, 1 billion pounds sterling in carbon credits were given to an Indian-owned UK steelworks so that the plant could be closed down — ostensibly to save the world from the emissions caused by this plant — leaving 1,700 workers jobless. And here is the rub: in Robin-Hood fashion, the cool billion of UK taxpayer money will be invested in steel plants in India, where no one believes in the "carbon offset" schemes and where the emissions will continue unabated, with nothing of the stated goal being accomplished. The net result is an enormous transfer of wealth by Fabian-style stealth from a "rich" (but soon to be poor if the elites have their way) country to a developing country. I hope you understand that the end game of the elites is to "spread the wealth around" as Obama told Joe the Plumber he would do. It has nothing whatsoever to do with saving the planet or anything else. It is like Chicago-style power politics on a world scale.

It is vitally important for us to be aware that all globalists and globablist organizations (like the CFR) want only to spread the wealth, Marxist style. They do not want prosperity for you or your children and, as evidenced hereinbelow, they could care less about the environment or "global warming." And here is the smoking gun in Mr. Nigel Farage's press release, as dictated to his secretary.

Don Hank


    Corus' steelworks at Redcar, near Middlesborough, "Teesside Cast Products," is to be closed ("mothballed" is the euphemism) It is Britain's last great steelworks and an essential national resource. Without it, we are at the world's mercy.

    Corus is owned by Tata Steel of India. Recently, Tata received "EU-carbon-credits" worth up to £1bn, ostensibly so that steel-production at Redcar would not be crippled by the EU's "carbon-emissions-trading-scheme." By closing the plant at Redcar — and not making any "carbon-emissions" — Tata walks off with £1bn of taxpayers' money, which it will invest in its steel-factories in India, where there is no "carbon-emissions-trading-scheme."

    There's more. The EU's "emissions-trading-scheme" (ETS) is modelled on instructions from the "International Panel on Climate-Change" (IPCC) of the United Nations Organisation. The Chairman of the IPCC is one Dr Rajendra K.Pachauri, a former railway-engineer, who obtained this post by virtue of his being Chairman of the "Tata Energy-Research Institute" — set up by Tata Steel.

    UKIP's leader in the EU's "parliament," Nigel Farage, revealed these data in a speech at Strasbourg, on 10th February, and was due to appear in the BBC's "Question-Time" programme, from Middlesborough, on 18th February, where the closure of the Redcar-plant was inevitably discussed. Almost at the last minute, his invitation to join the "Question-Time" panel was cancelled, without explanation.

    An article, on the subject, by Neil Hamilton, which was due to appear in this week's Sunday Express, has also been "pulled."

    Yours etc

On another note, please let us know what you think of the below-linked post "Enjoy the internet while you can." For example, is there anything offensive in the way it is written? Please let us know either by sending us a note at or by adding a comment at the bottom of this latest post "The rotten fruits of..."

Thank you!

Further reading

Climate change hoax:

European Union as dictatorship:

Freedom threatened:

© Donald Hank


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Donald Hank

Until July of 2009, Don Hank was operating a technical translation agency out of his home in Wrightsville, PA. He is now retired and residing in Panama with his wife and daughter.

A former language teacher, he holds an undergraduate degree in French and German from Millersville State University (PA), a Master's degree in Russian language and literature from Kutztown State College (also in PA), has studied Chinese for 3 years in Taiwan at the Mandarin Training Center, and is self-taught in other languages, having logged a total of 8 years abroad in total immersion situations.

He is also the founder of Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents, a volunteer organization that provides Christian counseling for non-custodial parents.


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