Frank Louis column
Frank Louis
Frank Louis is a print and on-air commentator who offers opinions and solutions on and for the economy, social issues, and the future of this nation. In the Old Testament, Nehemiah 4:14 instructs us to fight for our houses; something we need to be doing now. Our future generations depend on it!

For several years, Frank produced and hosted the Frank Louis Show which was broadcast and streaming live, worldwide, on the web until recently retiring from broadcast media, focusing now on the written word.

Frank Louis supports the Christian principles that the founders researched and believed in when this nation was formed. We at Frank Louis believe the time has come when our nation's leaders must again to do the same.

Email Frank at:

Thanksgiving Thoughts: If you think prayer doesn’t work, think again
Frank Louis
November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. My wife and I recently watched a documentary on TV. The subject was the Apollo 13 Mission. Having seen (and really enjoyed)  . . .

My 'two pence' worth? No penny for Mike’s thoughts, that’s for sure.
Frank Louis
November 17, 2024

In my last piece, I made mention of a few of President Trump’s various and numerous nominations/picks for some of the important positions throughout his . . .

The battle has just begun: Important nominations to support
Frank Louis
November 16, 2024

Let me be Frank with you. And brief too. We need to reignite our afterburners and get our newly (re)elected President across the finish line with the team he . . .

Okay, I get it. There’s a lot going on, a lot that’s gone on…Nonetheless
Frank Louis
November 3, 2024

My last-ditch effort to say something before November 5: So the most recent call for panic as of this writing is Donald Trump’s alleged call for a firing . . .

Leaked passwords, burning ballot boxes, added apostrophes: What next? Oh yeah… that too.
Frank Louis
November 1, 2024

So, you just have to laugh for crying these days. Really! How “Banana Republic” does it have to get before the members of our families wake up and drop . . .

So, I hope I get the same pass they do
Frank Louis
October 18, 2024

I had planned to take the week off, but there's too much going on to sort through it all, and make it concise enough for a short, few-hundred word article. But . . .

No pain, no gain: At least Mike Pence isn’t in the copilot seat moving forward
Frank Louis
October 10, 2024

It just struck me that maybe the pain of the Biden Harris Administration over the last four years may well have been worth it. As they say: “No pain, no gain. . . .

Do the math folks, opulence is not the answer, nor is FEMA
Frank Louis
October 8, 2024

Micah: 6-8 tells us to “Act Justly.” Just what is that anyway? Surely not opulence, an offspring of misplaced pride. Sign of a doomed society. Sucking the . . .

'He disliked Trump, as every reasonable person does,' says Oran Routh. 'He’s a great dude, a nice guy….' Oran, get a dictionary
Frank Louis
September 17, 2024

Oran Routh, if you have not learned by now is the son of Ryan Routh , Donald Trump’s latest would be assassin. Now, I wasn’t an English major, but I do own . . .

Did Kamala tell her minions to create havoc at future Trump Rallies? I think maybe so
Frank Louis
September 12, 2024

I hate to have to do this on the 23th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attack on our nation. However, it seems most have already forgotten this attack . . .

Kamala’s wall: To keep U.S. citizens in?
Frank Louis
September 4, 2024

After nearly a decade during which Kamala Harris had passionately admonished former President Trump with the notion of a Border Wall being a “vanity wall,” . . .

Just what part of this is everyone missing? Say it ain’t so, Joe
Frank Louis
July 23, 2024

In view of the weekend’s developments, I had to put the piece analyzing the GOP Platform I have been developing on the back burner and ask the following . . .

A thought (or two) on the Republican Platform 2024
Frank Louis
July 19, 2024

Foremost on the mind of most conservative, Christian, Pro-Life voters I have spoken to is the Seemingly weakened stances the Republican Platform has taken on . . .

So now what?
Frank Louis
July 16, 2024

Well, in yet another attempt at being “gutless” and merely preaching to the choir, I have to ask: “Now what? Or, if you prefer: “What now?” Either way . . .

The Debate and will the nation take “da’-bait?” That is the question
Frank Louis
June 27, 2024

On January 20, 2021, President Biden said the following: “I promise you this: as the Bible says ‘weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the . . .

Fearmongering? I don't think so
Frank Louis
June 24, 2024

So, last night we all heard that two, male,Venezuelan “migrants” who recently entered the U.S. illegally, have been charged for the murder of a 12-year-old . . .

Frank’s fair trade theory: Replacement theory for everyone
Frank Louis
June 20, 2024

Recently, we heard just how much crime in Venezuela has dropped. If we pay any attention that is. To quote WUFT, PBS, Florida: “The Venezuelan Observatory . . .

Am I worried about those (imagined) “black helicopters?” I doubt it…Just a final thought or two as 2023 fades away
Frank Louis
December 30, 2023

So, “just another day another dollar.” (Nappy Roots) But is it really even a “dollar” any longer? Maybe not. We went to a restaurant with friends for . . .

The age of standardized diversity is upon us: And, oh yeah, Merry Christmas
Frank Louis
December 22, 2023

As I write this, I realize that the shortest day of the year is now upon us. Of course that also means winter is now upon us too. But at least there will be . . .

It’s a lot simpler than that: How it might happen…
Frank Louis
November 16, 2023

It’s so simple. There is not even a “plan” as plans go. Just a steady build-up. Ready to burst at the seams. With illegal “migrants” cast throughout . . .

Is simulation winning out over reality? Perception? I think maybe so.
Frank Louis
September 18, 2023

Recently , while preparing a lecture for one of the classes I teach, I had an epiphany. Yes, the clouds separated. That beam of light came down, and was so . . .

From Finland to Olbermann with stops in-between: Has logic ended?
Frank Louis
September 2, 2023

I don’t know. I guess I’m just dumb. Not a biologist that’s for sure. Seems the Bible is considered hate speech as well. I read somewhere that the word  . . .

Elephant in the room? Try eight of them!
Frank Louis
August 24, 2023

I cannot believe this Fox News GOP “debate.” Talk about ignoring the elephant in the room! My oh my! Our nation is in a crisis like never before seen . . .

Senator Schumer, One question for you...
Frank Louis
November 17, 2022

Earlier this week I heard you say, “Now more than ever, we’re short of workers.” You said, “We have a population that’s not reproducing on its own . . .

“Don’t say Gay.” I don’t think so. “Don’t say God.” Let’s look at some history
Frank Louis
April 5, 2022

I have been trying to retire from writing. But every so often, things just get too ridiculous and I must again speak out. Every day (24/7 in fact), we have . . .

What is going on: Is journalism dead?
Frank Louis
November 15, 2021

“Changes?” I woke up this morning (No, not “woke,” but I arose, got up from sleep) only to learn that the Washington Post (in it’s true journalistic . . .

So, is Christianity just 'one of the world’s great religions,' as 'W' (43) once told us?
Frank Louis
September 20, 2021

Try bringing this up in conversation… even at church. You will be relegated to the likes of those pitch-fork wielding, torch burning out of control mobs as . . .

All according to plan
Frank Louis
August 24, 2021

I am amazed by the reports I am hearing daily… hourly… minute to minute. Everyone is “fit to be tied” as my mom would have said, over the events in . . .

I can no longer restrain myself: Can’t wait to see my cost of living increase either!
Frank Louis
June 14, 2021

I just can’t hold it in another minute. I have all but cut out listening to much of anything aside from a few trusted talk radio survivors. We haven’t . . .

The most insipid, meaningless, out of context scriptural reference ever: Biden’s inauguration speech deciphered
Frank Louis
January 30, 2021

As a university media and communication professor, I have spent much time critiquing public speaking assignments. So, I thought I would make an attempt to apply . . .

I only know what I know: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:4)
Frank Louis
January 24, 2021

Well, I just filled in the contact form on Mitch McConnell’s website requesting a refund of contributions I made to his political campaign and, the Loefler / . . .

Mr. (Representative) Cohen, you had better call for people you can trust: Some UN troops, perhaps?
Frank Louis
January 19, 2021

Hold our breath folks. The Left is on the march. Tomorrow is the Big Day! So, as reported in almost every media venue today, in a conversation with House . . .

Some more observations: Talking heads galore, more BS and nothing, still nothing!
Frank Louis
January 17, 2021

In my weekly, now almost daily frustration, I have attempted to continue my personally assigned role as concerned citizen, parent and grandparent. (Note the . . .

Rush Limbaugh, Help me out, I really have no clue
Frank Louis
January 10, 2021

Rush Limbaugh, Help me out, I really have no clue: Proverbs 22: 6 instructs us to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not . . .

Sean Hannity: So what?!
Frank Louis
January 7, 2021

Well, Today is January 7, 2021. Yesterday the United States of America passed away. Chalk it up to COVID I guess: Over 328 Million Dead. May as well be. So, . . .

Loeffler may have finally seen the light: Contact your representatives now!
Frank Louis
January 4, 2021

Took her long enough to see the writing on the wall. Just moments ago, Kelly Loeffler released this statement:  . . .

Todd Herman: Please explain this logic to me
Frank Louis
December 30, 2020

Todd, I believe it was you guest-hosting on the Hannity radio program recently, on December 28. Your topic at one point was the “election,” voter fraud, . . .

Has the Supreme Court just become a group of spineless “Busybodies?”
Frank Louis
December 21, 2020

I have a job. I have mentioned it in the past. I teach in a communication department in a major state university system. One of the courses I teach is Public . . .

A few thoughts on the Republican lineup and future: Mitch, Gov. Abbott…pay attention
Frank Louis
December 18, 2020

Well it’s come down to this has it? A rigged election and vast migration between states, guaranteeing future losses for conservative values and our elected . . .

God put us here now: Ever wonder why?
Frank Louis
October 29, 2020

These recent months have been hectic to say the least. The left has gone off the deep end. Now, even threatening to immediately impeach Justice Amy Coney . . .

Bye, Bye, Eskimo Pie. Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
Frank Louis
June 24, 2020

‘"The players tried to take the field. The marching band refused to yield .Do you recall what was revealed, the day the music died?” (Don McLean). Hello, . . .

It looked full enough to me: Tulsa, a great success for 'The Don'
Frank Louis
June 21, 2020

Well, this is the infamous “morning after.” I have been reading through and watching various clips of “news” here and there. AOC claims that Donald was . . .

Hey, Tucker Carlson, evil is built in: It's Biblical. But I understand what you are trying to say!
Frank Louis
June 11, 2020

Rebuttal at hand? Tucker Carlson on June 9, 2020 stated that “No Child Is Born Evil & Sin Cannot Be Inherited.” Tucker, I love you man, and I understand . . .

Exactly what matters? “We don’t want no mo police.”
Frank Louis
June 8, 2020

Just a couple of years ago, it was against the law to even wear a mask to a “protest.” Now, the government passes them out and they are required attire.  . . .

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”
Frank Louis
May 30, 2020

Romans 1:22, the Bible, New Testament, is clear: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” Not too much to misunderstand here, but many do, . . .

The actual whistleblower identified by me
Frank Louis
October 2, 2019

Yes, the whistleblower is identified. It's Donald Trump. Yes folks, Our President and Commander in Chief, Donald J Trump has been blowing the whistle on the . . .

Some thoughts on the recent shootings, our constitution and direction
Frank Louis
August 5, 2019

So, I just completed an intense week of study. It was a week of investigation into the biblical foundations to our Constitution. Without getting into too many . . .

RE the Alabama abortion ruling: I'll tell you what to keep out of your uterus!
Frank Louis
May 15, 2019

I have heard much these past couple of days, as have you and pretty much everyone else I'll bet, about the recent Alabama bill regarding abortion. This whole . . .

The over borrowed saved again: It all sounds so good doesn't it?
Frank Louis
April 23, 2019

Have you heard about Elizabeth Warren's proposed plan to forgive student loan debt up to $50,000? And both Social Security and Medicare are set to go broke?  . . .

Tell me, why is it "Illegal" to send migrants to sanctuary cities?
Frank Louis
April 13, 2019

So, I hear several times a day how it is "illegal" to send migrants to "sanctuary cities." There are now over 100,000 illegal immigrants coming into our . . .

Why not a celebrity tax: Put an end to the wage gap...why not cap these incomes!
Frank Louis
December 22, 2017

Yes you Leftist Liberals, the solution is in hand. Right here in this brief column. The Celebrity Tax and Income Caps! I am just amazed that none of you . . .

More and more hyperbole tossed around by liberals
Frank Louis
October 12, 2017

We have been hearing a lot since the Las Vegas killings and the notion of "mental health issues, laws, etc" Please, please folks... just who among us represent . . .

Since when is sin Constitutional; and now: Las Vegas... what is next?
Frank Louis
October 3, 2017

As I prepared to submit this most recent article, I learned in the news that someone had just shot hundreds of people in Las Vegas. Speculation on the shooter's . . .

Cultural appropriation, commencement speeches and logic: no relationship
Frank Louis
May 15, 2017

You hear a lot these days about "Cultural Appropriation," especially with the number of Anglos celebrating the recent Mexican Holiday "Cinco De Mayo." It has . . .

Donald, it's just one sentence, say it: "From this moment on, Veterans..."
Frank Louis
April 17, 2017

So far, I have been pretty content with President Trump. I know that he cannot, single-handedly correct healthcare, lower taxes, get a wall built (look at . . .

Liberals exposed for anti-semantic language: does anything mean anything any longer?
Frank Louis
March 1, 2017

I just don't know where to turn. The world has gone off its rocker! While much of the debate seems to be who is or is not "anti-semitic," and what is or is . . .

One Week In for President Trump: Some observations from where I see it, just my opinion
Frank Louis
January 28, 2017

Well, this edition of the "Frank Louis" is a virtual "potpourri" (albeit a stinky one at best) based on just a few observations I have made at the end of this . . .

60 million people voted against Barack Obama in both elections: Were they happy with the results? I don't think so
Frank Louis
January 19, 2017

Why are no media (TV, Talk Radio, Bloggers, etc) having this discussion? They do not address the fact that 60-million Americans (in round numbers) voted against . . .

As we approach the Inauguration here are my observations: Old Fashioned and Politically Incorrect as usual
Frank Louis
January 17, 2017

I guess I am old fashioned. I think men were born men and women were born women. I believe that some men are more "manly" than others and some women are more  . . .

An important message for Ivanka Trump: There are many artists and musicians who support you and the president elect. Support them.
Frank Louis
December 26, 2016

I have been hearing more and more about "celebrities" boycotting the inauguration, even recently telling you, Ivanka, that they do not want their artwork &ndash . . .

Some closing thoughts for 2016: we have a lot of work ahead of us folks, a lot!
Frank Louis
December 16, 2016

I for one am happy with the election results. I happen to be someone who also believes that there may well be a couple million or more invalid votes cast out . . .

Am I Wrong? I thought the election was about more than just jobs and economy: Morals?
Frank Louis
December 14, 2016

There is so much going on now that the election is over and... after it, I really needed to step back to get a better picture of exactly what is happening. As . . .

Ed Rendell (former PA Governor) on Morning joe: Really? Psalm 137 comes to mind.
Frank Louis
November 22, 2016

So, I was flipping channels trying to avoid commercials this week, peeling potatoes, washing string beans, and debating whether to fry the turkey or not... . . .

Just a thought: The nuanced difference between statements like "the-old-country" and "my-country."
Frank Louis
November 18, 2016

So, recently I read that Donald Trump is our President-Elect. I am certain that my multiple articles pointing out "this or that-reason" to vote for Mr. Trump, . . .

Watch Out For Lip Service: The fight is not over folks... And it's Veterans' Day!
Frank Louis
November 10, 2016

Well, well, well! Quite a day, quite a night. Then, there was the infamous "day after." Yesterday afternoon, while discussing the election results with . . .

Backhanded insult from President Obama: "Looks like he maybe served in our military."
Frank Louis
November 7, 2016

Still I ramble. What else can I do, time is about up! Well, there may still be time left to get this last point in before the voting booths open and shut . . .

Last ditch campaign ads I would like to see Donald Trump air. Now
Frank Louis
November 4, 2016

I'll be brief and to the point. The Democrats have proven that the idea of "going high" is definitely out the window. Of course, we all well know (if we have . . .

Are there more people out there, who are tired of the lies than need safe-spaces?
Frank Louis
October 30, 2016

Can This Really Be Happening? Hillary is at it again. We were 11-days out from the election when the FBI announced they are reopening the investigation on . . .

Worried Trump will get us into war? With Hillary there will be nothing left to fight for!
Frank Louis
October 22, 2016

So, once the Constitution is tossed into the trash, borders erased, no remaining evidence of a common National Language, and political correctness runs amuck, . . .

OK: If you can't vote for Donald, vote for the Supreme Court and Pence 2024!
Frank Louis
October 18, 2016

Two Debates down, one to go. No media bias here. Nope, nothing to see here. I believe that many people have become very short-sighted and gullible to a . . .

Trump's ten year old comments: Folks this is nuts!
Frank Louis
October 9, 2016

I am writing this on Saturday, October 8. Who knows what will be on Monday. Wikileaks lawyer, John Jones (48), killed by train in London. Ruled "suicide."  . . .

Fact or friction: "Serial Mom" for president? Life again imitates art... again!
Frank Louis
October 7, 2016

No, No, No, No... I am not accusing anyone running for president of murder. Not even Hillary. But, with the first debates being distilled down to petty remarks . . .

It is what it is: count down to election day
Frank Louis
September 19, 2016

I had originally been working on an article I called "Gangbangers Want To Be Gangbangers: It is their ambition." It came about while listening to the . . .

Beware of the catch-all phrase "mental illness": it may come back to bite you
Frank Louis
August 10, 2016

So, more and more we hear the phrase "mental illness." It seems that the fellow who just stabbed and killed 5 people in Europe was said not to be "radicalized." . . .

How can anyone support Hillary?
Frank Louis
July 29, 2016

Funny, I heard Michelle's Slave Comments. I heard that she (not "him" has "slave blood") Does anyone know that In the eastern slave trade, enslaved Africans . . .

We(ed) the people: cleaning house, not exactly "xenophobic"
Frank Louis
July 6, 2016

I couldn't help but notice the other day that my garden needed serious weeding. I needed to weed my garden to make room for the plants as I had intended, as . . .

What the heck is going on? Part II
Frank Louis
June 29, 2016

Continued from Part I: By the way... There is No Gun Show Loophole! What is going on here in the USA is that the majority of the people now live in urban . . .

What the heck is going on? Part I
Frank Louis
June 21, 2016

So, I heard on the news that the gun store in Florida where this mass shooter in Orlando shopped for his body armor actually called the FBI about it just days . . .

Some advice for Mr. Trump: more observations from where I see it
Frank Louis
May 10, 2016

Hello Donald. First, let me congratulate you on your forthcoming victory. Now, on to the presidency. I hope to assist you from time to time with some details . . .

Proponents for change: how about proponents for stability... for a change?
Frank Louis
April 7, 2016

Recently, I had a discussion with a program director at a local public library about children's programs they were offering. As a STEAM advocate, I do things . . .

I'm overwhelmed: A brief look at the situation
Frank Louis
March 22, 2016

I will admit it; I am overwhelmed! It is what (among other things) has kept me from penning my thoughts for the past several months. It is just hard to know . . .

Are you kidding me: these people can't get a photo ID by November 2016? Really?
Frank Louis
August 14, 2013

Really Folks, I have all but given up. I mean really, with all of this talk of racism and now Hillary wandering around the country talking about restoring . . .

A new twist to the "three strikes and you're out" policy: the agenda to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens
Frank Louis
April 30, 2013

You've undoubtedly heard the expression "three strikes and you're out" before- in baseball of course. But in the legal world as well when it comes to certain  . . .

The rhetoric is beyond belief: and getting worse
Frank Louis
July 20, 2012

Well by now we have surely all heard President Obama's rhetoric about how, if you have a business, you didn't build it yourself. Really, I guess I have to agree . . .

Opening doors for more economic corruption
Frank Louis
July 15, 2012

In the housing crisis, there is a much overlooked demographic that are continually ignored. I continue to report on them. These are the people who made . . .

Future outgoing President Obama: "I want everyone treated fairly in this country." Among other things...what does he mean?
Frank Louis
May 17, 2012

At a recent fundraising event in New York as well as on "The View," and at a commencement speech at Barnard College, outgoing President of the United States, . . .

They keep claiming that torture doesn't work: so what is up with this "crucify" thing?
Frank Louis
April 29, 2012

It just occurred to me that we have in front of us yet another conflicting set of "principles" (and I use the word loosely) coming from the mouths of those in . . .

John Edwards: Is he the ultimate poster-boy for the Obama Care contraception issue?
Frank Louis
April 19, 2012

With the John Edwards affair coming to the forefront of the weekly news cycle, I have some diverse (I love to use the word: "diverse.") context in which to . . .

My tax-day comments... patriotic millionaire Whitney Telson, don't be so cheap: give your secretary a raise... why not double her pay?
Frank Louis
April 17, 2012

As we all know quite well, Patriotic Millionaires, including hedge fund millionaire Whitney Telson, along with his underpaid secretary, all attended an event at . . .

Try to get a candidate answer this question: bet they won't
Frank Louis
April 13, 2012

Recently, my small group attended a political rally for a candidate and we were rather disappointed by the whole set up. First, we had emailed and phoned in our . . .

What do Ed DeMarco (FHFA deputy director) and 1.7 billion dollars have in common? Another half-baked housing scheme doomed for failure
Frank Louis
April 12, 2012

I ask this question because the federal government and Tim, the tax man, Geithner have come up with yet another half-baked plan to apply yet another level of . . .

What did Obama mean by having "more flexibility" after the election?
Frank Louis
March 29, 2012

I can tell you one thing: It was a far cry from Ronald Reagan's "We begin bombing in five-minutes." 1984 misspeak while he was doing a sound check prior to an . . .

Supreme Court or Subprime Court? We will see!
Frank Louis
March 27, 2012

This week, we will see first hand just how well the "Supreme Court" of the land respects and upholds our basic civil rights as defined under the constitution of . . .

New Mortgage Relief Program set to again assist those with no money down, cash back at closing mortgages
Frank Louis
February 11, 2012

The program, we are told, will help those "hardest hit "in the mortgage crisis. Tell me, just who is that and how was the "hardest hit list" developed? Someone . . .

Some thoughts on absolute truth and the media: separating fact from fiction
Frank Louis
February 6, 2012

Recently, following Mitt Romney's victory in the Florida Primary, the Reverend Al Sharpton came on the air and down played Romney's win by saying something like . . .

Newest mortgage modification program dumb as ever: no cool acronym either
Frank Louis
February 3, 2012

So now we have it, yet another boondoggled scheme to solve the housing crisis. Our illustrious president is now suggesting another program that again misses the . . .

They have no clue: really, no clue
Frank Louis
February 2, 2012

After sitting out for a few weeks due to a variety of reasons, I see it is now past the time for me to again attempt to point out the one and only solution to . . .

Are we "lucky" Mr. Obama or were we "blessed"? (And I do mean, "were.")
Frank Louis
November 29, 2011

Yup, that is how we do it 'round these here parts..."eating great food, watching a little football, and reflecting on how truly lucky we are." Yup, just lucky . . .

If you are here "illegally," Not a Problem: Buy a house, and you'll get a visa
Frank Louis
October 26, 2011

There are 2 new government "housing" programs ramping up this month. Neither, however, considers people who invested actual money in the housing market and . . .

Wealth redistribution? We already have it on a grand scale
Frank Louis
October 20, 2011

Recently, I wrote about the plot... oops, I mean, "plan," by the 50 State Attorneys General to make an "equitable" solution to mortgage modifications. About a . . .

50 attorneys general meeting to modify mortgages: have concern as to how to make it "equitable." Suggestion: consider people's "equity."
Frank Louis
October 13, 2011

The 50-individual States' Attorneys General have been meeting and discussing our life savings and future economic realities without asking us for our input. . . .

Are you tired of half-truths... half-facts (lies)?
Frank Louis
October 8, 2011

Briefly, I was watching FOX News, Hannity, the other night and Bob Beckel, Sean, and others were discussing the events of the past week and, conveniently, all . . .

Still no solution on economic or housing crisis: here is my suggestion and this idea will work
Frank Louis
September 10, 2011

I am still digesting the President's speech. But it sounded like spending more of the money we no longer have because we are now slaves to our valueless real . . .

New ad by the National Association of Realtors is an insult to every American home owner: hear it and weep
Frank Louis
September 1, 2011

So, I just can't believe what I just heard on my TV. I thought there was a problem with my audio so; I searched the web to listen to the ad again. I had, in . . .

Who are these stupid (criminal) people -- and why do we keep inviting them back?
Frank Louis
August 10, 2011

Everyday, it seems, just as I get ready to submit an article, more and more stuff happens, like the 600-point down-day on the DOW, the downgrading of America's . . .

Housing double dip: I could'a told you that... in fact I did!
Frank Louis
June 19, 2011

Recently the Case Shiller Home Price Index on the status of America's failing housing market (You know, the market where mortgage brokers, realtors, appraisers, . . .

Whoa: my mistake. Making home affordable program is a great success. I apologize.
Frank Louis
April 2, 2011

Yes, it seems that I have been wrong all of these months and years that I have been broadcasting and writing about housing. I have now finally seen the light. I . . .

Mortgage strike? Former SEIU official Stephen Lerner may have a point!
Frank Louis
March 25, 2011

Stephen, I agree with you Bro, to an extent. You are so clever! Yes, nobody should pay their mortgage, that is, if they were set up and robbed by . . .

Former Fannie Mae head investigated for lying to investors -- his name is "Mudd"
Frank Louis
March 21, 2011

More Fannie Mae criminal activity is exposed while millions of Americans are still on the hook for those fraudulent mortgages. Meanwhile, housing numbers are . . .

US economy is in shambles, uncontrolled debt runs amuck
Frank Louis
March 14, 2011

US Economy is in Shambles, Uncontrolled Debt Runs Amuck, Americans Going Bankrupt, Bank of America Chief Decides Mortgage Modifications are Unfair — While . . .

We should have stopped funding PBS and NPR a long time ago
Frank Louis
March 9, 2011

As the US Economy goes further and further into the tank, budget cuts are being considered in every sector of state, local and national budgets. Among these on . . .

Is John Stossel a well meaning idiot or just being an obedient media employee?
Frank Louis
February 28, 2011

Recently, I watched a rerun of a program that originally aired on Fox News last fall; "The Battle for the Future," a John Stossel "investigative-report" on our . . .

New government program to "save" housing
Frank Louis
February 25, 2011

Well, the Obama administration has come up with yet another dysfunctional and contrived "plan" to "modify mortgages" in yet another catchy sounding program that . . .

Get your picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone? Why not!
Frank Louis
February 18, 2011

Is this what it has come to? The Rolling Stone, our best source for news and investigative reporting? Puts a whole new meaning to the ol' Dr. Hook song of the 1 . . .

Yes, government out of housing market: now... OUT!
Frank Louis
February 10, 2011

Larry Kudlow, I agree with you. Get the government out of housing... along with the other crooks, criminals, and intellectuals who fill the ranks of this . . .

No to mortgage principle reductions? I don't think so
Frank Louis
January 13, 2011

No to principle reductions? That is what Fox News Financial Expert Bob Massi said this week on Fox and Friends. Yep, Let 'em foreclose. That is his solution. . . .

Housing crisis: too big to fail defined
Frank Louis
January 7, 2011

Something occurred to me recently while listening to a conservative talk show host (Sean Hanady) tell a caller how they have a responsibility to pay their . . .

Still no end in sight: look out below...even lower real estate values to come
Frank Louis
January 1, 2011

Sorry for missing my monthly articles recently in November and December. Lots going on and... well the "day extender" I had ordered for Christmas never arrived. . . .

If you made a down payment for more than the current value: keep the property, its yours!
Frank Louis
October 14, 2010

That is right, it is fully paid for. Tell your bank; tell your politicians, you have fully paid for it already; mail you the free and clear title! That is what . . .

Please, no more of the same
Frank Louis
September 22, 2010

This week we learned that Larry Summers is stepping down from his post as director of the National Economic Council with the Obama Administration, leaving us . . .

Is the Fed over-intellectualizing and missing the point on housing? Or are they just too full of themselves?
Frank Louis
September 8, 2010

Somebody please, help these folks see the light of day. Are they so impressed with themselves that they cannot see the forest for the trees? Recently, I . . .

Somebody, please tell me why! (Housing crisis: no end in sight)
Frank Louis
August 31, 2010

I just left the government's website: The headline read: "OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HOUSING SCORECARD SHOWS CONTINUED PROGRESS IN HOUSING . . .

Has anybody been following this Jackson Hole (Wyoming) Fed Retreat?
Frank Louis
August 28, 2010

If you have been following this summit, you must be as tired of hearing the intellectualization of this nation's economic crisis as I am. A crisis that no one . . .

It is all so complex: or is it
Frank Louis
August 25, 2010

When I first read the recent stories about the "Philadelphia Housing Authority Director in Foreclosure," I was going to use words like "It doesn't Get any . . .

What is up with this "Hardest Hit Fund" program?
Frank Louis
August 5, 2010

I just can't believe it. States are getting millions and millions of our dollars to "help" those "hardest hit" by the mortgage and housing crisis by giving the . . .

No one seems to get it still: housing will continue to decline
Frank Louis
July 28, 2010

While I slug away with my local radio show on the housing crisis, unable to get my commentary recognized by the major media, (I am on WNRI, 1380 AM in Rhode . . .

What is the media thinking anyway?
Frank Louis
June 3, 2010

I just read the naïve online article from US News and World Report: "3 Retirement Worst Case Scenarios to Avoid" by Mark J. Patterson, Wednesday, June 2, 2010 . . .

You're no George Bailey, Mr. Bernanke
Frank Louis
April 16, 2010

You know, the more I read, the more I hear, the more this all drives me crazy. First, I will say that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I am an unflinching . . .

Aren't 10 million Foreclosures "too big to fail," Ben?
Frank Louis
April 9, 2010

I about croaked when I was driving my car and listening to Ben Bernanke, on my radio, address the Regional Fed in Dallas this week. He started his address by . . .

Housing crisis: solutions
Frank Louis
March 24, 2010

This nation was founded on some very basic principles. Among these are the freedom to own property, freedom to pursue happiness and the freedom of religious . . .

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