Gina Miller
Southern Poverty Law Center, homofascists target Mississippi museum
By Gina Miller
Today in the United States, one of the greatest threats — if not the greatest threat — to religious freedom and freedom of speech is the militant homosexual movement. There is no overstating this fact. In the few years since the homosexual advocate Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) was installed in the presidency, we have seen a boldness in the sexual anarchy movement unparalleled in our history. Obama has set homosexuals in positions at the highest levels in our government, and this is yet another of the myriad reasons it is crucial that he be ejected from power.
There is a concerted effort by radical homosexuals to use our courts to force the "acceptance" of their degenerate behavior on our country. We now see it regularly with homosexuals targeting Christian-owned businesses and other institutions, insisting with threats of legal action that Christians set aside their freedom of religion to accommodate the perverse demands of the homosexuals. They often succeed in their intimidation tactics.
To those who are not paying attention or who are beguiled by the deceptive message of homosexuals "only wanting equal civil rights," it is easy to discount the warnings of those of us who know the end goal of this sinister movement. The goal is nothing short of criminalizing Christianity and any speech that is critical of the degenerate homosexual lifestyle and homosexual attempts to counterfeit marriage. These people will not stop until it is illegal for even preachers to speak the Biblical truth about homosexuality inside a church, much less in the public square.
We have yet another example of homosexual bullying — this time, occurring in collusion with the despicable Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). As you know, the SPLC has never met a patriotic, Constitution-cherishing, conservative Christian group that it did not smear with the "hate" label. These people in the SPLC are anti-American, anti-freedom subversives who should never be given an ounce of credibility in a sane world. But, of course, our world is not sane, and thus, the SPLC enjoys not only mainstream "credibility," but also federal non-profit, tax-exempt status.
So, the SPLC has found a pair of young women to use as battering rams against the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum in Jackson. The two girls claim they want to have a "commitment ceremony" at the museum, but the museum's policy has always been to refuse same-sex ceremonies, because homosexual "marriage" is not legal in Mississippi.
An Associated Press report carried by the Sun Herald last Thursday stated,
Faced with the threat of a federal lawsuit, Mississippi officials have relented on a ban on same-sex commitment ceremonies at a state-owned museum and are processing a permit for two women.
The Southern Poverty Law Center sent a letter to the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum in Jackson on July 12, threatening to sue if officials didn't allow Ceara Sturgis, 20, and her partner, Emily Key, 19, to hold a ceremony there this fall.
Republican Mississippi Agriculture Commissioner Cindy Hyde-Smith said in a statement Thursday same-sex ceremonies are against her religious and personal beliefs, but there's nothing in state law to block or prohibit them. She said the museum is processing the permit application, but there are several steps and it hasn't been finalized.
The museum had refused to allow the ceremonies in the past based on a 2009 opinion by Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood. The museum had said it interpreted commitment ceremonies to represent a union and that the 2009 opinion said it could ban the ceremonies because same-sex marriage is not legally recognized in Mississippi.
Because there is no state law specifically outlawing same-sex "commitment ceremonies," then that means they should be allowed? That is twisted "logic." There are probably no state laws specifically outlawing polygamist "commitment ceremonies," either, yet we know they are wrong, period. It is a shameful day when there has to be a law spelling out common-sense, moral truths, or else reprobates will use "legal loopholes" to impose their immoral will on society.
According to the SPLC, these girls only want to celebrate their "love" and are just victims of a mean, old, bigoted museum policy. A spokesmouth attorney for the SPLC crowed,
"Our clients are happy that they will have the opportunity to express their love for one another in front of their family and friends. ... We are pleased that the museum has reversed its unfair and illegal policy, and affirmed that gay couples will be treated the same as heterosexual couples."
This woman says that homosexual couples will be treated the same as heterosexual couples, and nowadays too many misguided people see nothing wrong with that statement. Homosexuality is a sin, and homosexual couples who practice their perverse bedroom behavior bear no relation to the normal, God-ordained marriage between a man and a woman. To say the two should be treated "equally" is the epitome of dead-wrong, because there will never be "equality" between sin and truth.
So, is this just an isolated case of two girls hoping to make their dream day come true? Nope. Let's look at one of the two girls, Ceara Sturgis, who has made herself into a Justin Bieber look-alike. She began her role as a homosexual activism tool in high school back in 2009. She shook up the scene by posing for her yearbook photograph wearing a tuxedo. The school refused to publish her cross-dressing picture in the yearbook, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) promptly sued the high school. The school caved and settled, and as a result, it now requires all student yearbook photographs to be "gender-neutral" with students wearing cap and gown. There's progress for you!
The Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum was an easy target for these homofascist girls and the fascist SPLC. To the State Agriculture Commission, fighting this insane demand was more trouble than it was worth. The militant homosexual movement wins many of their diabolical battles this way. Most people, businesses and states do not have the "extra" money set aside to defend against attacks from sodomites seeking to force their depraved will on the American people.
These girls and the SPLC knew beforehand that the museum did not allow same-sex travesty ceremonies on their property, so they targeted the museum and set out to dismantle that right-and-proper policy. Militant homosexuals pull this kind of legal thuggery all over the nation. It is a campaign that, if not stopped or at least firmly resisted, will ultimately result in our loss of freedom of speech and expression and freedom of religion. Don't doubt it for a minute.
© Gina Miller
August 14, 2012
Today in the United States, one of the greatest threats — if not the greatest threat — to religious freedom and freedom of speech is the militant homosexual movement. There is no overstating this fact. In the few years since the homosexual advocate Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) was installed in the presidency, we have seen a boldness in the sexual anarchy movement unparalleled in our history. Obama has set homosexuals in positions at the highest levels in our government, and this is yet another of the myriad reasons it is crucial that he be ejected from power.
There is a concerted effort by radical homosexuals to use our courts to force the "acceptance" of their degenerate behavior on our country. We now see it regularly with homosexuals targeting Christian-owned businesses and other institutions, insisting with threats of legal action that Christians set aside their freedom of religion to accommodate the perverse demands of the homosexuals. They often succeed in their intimidation tactics.
To those who are not paying attention or who are beguiled by the deceptive message of homosexuals "only wanting equal civil rights," it is easy to discount the warnings of those of us who know the end goal of this sinister movement. The goal is nothing short of criminalizing Christianity and any speech that is critical of the degenerate homosexual lifestyle and homosexual attempts to counterfeit marriage. These people will not stop until it is illegal for even preachers to speak the Biblical truth about homosexuality inside a church, much less in the public square.
We have yet another example of homosexual bullying — this time, occurring in collusion with the despicable Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). As you know, the SPLC has never met a patriotic, Constitution-cherishing, conservative Christian group that it did not smear with the "hate" label. These people in the SPLC are anti-American, anti-freedom subversives who should never be given an ounce of credibility in a sane world. But, of course, our world is not sane, and thus, the SPLC enjoys not only mainstream "credibility," but also federal non-profit, tax-exempt status.
So, the SPLC has found a pair of young women to use as battering rams against the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum in Jackson. The two girls claim they want to have a "commitment ceremony" at the museum, but the museum's policy has always been to refuse same-sex ceremonies, because homosexual "marriage" is not legal in Mississippi.
An Associated Press report carried by the Sun Herald last Thursday stated,
Faced with the threat of a federal lawsuit, Mississippi officials have relented on a ban on same-sex commitment ceremonies at a state-owned museum and are processing a permit for two women.
The Southern Poverty Law Center sent a letter to the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum in Jackson on July 12, threatening to sue if officials didn't allow Ceara Sturgis, 20, and her partner, Emily Key, 19, to hold a ceremony there this fall.
Republican Mississippi Agriculture Commissioner Cindy Hyde-Smith said in a statement Thursday same-sex ceremonies are against her religious and personal beliefs, but there's nothing in state law to block or prohibit them. She said the museum is processing the permit application, but there are several steps and it hasn't been finalized.
The museum had refused to allow the ceremonies in the past based on a 2009 opinion by Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood. The museum had said it interpreted commitment ceremonies to represent a union and that the 2009 opinion said it could ban the ceremonies because same-sex marriage is not legally recognized in Mississippi.
Because there is no state law specifically outlawing same-sex "commitment ceremonies," then that means they should be allowed? That is twisted "logic." There are probably no state laws specifically outlawing polygamist "commitment ceremonies," either, yet we know they are wrong, period. It is a shameful day when there has to be a law spelling out common-sense, moral truths, or else reprobates will use "legal loopholes" to impose their immoral will on society.
According to the SPLC, these girls only want to celebrate their "love" and are just victims of a mean, old, bigoted museum policy. A spokesmouth attorney for the SPLC crowed,
"Our clients are happy that they will have the opportunity to express their love for one another in front of their family and friends. ... We are pleased that the museum has reversed its unfair and illegal policy, and affirmed that gay couples will be treated the same as heterosexual couples."
This woman says that homosexual couples will be treated the same as heterosexual couples, and nowadays too many misguided people see nothing wrong with that statement. Homosexuality is a sin, and homosexual couples who practice their perverse bedroom behavior bear no relation to the normal, God-ordained marriage between a man and a woman. To say the two should be treated "equally" is the epitome of dead-wrong, because there will never be "equality" between sin and truth.
So, is this just an isolated case of two girls hoping to make their dream day come true? Nope. Let's look at one of the two girls, Ceara Sturgis, who has made herself into a Justin Bieber look-alike. She began her role as a homosexual activism tool in high school back in 2009. She shook up the scene by posing for her yearbook photograph wearing a tuxedo. The school refused to publish her cross-dressing picture in the yearbook, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) promptly sued the high school. The school caved and settled, and as a result, it now requires all student yearbook photographs to be "gender-neutral" with students wearing cap and gown. There's progress for you!
The Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum was an easy target for these homofascist girls and the fascist SPLC. To the State Agriculture Commission, fighting this insane demand was more trouble than it was worth. The militant homosexual movement wins many of their diabolical battles this way. Most people, businesses and states do not have the "extra" money set aside to defend against attacks from sodomites seeking to force their depraved will on the American people.
These girls and the SPLC knew beforehand that the museum did not allow same-sex travesty ceremonies on their property, so they targeted the museum and set out to dismantle that right-and-proper policy. Militant homosexuals pull this kind of legal thuggery all over the nation. It is a campaign that, if not stopped or at least firmly resisted, will ultimately result in our loss of freedom of speech and expression and freedom of religion. Don't doubt it for a minute.
© Gina Miller
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