Steve A. Stone
Why we need to communicate with our leaders
By Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
I've decided the best thing I can do this year is write to those in power and give them one or more pieces of my mind. It's something everyone should consider doing. If we aren't talking to those in our state houses and in Washington, they're not hearing. If they aren't hearing, how can they listen? It may be a waste of time; I'm not totally certain of that. But, one thing I know is if I don't communicate my thoughts, hopes, and wishes to those empowered to make such things a reality, then I haven't done nearly all I can, and have little of substance to complain about.
Today we have many huge issues. Of them all, I've singled out the state of education as the nation's number 1. If it's not, then please tell me what is. If we don't fix education very, very soon we will see something we've long thought impossible but now should understand is very near to reality. I'm talking about the prospect of an avowed socialist gaining the White House. I might agree that Obama was something of a socialist, but he was many other things besides. I'm really talking about someone like Bernie Sanders. While I don't give Bernie much of a shot – and if he even gets nominated by the Democratic Party I believe there will be something of a backlash by the old-line party stalwarts – sooner or later someone very much like Bernie will surface again and succeed. The path to that success is paved already. It just awaits the right person and a critical mass of support. That critical mass is being educated today in our K-12 public schools. The indoctrination that will make it all possible is ongoing, and has been for almost 60 years.
My letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is my attempt to gain her attention to this truth. We who are in the trenches understand the degree of propagandizing and socialization that our schools do these days. We understand the primary goal of K-12 is no longer to foster academic excellence, but to turn our younger generations into the kind of citizens an authoritarian government needs to ensure a peaceful transition away from our constitutional republic to a different model. Our young today are taught that free market capitalism is an inferior economic system when compared to almost all others – especially socialism. The pitch is straight to the amygdala of each and every student. The kids can't defend against such propagandizing and indoctrination. They have nothing but us to help, and to a significant extent, parents today aren't equipped to help them. But, we can if we get active on this topic.
Many of us have fought Common Core for years. Far too few, me included, recognized Common Core for what it is – the camel's nose under the tent. We perceived the nose and reacted to it, while those who were intent on taking over all aspects of education were busy behind the curtains. It's time more of us learned the totality of what's going on in the schools and how it all is affecting the foundation of America.
If I were to give my own State of the Union address today I'd say,
In Liberty,
© Steve A. Stone
March 9, 2020
Dear Friends and Patriots,
I've decided the best thing I can do this year is write to those in power and give them one or more pieces of my mind. It's something everyone should consider doing. If we aren't talking to those in our state houses and in Washington, they're not hearing. If they aren't hearing, how can they listen? It may be a waste of time; I'm not totally certain of that. But, one thing I know is if I don't communicate my thoughts, hopes, and wishes to those empowered to make such things a reality, then I haven't done nearly all I can, and have little of substance to complain about.
Today we have many huge issues. Of them all, I've singled out the state of education as the nation's number 1. If it's not, then please tell me what is. If we don't fix education very, very soon we will see something we've long thought impossible but now should understand is very near to reality. I'm talking about the prospect of an avowed socialist gaining the White House. I might agree that Obama was something of a socialist, but he was many other things besides. I'm really talking about someone like Bernie Sanders. While I don't give Bernie much of a shot – and if he even gets nominated by the Democratic Party I believe there will be something of a backlash by the old-line party stalwarts – sooner or later someone very much like Bernie will surface again and succeed. The path to that success is paved already. It just awaits the right person and a critical mass of support. That critical mass is being educated today in our K-12 public schools. The indoctrination that will make it all possible is ongoing, and has been for almost 60 years.
My letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is my attempt to gain her attention to this truth. We who are in the trenches understand the degree of propagandizing and socialization that our schools do these days. We understand the primary goal of K-12 is no longer to foster academic excellence, but to turn our younger generations into the kind of citizens an authoritarian government needs to ensure a peaceful transition away from our constitutional republic to a different model. Our young today are taught that free market capitalism is an inferior economic system when compared to almost all others – especially socialism. The pitch is straight to the amygdala of each and every student. The kids can't defend against such propagandizing and indoctrination. They have nothing but us to help, and to a significant extent, parents today aren't equipped to help them. But, we can if we get active on this topic.
Many of us have fought Common Core for years. Far too few, me included, recognized Common Core for what it is – the camel's nose under the tent. We perceived the nose and reacted to it, while those who were intent on taking over all aspects of education were busy behind the curtains. It's time more of us learned the totality of what's going on in the schools and how it all is affecting the foundation of America.
If I were to give my own State of the Union address today I'd say,
The state of our union is not good at all. We are in grave peril. Our republic is under attack from within. We've allowed our attention to be diverted from a primary life task, that of raising our young to know how to perpetuate this miracle we call America. Now, we need to deal with the results of that decades-long inattention and fight to get our children back from the socialist statists who now have their minds in their control. If we don't succeed, that miracle we call America cannot last much longer. It won't take but one more generation for the enemies of our Constitution to have the critical mass they need to take over our government without any opposition. Indeed, if our young continue to be indoctrinated as they presently are, we will see them vote in the government they believe they want, a government much like many we've spent our whole lives defending America against. It will be OUR sorry legacy. We will have to go to our graves knowing the death of our Constitution was due to our own inattention and lack of effort. America is on a precipice. If it is to survive, it's up to each and every one of us to do something.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. Stone
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