Steve A. Stone
Elections: There are so many ways to steal
By Steve A. Stone
November 12, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots,

If you are confused with all that's going on, allow me to offer explanations of the various kinds of voter fraud. Once you’ve read all I have below, I’m asking you all to trust me on one fact that I can’t independently prove—every single aspect of every single method to commit voter fraud was in play in our general election. There’s no way to tell how many votes were stolen. It’s likely in the millions.

This article is based on a Facebook post I did two days after the election. I’d seen so many questions regarding what was what and how it all worked that I felt compelled to dig in and help. Maybe I did. Then again, maybe I was a couple of weeks too late. Time will tell.

Just in case there’s some usefulness in knowing, here are some of the many ways to steal votes:

Ballot Harvesting—This is a scam that works whenever unsolicited ballots are mailed according to voter rolls. A “harvester” is a person who goes out into the community and presses people to fill out ballots they didn't have any intention to, then takes those ballots and turns them in. The harvester is offering a service. That “service” also comes with a lot of pressure regarding the proper way to fill out the ballot. If the person still refuses to vote, the harvester will ask for the ballot and find someone else to fill it out, fills it out themselves, or turns it in without filling in so the “buyer” can have it done. Keep in mind the objective is to get the ballot and ensure that ballot reflects the needs of the harvester’s “buyer.” One harvester was recently busted in Austin. She'd been doing it for years for only $3-5 per ballot in compensation from the candidates she shilled for. It's how she made her living. You have to catch someone in the act to do anything about this. It happens in almost every election where mail-in ballots are allowed. In most states, it’s not illegal for someone to show up at a polling place or canvassing site and turn in a batch of filled out ballots. It should be. Now, you know what to look for.

Un-Purged Voter Rolls—We all know about these. They’re official voter rolls that aren't maintained, so deceased people and those who moved long ago are still reflected on them. That in itself is a problem, but it easily facilitates fraud when everyone else in the system has been doing their jobs and making proper notifications to the registrar, but the registrar isn’t doing what they’re supposed to. When unmaintained voter rolls are to be used in an election scam, someone, somewhere has to be keeping track of those dead and moved people in a different file, or they wait, as we’ve heard in this election, because of the extra time allowed for mail-in ballots to show up. Those who didn't vote by Election Day can vote the day after. They get helped by those who have access to the voter rolls and know who didn't cast a ballot. This practice is exactly why we see so little initiative on the part of elected officials to purge voter rolls. Far too many people in elected office got there because all their dead relatives and former neighbors voted for them. Any state that doesn’t have statutory requirements for up-to-date voter rolls is asking for fraud. But, they need more. The states should have statutory audit requirements and pass-fail criteria to determine if the registrars are doing their job, as well as provisions for their removal if they don’t pass their audits twice in a row. As individuals, there’s not much we can do about this kind of fraud. We don’t see the voter rolls and have no influence in the process of keeping them current, unless we all want to be part of the True The Vote effort and make it a central focus of our own activism.

Unsolicited Ballots—Working in partnership with un-purged voter rolls, this is another great way for the dead and no-longer residents to vote. Several states, like Nevada, decided to send ballots out to every single person registered to vote in the state. The ballots show up in the mail at the last known address and sometimes the person who gets one realizes they can fill it out and mail it in without any fear of getting caught. Mass mailing ballots also aids and abets harvesting like nothing else. If there is organized fraud and there are more current files than the voter rolls, a harvester might be handed a list of addresses for people known to either be deceased or moved out of state; the rest is up to the harvester.

Voting For Others—There is a very old practice where election workers wait until the polls close, then run ballots through for people they know didn't vote. Sometimes those are relatives or neighbors who just didn't want to bother to show up. Sometimes, though, it’s just poll workers taking the initiative to increase the votes for their favorite candidates. More common is the person who shows up at a polling site multiple times, each time presenting the ID of someone who is on the voter roll and casting a ballot in their stead. Those who check IDs at polling sites sometimes look at the ID, but don’t look to see if the photo on the ID is of the person standing before them. Recall the case of the black woman in 2008 who was bragging on a news clip that went viral? She was so proud of voting for Barack Obama that she said right to the cameras that she’d voted six times. This kind of fraud is done all the time and is sometimes detected by sharp-eyed poll watchers. In the case of that one lady, though, her admitted fraud was there for everyone to see and hear. She ultimately paid a fine and did jail time.

Counterfeit Votes—The same print shop that gets the contract to print ballots for the registrar can print tens of thousands more and sell them on the side. In Democrat-controlled states, the contracts are usually placed with unionized print shops. There's the opportunity. Besides, all one needs to do to print up thousands of bogus ballots is get possession of ONE! With that one, anyone can go to an Office Depot and have a thousand duplicated, for the cost of about 10 cents per page. Anyone can scam mail-in balloting. Unless the bar codes imprinted on the ballot envelopes are truly unique and the whole scanning system is set up to kick out duplicates, it's easy to take those thousands of extra ballots and vote with them. Then, all that has to be done is get them inside a canvassing center. The USPS is pretty good at doing that. In fact, that’s their job! We've already heard the process—open the ballot envelope, compare the signature (supposedly), throw the envelope in a trash bin, scan the ballot. DONE! How hard was that? This kind of fraud should be easy to counteract. Having serialized and sealed ballot containers that are accounted for by a master roster is one way. Mail-in ballots should all be scanned for duplicate bar codes. Signatures should be examined to see if they match the official one on file. But, in many places, which is probably the case in Detroit and Philadelphia, corners are cut and due diligence is not the true objective. If the workers at a canvassing site are generally biased for one candidate and they’ve managed to exclude observers from watching them, it’s almost a foregone conclusion that some of those workers are going to omit validation steps. Who can catch them at it? This is why it’s vital to have as many eyes watching as possible.

Scamming The Scanner—This is where someone has access to a ballot scanner that's not in plain view. The job of that person is to stand at the scanner and do nothing but run stacks of ballots through. Once the scanner hopper is emptied the bogus ballots are intermixed with valid ones that have been removed from another scanner’s hopper. This fraud depends on the integrity of every person working at the polling place. If it’s going on, those who are working at the polling site will know it. The poll watchers and other observers might not, if the extra scanner is well concealed. It’s a very hard scam to detect and counteract. Once those bogus ballots are scanned and intermixed, they’re usually not identifiable except by matching every single ballot from a site to the voter roll. If a site count is over by more than one or two ballots, you might be well justified to think something illegal had gone on.

Technical Ballot Violations That Are Ignored—In most states, a valid signature is required on any type of mail-in ballot. Some states use digital scanners that can compare signatures and have some set-point that assesses the degree of match. In most states, a signature must match 80% or better to count. Some counting centers put their set-points lower, which greatly increases the potential for accepting a ballot with a forged signature. Other counting centers just don't bother with the signature match at all. After all, once the envelope is opened and the ballot separated, who's to know? An election official would have to get caught outright for it to matter.

Then there's the postmark requirement. In all states, a mail-in ballot must be postmarked by a date determined by state law. We've heard of USPS offices in Michigan and Pennsylvania where postal clerks were told to separate ballots the day after Election Day and to hand stamp them with postmarks of 3 November, then express ship them to a canvassing center. Remember, the Postal Workers Union came out for Joe Biden. Remember also that the Postmasters are not political appointees. They're people who came up as carriers and clerks and are former union employees themselves. Not to cast aspersions on any individual, but we have a real swamp situation there. The USPS is full of deep-staters and some of them will put their personal politics ahead of their professional responsibilities. Not everyone, by far, but enough to matter.

Name/signature mismatches. Ballots show up with a name printed on the ballot, but the signature is of someone else. Whenever those are detected, they’re supposed to be ruled invalid. But, at a canvassing center where the signatures aren’t authenticated, there’s nothing to stop them from counting. These are easy to spot in a recount or audit and kick out.

Lastly, in some states there's a "stray mark" invalidation. A ballot can be ruled invalid for stray marks on the ballot or for voting for more than one candidate for any single office. Sometimes ballots show up with stray marks, but are counted anyway. Then there’s the other case, where perfectly good ballots are invalidated by purposefully marking them. It only takes a skillfully concealed marker and the will to apply those stray marks. A certain percentage of stray mark invalidations are expected. If the percentage is unusually high, there should be some suspicion that something nefarious was going on. If the overwhelming majority of said ballots were cast for one candidate, it’s reasonably certain there was something amiss.

Rigged Software—this is the one a lot of people think of first, but is pretty unusual. The problem of detection is that the average voter or poll watcher doesn't have any idea of the vote totals as they accrue. It's relatively easy for someone with the right knowledge and access to tweak a software program to ignore 9 out of 10 votes for a particular candidate. On 4 November, there was a story out of Michigan reported by a senior Republican Party official who claimed her county is one of the reddest in the state, yet had reported a grand total of only 3 votes for President Trump. When the county reported out their totals, the county's Republican Committee challenged it immediately and was finally told there was an unusual "irregularity" in the software and the county was going to hand re-count the ballots. The results of the hand re-count was to swing over 6,000 votes from Joe Biden to Donald Trump. Later, it was revealed that there are over 40 counties in Michigan that used that same software to count the scanned ballots, and the same software was used in as many as 30 other states. Since those reports came out, we’ve learned of programs developed by the federal intelligence community designed to steer the votes in elections in foreign nations. There’s evidently a system known as HAMMER that runs a program named SCORECARD that can manipulate votes to guarantee the winner of any election, but by only a thin margin. In the case of Michigan, it appears the software employed to flip vote from Trump to Biden was one named DOMINION. It’s not certain that HAMMER or SCORECARD were actually employed in this election, though retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney states they were and that he was told so by the individual who created SCORECARD. The truth is, as of today, there’s no solid evidence of it. This is one of the nightmare scenarios that can only be detected by really alert and smart watchers who know their county's voting patterns. Rigging the software has been seen in many places in the country.

Here are a few fraud indicators to look for:

  • Vote totals in any precinct, county or state that exceed the number of registered voters.

  • Unusual voting patterns. A precinct or county that's been a stronghold for one party for several elections that flips to the other party with nothing obvious to explain why.

  • Truly lopsided counts. When one candidate is totally shut out, there's usually a reason, and it's usually a sign of rigging.

  • Ballots that show up at counting centers long after the polls close. Ballots are supposed to be put in serialized and sealed containers and accounted for as they leave polling sites and as they arrive at centralized canvassing centers. The election officials know to a certainty when a container is missing. They also know if one shows up that's not expected. When observers see containers showing up very late, supposedly from a polling site that has been shut down for hours (or in this case, days), it's likely there's something not right, even if those containers are on the "missing" list. Containers don't just go missing. We keep hearing stories of batches of ballots that are "discovered" hours and days after the polls close. Ask yourself, how exactly could that happen?

We should ask ourselves why there aren't any national standards for voting procedures. Even with the constitutional allowance for state-run voting systems (a 10th Amendment reserved power), there could still be a congressional imposition of minimum standards to be met to ensure a fair and honest outcome. Yet, we've never had one. Why not? The truth is Congress doesn't want standards. There are too many in Congress who owe their incumbency on loose election systems. They don't really want fair and honest. They don't want integrity in the system. With today's technology, it's possible to counteract most all chicanery, but unless Congress has the will to impose a set of election process standards, it will never happen.

There will never be a foolproof voting system. But, that truth doesn’t mean we should ever accept or tolerate any instance of proven voter fraud. A lot of people belong in jail over the fraud perpetrated in this most recent election. But, we better not hold our breath on that. Many of us are still waiting for Hillary Clinton to suffer for all the security laws she ignored while she was Secretary of State. And, let us not ever forget Benghazi. It may end up where massive voter fraud is proven in the election but nothing at all will be done about it. If so, and the country subsequently dies as a result, we will take very little comfort in knowing how it was done. Once it’s dead, America will never be resurrected. Take that to the bank.

In Liberty,

Steve A. Stone

© Steve A. Stone


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Steve A. Stone

Steve A. Stone is and always will be a Texan, though he's lived outside that great state for all but 3 years since 1970, remembering it as it was, not as it is. He currently resides in Lower Alabama with a large herd of furry dependents, who all appear to be registered Democrats. Steve retired from the U.S. Coast Guard reserves in 2011, after serving over 22 years in uniform over the span of four decades. His service included duty on two U.S. Navy attack submarines, and one Navy and two U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Units. He is now retired after working as a senior civil servant for the U.S. Navy for over 31 years. Steve is a member of the Alabama Minority GOP and Common Sense Campaign. He is also a life member of SUBVETS, Inc., the Submarine League, and the NRA. In 2018, Steve has written and published 10 books.


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