Steve A. Stone
6 Jan. 2021
Dear Friends and Patriots, and writers for RenewAmerica.com,
This is not an article. It's a request and a report. I hope you will consider this in the spirit it's sent.
I am hardly at home now. I check in only to feed my animals, check my mail, and fetch things I need immediately. Otherwise I'm in a safe place in town in case things go sideways. I'd be safer at home, but this is not a time for patriots to worry about "safe." I want to be handier in case my sheriff or the city needs help. I want to help ensure that if the animals that might be set loose on us come here the local authorities do what needs to be done and know they have people who are right behind them.
Everyone needs to get the message that they must contact local and county law enforcement and make sure at all times to stay behind the blue lines. Those who are capable need to contact authorities and make themselves and their skill-sets known. Places that may get hit will need lots of extra help, even if only to fetch food and drinks, answer telephones, go to some officer's home to let his dog out of the house. They will need our help in unexpected ways. Contact them and make sure they have your name and number and know what you can do for them.
Whatever you do, don't get in front of any blue line. If you do, you could become a victim or a suspect. No one needs to be either.
If you don't trust the blue in your area, the best thing for you to do is pack up right now and leave to a place where law enforcement is more trustworthy. If you live in a Blue zone, but are a patriot – get out. Find a Red zone and seek assistance from locals. This may be a very bad time to be in a Blue zone if you're a patriot. If anything goes down in your area and your politics are known you could become a target. Don't make it easy for them. Protect yourself and your loved ones. Think! Plan! Act! Just don't wait too long. If the bad guys are anywhere within your county, you've waited too long.
We all witnessed what went down today. Some patriots were led by infiltrators into doing some truly stupid things. What patriot breaks a window in our Capitol Building? What patriot ignores orders from Capitol Police to stand back, stand down, or even to walk away? What patriot invades office spaces in the Capitol and rifles through desks? My friends, there are sheep among us, but those sheep were led by wolves. I warned my own people there would be infiltrators and to be on the lookout for them at all times. I also warned them to stay within the boundaries set up for them by the park police and not to go into any territory where they might encounter D.C. Police. My group is safe now, on their way home.
Everyone needs to put out the word that today's events were not instigated by any patriot. It was pre-planned. The people behind the infiltrators knew how easy it would be to get that crowd even more agitated than they already were. Marching on the Capitol Building? Was that in any of the organizer's plans? If so, that was a mighty stupid thing to do. What did they expect? I sent word to my people to leave post-haste. What did all of you do?
There are needs now that everyone should participate in. Ask everyone who was close to the Capitol Building this afternoon who took pictures and video to start sending them to someone who can analyze them. I no longer trust the FBI. Collectively we need to identify someone out there who has the capability to analyze photos and videos. We need to look at every bit of photographic evidence available to pick out the people who started this. I'm 100% certain when the agitating started there were people recording it who can point to pictures and say things like, "That guy in the grey coat wearing the black stocking cap. The guy with the scraggly beard. He's the one who was doing all the yelling about storming the place to show Congress we won't take it anymore." That's what we need now. The evidence is there. We have what we need. We just need to put the word out through all our articles and other communications that we're searching to find evidence of the bad guys and get IDs on them.
There are a couple of things we need to do immediately. First is to figure out who is capable of receiving masses of evidentiary photos and videos to figure out which are valuable and which aren't. Then we need to locate someone or some entity who has a library of known Antifa and BLM and other assorted activists to do matchups to see if any of those people can be identified. Then, we have to put the word out to everyone we know who was in DC and every patriot organization in the land to start sending in the evidence. Our government can't be trusted to tell us the truth anymore. We have to find it ourselves, then decide what to do with it.
The steal may stand. We may not be able to prevent it. But, that doesn't mean we're done. Not while a true patriot breathes.
I will communicate when I can, but it may not be on a regular basis. I'm deployed.
In Liberty,
Steve A. Stone – Out
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.