Steve A. Stone
I want you all to watch the video at the link below. It's fast-paced, which may at first make you a bit leery of it, but watch it over and over and focus where the narrator tells you to, and maybe hit that stop button that looks like an = sign once in a while to get a freeze frame. Yeah, that actually does work!
What you'll see is plenty of proof that the "storming" of the capital was largely staged, and the shooting of that supposed Iraqi and Afghani war vet woman was definitely a staged and rehearsed event. What is missing? The WHO is missing, as in WHO ALL WAS IN ON THIS? There's also a HOW, as in, HOW LONG DID IT TAKE THEM TO SET THIS UP? And, there's even a WHERE involved, as in WHERE DID THEY REHEARSE ALL THIS?
I wish to thank that great patriot who always turns out for every Tea Party event in spectacular period costumes, my friend Janet Taverna. She received this from someone and looped it to me.
I'm reminded very much of how I figured out the so-called Charlottesville riots were staged.
I watched all the news the day of that stage play. Something just didn't seem right to me, so I watched it throughout the entire thing. Well, not exactly. My late wife saw how I was glued to the TV and asked me what I was looking at that had me watching so intensely. I told her, "I don't know, but I'll know when I see it." She sort of shook her head at that – a NORMAL reaction. I kept watching, thinking sooner or later I'd see something to zero in on. Somewhere around 5 p.m. I saw it. It was a very brief camera shot that had both "sides" in that mock battle in the same frame. That was the "money shot." As soon as I saw it I started hollering, "That was it! That was it!" and marked the time. Irene asked me what "it" was. I told her I wouldn't know until I had time to find and dissect it. I knew the next day the photos and videos would be up on Google. So, I had to wait. There was nothing left to do.
The next day I started combing through the thousands of still shots that were posted on-line. I was looking for date time stamped photos that were ten minutes either side of the time I jotted down. There were still hundreds to flip through, but there was one easy "tell" that helped. It was a very large, horizontal banner that both "sides" seemed to be wrestling with. I let that banner lead me to the still shots I needed. It did, too.
I downloaded three pictures and brought them up one-by-on in MS Paint, then blew up each one to the maximum size Paint was capable of, then played with it until I could scan each small segment of each image. Segments, as in helmets, shields, belts, gloves, and even safety glasses. What I discovered confirmed to me that "riot" was a 100% staged event. I could clearly see there were several types of helmets in use. Maybe four types. But each side seemed to have the same four types. HOW ODD! I went on to look at belts, because they seemed a bit strange. They looked like leather sword belts to me. GEE! A lot of them on both "sides" were virtually identical. So, I looked at the shields. Each side carried a differently designed shield, with at least two spray-painted symbols in use. Even though the shape of the shields was different between the two "sides" they had a lot in common. It was a "fit and finish" sort of thing. After examining those shields I was certain of one thing – those were either stage or movie props. My guess was, and is, they were ordered out of a NYC prop-house and trucked down to Charlottesville for that party.
Now do what I ask and watch the video at the link and see how a professional false flag event dissection is done. This guy is GOOD!
In Liberty,
Steve A. Stone
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.