Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
Want to understand just a bit more about how the COVID vaxx and booster campaign has affected people? Read the letter found at the link below.
I know the mother who wrote the letter. Everything she has in the letter is true. Her two sons may lose a guaranteed opportunity to attend one of the nation's military academies. If you don't know, the surviving children of any officer who dies on active duty are guaranteed a place in any of the academies if they are otherwise qualified. But, policies in place today look like they'll exclude some who are not fully vaxxed and boosted.
Think about that for a moment. Our government denies educational opportunities to those who don't avail themselves of the taxpayer-funded shots that do not prevent one from acquiring COVID, do not provide significant immunity, and quite possibly involve the risk of serious life-time injury. Even the CDC admits the segment of our population most at risk of developing complications from the boosters are young males. This letter from the Gold Star Mom discusses her two sons, who are in that higher risk category. Our government makes no consideration whatsoever for natural immunity. Think of all that while you read it.
In Liberty,
Open Letter from Gold Star Wife, Teresa Taylor
Loss upon loss best describes the experience of a Gold Star family. Ten years ago, Lieutenant Commander Dale Taylor left for a routine night flight and never returned. He and three other souls lost their lives in a training accident in the cold murky waters of Mobile Bay. Since that tragic night, far more than their lives has been lost. Haunting grief has been a constant over the years, relieved only in knowing Dale’s sacrifice was a worthy and honorable one. Nobody would choose the title of Gold Star Wife, yet it will always be my greatest honor and privilege to truly know its price.
But not all losses are honorable. The losses my sons and I grieve today are not only the immeasurable absence of a father, but the compounded loss of his military legacy to follow. Even as young boys, my sons were able to understand and accept their father died for a heroic cause and did so bravely. However, as young men, they are unable to accept or comprehend the losses they now mourn. Feeling like a knife into already broken hearts, today’s military is grossly unrecognizable to those who have served it faithfully. Forced injection mandates, blanket denials of religious accommodations, blatant refusals to uphold constitutional rights, and outright rejection of the inherent right to choose what goes into one’s body by the United States military are common practices – devastating losses of individual freedoms.
The love of aviation and everything military was passed down through the bloodline to my sons. They have always wanted to be just like their dad and follow in his footsteps, even knowing the great risk and sacrifice it requires. This summer my oldest son will be able to apply to attend a summer preview program at the United States Coast Guard Academy. He should be looking forward to such an opportunity. Yet even as a minor, in order to attend he is required to be injected multiple times with an experimental therapeutic with questionable efficacy. This same son recalls, “I remember at my dad’s memorial service hearing them say the Coast Guard will always be my family.” Ten years later, he can’t help but wonder are they really my guardians now? Who will stand for these young adults wanting to serve in the military and for their futures? Even a teenage boy can clearly see the things those in power are refusing to stand for.
This letter is written in defense of freedom and choice. It is written particularly in defense of those who disagree with my stance. Unless the current course is corrected, there will quickly come a moment where the freedom to live by our God-given conscience will be removed. History teaches us that draconian measures and mandates are never motivated by benign intentions, and do not simply go away on their own. The unconstitutional mandates thrust upon our US military are in direct opposition to the things my husband died for, and I seek to vindicate the very freedoms many like him have sacrificed so much to protect.
There is no emergency that gives the United States military a license to abrogate these foundational freedoms. There is no exception to the First Amendment. There is no military exclusion from our Constitution. This Gold Star Family lives daily with loss of our protector. We know the full weight of a folded flag. It is our great pleasure to honor LCDR Dale Taylor’s life by fighting for the freedom he died for, and we ask all who read this to have the courage to stand for truth and protect the liberty of this great nation. It is courage, not compliance, that is needed most to save this nation. Hold the line.
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