Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
I'm forwarding something that's bound to rile more than one of you, for more than one reason. It's a very looooong video. I watched it all. You can call me a glutton for punishment later, if that's your take on it.
Many of the things discussed and displayed in the video are old news to me. I first became acquainted with the subject from Dr. James Kennedy, who was the pastor of Coral Ridge Baptist Church in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Before Dr. Kennedy went on national TV with his Coral Ridge Hour, he had a radio broadcast. I was in Florida on a business trip and listened to him one day as I drove from Orlando to Melbourne. It was a long broadcast. The theme was the same as the theme of the video at the link below, although Dr. Kennedy claimed to have read source material that was dated as early as the 1790s—letters of correspondence that occurred between 1790 and 1830 between people of the same offices in the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Russia. There is a reference in the video that appears confirmatory regarding length of time. Listen for it.
I remember what I did after I heard Dr. Kennedy's broadcast. I went home and called my father in Texas. He and I didn't talk often, but I wanted him to hear what I heard. He listened to me, but told me I shouldn't talk about it to anyone—just forget about it. Toward the end of the conversation, he grew increasingly agitated. When I told him I was certain there was reference materials in the Library of Congress that could confirm much of what I'd heard he said, "Don't do that! You don't know what you're getting into. Just leave it alone." Then, he hung up.
Two weeks later, my phone rang. It was my father. He opened with, "I'm going to tell you something. I want you to listen, but don't interrupt, and don't ask me any questions. Just listen." Then, he told me a story of something that occurred in 1962 in Odessa, TX, while my family was living there. It involved a murder in town. My father stated that he opened the newspaper one Sunday and on the front page, taking up the middle half of the top section was a photograph of the murder victim. He said he'd never seen the newspaper, The Odessa American, publish the picture of a body, but there it was. He said when he looked at it, he knew why the picture was there. It was a warning. The body was positioned in a way he recognized. He knew he was looking at the victim of a ritual murder. My father said the message was meant for him and others like him. It said, "This is the agreed-upon price for breaking your oath." With that, he hung up on me again. We never discussed that phone call again. But, because of it, I knew what I'd heard from Dr. Kennedy was true.
I can't vouch for everything in the video. I saw and heard. Before, I only heard. The video covers many of the things James Kennedy spoke of, but in a more comprehensive and pointed way. Just don't get deterred by the format. After a bit you wonder if the whole thing is an infomercial with a sales pitch right at the very end. It isn't. The man in the video is an Australian who goes by Altiyan Childs. His true name is Altijan Juric. He was the winner of X Factor Australia in 2010, and was quite well known Down Under for a time. The video at the link below isn't new. I only wish I'd seen it when it was.
Pay attention when he says "You can't stop what's about to happen." That doesn't mean you can't survive it. There are a few hints in the last hour of how to do that.
The link: The Secret Religion that Rules the World
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.