Steve A. Stone
President Donald J. Trump
c/o Mar-a-Lago Club
1100 Ocean Blvd.
Palm Beach, FL 33480
24 August 2023
Dear President Trump,
I watched your discussion with Tucker Carlson the night of 23 August. You had a great look. It was a truly good presentation.
I’ve been meaning to write you for several weeks to pose a question. But, because of its nature I’ve held off. I worried about being misunderstood. Tucker posed almost the same question when he asked, “Why wouldn’t they kill you, really?”
That’s almost exactly what I wanted to ask. It strikes me that people who seem to make their adversaries disappear in all kind of ways would have no problem taking you out.
Recently I’ve watched several movies that seemed not to be connected, but it dawned on me there was a phrase that was being repeated in them. The phrase was, “Anyone can be killed.” When I realized I was hearing that phrase over and over it started me thinking, “Why is Trump still alive?” I decided to put some time into the question and see if I could come up with a logical rationale. I think I know.
You’re allowed to continue on because you’re serving their needs. The indictments keep the attention on you and your legal problems and off the issues “they” don’t want us paying attention to. It’s more than just Hunter Biden. They don’t want the people paying attention to the truth that our society is engaged in a nearly non-violent revolution in all aspects of our culture and society. There are two camps fighting, though the fight is so subtly engaged that it almost escapes notice. You’re part of the cover. As long as you continue to provide cover they won’t come for you. But, that condition has its limits.
The progressives/Marxists/communists wrecking this country need you for now, but once you win the Republican Party nomination, they won’t. You’ll then be the single focus and single voice for their opposition, and you will transition from being handy cover for their misdeed to the strongest voice in exposing them for what they are. You’ll transition from being somewhat protected to a target. You have to deal with that truth.
I take that movie line as an utterance of absolute truth, “Anyone can be killed.” You have a true dilemma there. You and your security people need to solve it. I understand you can’t go underground, but you do need a new level of awareness and safeguards. Your enemies are going to energize their violent fringe people against you, but as I’m sure you know, the biggest threat may come from some group within our government that believes your election in 2024 poses a threat to their existence. There are no resource limits for such people. I wish I had useful recommendations for you, but I don’t.
Your comments on the war in Ukraine were spot-on. Everything about that conflict is just wrong. It has to end. Our participation in it is a gigantic mistake. Your assurances to stop it were just what many need to hear. War is evidence of political failure. For some reason every society tends to glorify war and warriors, when we should be doing exactly the opposite. I’m not a pacifist, but the only legitimate time to engage in combat is when your country has been attacked. If the Ukrainians want to fight for their country, that’s their prerogative. But, for us to intrude into it is just wrong. The history of the region, both old and recent, should tell us all in a clear way we’re only poking our noses in something we don’t truly understand; something that’s been ongoing for hundreds of years.
I wish to sound off on something you did that I found objectionable. It was when you went to Iowa and catered to the interests of their “Corn Kings.” You stated you’d protect their ethanol industry, when that’s the precise opposite position that needs to be taken. Understanding that the Corn Kings pretty much run the Republican establishment in Iowa, their ethanol business is one that truly needs to be shut down. It can’t exist without government subsidies, and it takes some of the best farmland in the world and uses it to grow something we don’t need, which keeps that land from growing something we do – food. Government subsidies are at the heart of the problem, as well as government programs that mandate the use of ethanol in gasoline formulation. The history of this issue is very much worth studying. It was at the advent of the man-made global climate change movement. There should be no objection to the removal of tetraethyl lead from gasoline, but to replace lead with any product that eliminates food from the world markets presents a moral and economic dilemma. Our government chose the wrong side, when there were viable alternatives that wouldn’t take land out of food production.
You are correct in your statements that the people understand you’re being railroaded by various parts of government. We see. We know. We understand scams when we see them. We also understand one other thing – your adversaries now have somewhere around 100 charges against you and they only have to get one guilty verdict to claim victory. Meanwhile, for you to claim vindication you have to prevail against each and every charge. That sounds stupid on the surface, but that’s the way things are. Those who follow the so-called Democrats are not thinking people and won’t stop to realize you were found guilty of jay-walking, even though you were charged with multiple counts of aggravated murder. They’ll just hear “GUILTY!” and that’s all. Those people are lost, and not really my concern. It’s the truth that “GUILTY!” will be the headline story in all the written and broadcast media. Those who are wavering in support of you now may fail you. The RINOs and Never Trumpers will pick up the “GUILTY!” mantra and work against you. That’s a real problem.
There’s an obvious concern that the weak supporters will desert you in enough numbers to make a difference. After all, there will be some level of voter fraud in play. This time it will be far more sophisticated than the 2020 election. They’ll resort to an almost total reliance on vote tabulating machines. So far all attempts to totally discredit the machines have failed. That has to change – and change soon. I’ve studied Alabama’s ES&S machines for two years and have concluded there are 8 significant vulnerabilities present in them. Because Alabama chose to execute a contract that didn’t include a proprietary information non-disclosure clause, my Secretary of State maintains there is no legal way for him to verify the internals of any machine, nor any aspect of the software on the hard drives and flash drives used to make the machines work. The assertion by the SoS is, “You can’t say the machines are set up to steal votes.” The problem is, the SoS absolutely cannot state they aren’t. If that or similar conditions exist in most states (and they almost certainly are) the machines should not be trusted. The overall conclusion I’ve reached is – no voting machine can be trusted and none should be allowed. No justification for using them overcomes the people’s need for fair elections.
It wouldn’t be right to close without mentioning the “debate” held on Fox News last night. I listened to it. In some respects it was a disaster. You made the right choice in passing up on it. There was nothing to gain in showing up. Let them fight among themselves and the weaker ones will soon drop out. It was interesting to hear the candidate you call “Ada” get booed for his comments regarding you. It was also interesting to hear how “light” Tim Scott came off. I think you have a couple there who might make decent VPs, but it was clear there was no President on that stage. It might seem fair to characterize the “debate” as a waste of time, but I think the juxtaposition between it and your performance with Tucker Carlson is revealing. You were Presidential. Those on the Fox stage in Milwaukee clearly were not. I do think once things shake out and there are only a couple of stronger challengers in that mix it might behoove you to show up at a future debate so it’s clear who the real master of the room is. Think about doing two debates in the future. Pick your time and place well. Make the comparison obvious to everyone.
Good luck with your every undertaking. I will be there for you in any way you need.
In Liberty,
Steve A.Stone
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.