Sylvia Thompson
What's with the dumping of Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" at Trump rallies?
By Sylvia Thompson
September 15, 2020

I am not the only American who was puzzled by the choice of introduction music to President Trump’s campaign rally in Nevada.

Instead of the venerable “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood, we were slapped with what can be called the homosexual movement’s anthem, “YMCA,” by the 70’s singing group The Village People.

For all you folks out there, especially Bible Christians,* who think this move on the part of someone in Trump’s campaign is to be laughed off, you should think more deeply. I’m certain this is further proof of the influence the homosexual movement wields over the Republican Party. Staunch homosexual activist Richard Grenell (Senior Advisor to the RNC to promote the LGBT agenda) and fellow activists, the Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) are busy working their plan to take over the Party. They can make effective use of a political party to further their overarching goal of criminalizing Judeo-Christianity in America.

I recall when the song “YMCA” made the charts in the late seventies; it was quite the rave. Some enterprising soul choreographed a line dance for group participation on the dance floor. But the tune disgusted me because it revealed the blatant and vile disregard for a Christian organization so highly respected as the YMCA, which stands for Young Men’s Christian Association.

Regardless of what the organization may have become—dens of sodomy—in its housing facilities, as a direct result of homosexual behavior in those facilities, it started as all Christian organizations did, with the intent to provide godly service.

Here is a bit of its history from a Web search:

    George Williams founded the YMCA in 1844.

    In 1844, industrialized London was a place of great turmoil and despair. For the young men who migrated to the city from rural areas to find jobs, London offered a bleak landscape of tenement housing and dangerous influences.

    Twenty-two-year-old George Williams, a farmer-turned-department store worker, was troubled by what he saw. He joined 11 friends to organize the first Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), a refuge of Bible study and prayer for young men seeking escape from the hazards of life on the streets.

    Although an association of young men meeting around a common purpose was nothing new, the Y offered something unique for its time. The organization’s drive to meet social need in the community was compelling, and its openness to members crossed the rigid lines separating English social classes.

    Years later, retired Boston sea captain Thomas Valentine Sullivan, working as a marine missionary, noticed a similar need to create a safe “home away from home” for sailors and merchants. Inspired by the stories of the Y in England, he led the formation of the first U.S. YMCA at the Old South Church in Boston on December 29, 1851.

The organization’s stated purpose was to promote development, healthy living, and social responsibility among those whom they assisted.

Practicing homosexuals, however, are focused on their sexual obsession and have no interest in wholesome aspects of anything. Healthy living for a population rife with the deadly disease AIDS is a joke.

The State of California recently passed a law (SB145) to make it easier for homosexual men to groom and sexually violate boys. How does this behavior lend to the wholesome development of young men? Sure, arguments are put forth that this law is to correct “discrimination” in what kind of sex, vaginal or anal, will be considered a crime, when any sex with a teenager (a child) is disgustingly perverse and should be criminalized in a civilized society.

Before I go on, I want to say to you Christians out there, hiding behind “love” as your reason for not taking on the corrupting influence of the homosexual agenda and criticizing me because I do, back off. I don’t plan to engage you in discussion about what you think God expects of me and what I think He expects of me. We will know in due time what God expects of all of us, because He will make it known when we individually stand before Him for an accounting.

I’m not arguing that the homosexual orientation is a choice; it isn’t. I know this because two male homosexual relatives of mine died of AIDS, before they reached the age of 50. But to embrace the lifestyle, which by its very nature harms everybody involved, is a choice.

Like so many other flaws of our human condition—alcoholism, drug addiction, and other psychological compulsions—homosexuality must be rejected (by Almighty God’s requirement). With help, spiritual and sometimes psychological, as well, many homosexuals have left the lifestyle. Just as many alcoholics and addicts have left those lifestyles.

Followers of Christ should always be willing to give hope and assistance to those who have chosen paths contrary to God, but never to embrace their error, whatever the error may be. It doesn’t matter if the person is a member of your family, which is why some Christians and even churches gloss over homosexuality. Family members are caught up in the sin, as were mine. Jesus spoke to the issue of a divide in families, because some would follow his directives and others would not (Luke 12:51-53).

This strange willingness to capitulate to homosexual behavior and not to other sexual behaviors condemned by God is interesting. I have not seen efforts legally, through the courts, to force an acceptance of human copulation with animals or the dead—similar abominations to homosexual sodomy, in God’s eyes. Yet, our culture seems to be gripped by a special insanity that views sodomy (anal copulation) as something to be embraced, even heralded.

Yes, our culture has rotted to a point where sex outside of marriage (fornication) and illegitimate sex with anyone who is not a legal marital spouse (adultery) are commonly accepted. But, newsflash: Almighty God doesn’t accept any of it. He demands that we stop the behavior (that is, repent), and the very fact He demands that we stop a behavior, means we can stop such behavior. It’s not written in our DNA, like breathing.

Because churches in America have been cowed by fear of sex activists and refuse to lead Christ’s flock on issues of sexual behavior, does not mean God has been cowed.

Back to my initial point of why the Republican Party embraces Richard Grenell and the LCR. Maybe the Republican National Committee (RNC) really believes they need homosexual votes to win in 2020. So, pandering to a miniscule segment of society, when such pandering could jeopardize a very large populace of Bible Christians and other patriots, some of whom are still hesitant about supporting President Trump’s reelection bid, makes absolutely no sense.

As a Bible Christian, I will vote for Trump in November 2020. It’s a rational decision for me; the alternative is completely unacceptable. I’m not a Republican; I’m unaffiliated independent for purposes of voting, and I vote for conservative candidates who share my principles. There aren’t many of those on the Democrat side, these days. But my support for the Republican Party and by extension President Trump during 2021 will depend on whether or not they have gone completely over to the dark side, as so many others before them (the Boy Scouts of America, the military, the YMCA).

I hope Americans of all stripes who oppose this latest affront will speak out loudly, make your voices heard, draw the line on what you will allow homosexual activists to corrupt, next. The Republican Party, as per its platform, is the only party that currently represents America as founded. Let’s make an effort to keep it that way. Say “no” to a takeover by activists homosexuals, such as Grenell, and their supporters on the left and the right.


* I stress “Bible Christian” when I reference the term “Christian,” because not all who call themselves Christians adhere to or accept the Bible as the Word of God.

© Sylvia Thompson


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Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture... (more)


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