Sylvia Thompson
Steve Deace, a prominent conservative podcaster, put the above question to his co-hosts in one of his recent shows. He was responding to the incident of two homosexual young men sodomizing and pimping out two male children that they “purchased” through a so-called Christian adoption agency for special-needs children (Presbyterian denomination).
The incident involved the arrest of the couple and their subsequent comments from jail. Apparently, concerned citizens reported them to authorities because of suspicions that something was not right.
Someone identified as a “relative” seemed to be trying to make sense of the insanity, by questioning one of the men while he was incarcerated. At one point, the relative asked about “the boys”—had they considered them? The homosexual’s response was essentially “we can talk about that…,” and I think I detected a quiver in his voice. I concluded that in the twisted minds of these men, they did not have a clue as to the heinousness of what they had done.
This is where our rotting culture has taken us. First to the embrace of the anti-God homosexual agenda, with virtually no pushback from Christian leadership, and now—an all-out assault on the children of this nation, particularly boys.
Deace’s argument is that our society has made it clear that children have no humanity and can simply be dealt with by adults as adults choose. His salient examples are that our society allows preborn children to be chopped up into pieces in the womb and sold for profit, and that we allow dysphoric youth to be mutilated—penises and breasts removed—to line the pockets of doctors who degrade the title of “healer.”
He then raises the question of why we would expect these men to understand the depravity of their behavior toward these children, given what our society allows. And that is a valid question.
In a nation founded upon Judeo-Christian principles, initially settled by Christians from Europe as a place to worship Almighty God unhindered, the question becomes, “What happened to America?”
My assessment of what has happened is that we continue to reject God, whose standard condemns such heinous behavior toward children. And as a society, we have become so degenerate as to be unable to see the depravity that immerses us, or we are afraid to call it out and risk being canceled. Again, with no or too little pushback from leaders of the Christian faith. Rest assured, there will be an accounting before Almighty God, in due time.
In the Christian faith, we have always had a few principled “disrupters,” as Jesus was a disrupter during his earthly life. Such men may prove to be the saving grace of our world.
Courageous men like Pastor Greg Locke of Tennessee and Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Canada possess a fire of the spirit that renders them unafraid of those voices who hate and fear their resistance to evil. My prayer is that more will manifest themselves as our culture continues to rot.
One such pastor I came across recently is truly a breath of fresh air.
Pastor Heath Lambert of Jacksonville, Florida—along with other leaders and members of the congregational Jacksonville First Baptist Church—recently developed a statement of belief and adherence to biblical requirements regarding marriage and sexuality. They describe their statement as “an exercise in clarity so that members might understand their most fundamental commitments in a sexually confused world.”
The church’s statement says:
As a member of First Baptist Church, I believe that God creates people in his image as either male or female, and that this creation is a fixed matter of human biology, not individual choice. I believe marriage is instituted by God, not government, is between one man and one woman, and is the only context for sexual desire and expression.
Genesis 1:27; 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
The statement of belief and adherence was overwhelmingly approved by a vote of the congregation and its staff at a special business meeting held October 9, 2022. The congregation and staff also voted to require that “[a]ny person not asserting their agreement with the statement by March 19, 2023, will be considered by the church to have resigned their membership.”
Pastor Lambert emphasized that “this is a statement that is from our membership” at the Jacksonville First Baptist Church—and not merely from the church’s leadership. He explained that the church is “congregational,” and thus “the ultimate power in the church is with the congregation…. This [approved statement on sexuality] comes from our entire congregation” (go to 2:42 in the linked video).
Regarding those who “will be considered to have resigned their membership” by not “asserting their agreement” with the statement of belief, Lambert said emphatically: “Anybody can worship at or attend the [Jacksonville First Baptist] Church without being a member” (that is, a voting member).
”Everybody is welcome,” he stressed. (For more information, visit the church's Sexuality Statement Resource Page at its website.)
Christians, as well as others, are desperately in need of such clarity. If not the Christian Church, who else will provide “clarity” needed in our sick, twisted world? Who else will explain to psychologically ill human beings, such as the two men who have permanently scarred those young boys, that their behavior is a result of their sexual sickness. And moreover, if they refuse to seek aid from spiritual guides (pastors, psychological healers, and the like) to end their behavior, they will face an accounting with Almighty God, despite the lies apostate religious leaders have told them. God will not accept willful disregard of sin, no matter what the sin is.
We need much more of such clarity from Christian leadership in today’s churches, and it is my fervent hope and prayer that this latest travesty of homosexuals destroying young souls will speed up the process of cleansing our sick nation.
© Sylvia ThompsonThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.