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June 11, 2012
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June 11, 2012
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Readers were warned at the outset of our our summation of pre-Cold War events that it would require an entire book -- rather than a mere column -- to do full justice to so huge a swath of history. We still are not writing a book, but for those genuinely in search of further (albeit encapsulated) explanations, here goes... (more)

June 11, 2012
ALAN KEYES — For some time now I've been sharing (via Twitter, Facebook, etc.) articles I run across that document the fact that Mitt Romney is a crypto-socialist (i.e., a socialist who hides it behind some other label) who has already implemented leftist measures Obama has had trouble implementing on account of strong resistance... (more)

June 11, 2012
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe hung behind the podium. One organizer of the rally held a 3-foot-long wooden crucifix. Some in the crowd quietly prayed the rosary. On a few occasions, the crowd, just outside the Capitol, chanted in unison. But the words weren't the sort you'll hear at Sunday Mass... (more)

June 11, 2012
DAVE TOMBERS — On Friday, June 8, while thousands of people gathered in public squares around the country to observe "Stand Up For Religious Freedom" day, at least one law enforcement agency responded by clamping down on the demonstrators' freedom of speech... (more)

June 11, 2012
NEWSMAX — Admonishing teachers that she did not want to "offend other cultures," Coney Island principal Greta Hawkins reportedly is refusing to allow students to sing "God Bless the USA" at a school moving-up ceremony later this month... (more)

June 11, 2012
NEWSMAX — A new poll shows Americans do not approve of the job the Supreme Court is doing and believe the justices are guided by personal or political views. The nationwide poll conducted May 31 by The New York Times and CBS News shows just 44 percent of Americans approve of how the Supreme Court was handling its job, with 36 percent disapproving, the Times reported... (more)

June 11, 2012
JOHN FUND — If elections are won partly on the enthusiasm of a candidate's base, Barack Obama is in trouble. Netroots Nation, the annual left-wing conference for bloggers and activists, held its seventh annual rally here this weekend. The skies were sunny outside, but there was clearly a cloud hanging over attendees inside the cavernous Rhode Island Convention Center... (more)

June 10, 2012
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE — In 1977, Star Wars opened in theaters, Apple released its first computer, and Orrin Hatch entered the U.S. Senate. Senator Hatch arrived in Washington, D.C., with a reputation as a fiery, pugnacious conservative. He still insists that "by any measure, I'm considered one of the top conservatives in the history of this country"... (more)

June 10, 2012
DAILY CALLER — On Thursday, Utah Senate candidate Dan Liljenquist found himself debating a cardboard cut-out of Sen. Orrin Hatch. After holding onto his seat for 35 years, Hatch is facing a GOP primary challenge ahead of what would be his seventh and final term in the Senate... (more)

June 10, 2012
DAILY CALLER — The Planned Parenthood partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School District is a dangerous development, according to South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint. Tuesday, The Los Angeles Times reported that Planned Parenthood has opened a clinic in Los Angeles' Roosevelt High School to reduce the school's number of unplanned pregnancies... (more)

June 9, 2012
EMILY MILLER — Every four years, thousands of politicians, lobbyists, activists and consultants get together for an extravagant weeklong party. It's all paid for by the taxpayers. These shindigs, otherwise known as national political conventions, no longer realistically serve the purpose of selecting a presidential nominee... (more)

June 9, 2012
MAGGIE GALLAGHER — This week, the full 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused to hear any more arguments on gay marriage. Appellate Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain's dissent was scathing: "Based on a two-judge majority's gross misapplication of Romer v. Evans, we have now declared that animus must have been the only conceivable motivation for a sovereign state to have remained committed to a definition of marriage that has existed for millennia," he said... (more)

June 9, 2012
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER — Tuesday, June 5, 2012, will be remembered as the beginning of the long decline of the public-sector union. It will follow, and parallel, the shrinking of private-sector unions, now down to less than 7 percent of American workers. The abject failure of the unions to recall Wisconsin governor Scott Walker -- the first such failure in U.S. history -- marks the Icarus moment of government-union power. Wax wings melted, there's nowhere to go but down... (more)

June 9, 2012
RICH LOWRY — The recall of Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker didn't fail; it was only outspent. This is the considered verdict of the Left after a year and a half of trying to smite Governor Walker with its terrible swift sword. What began as a crusade to vindicate the rights of public-sector unions ended in a pathetic bleat of a complaint against spending in political campaigns... (more)

June 9, 2012
MICHELLE MALKIN — Free speech is under fire. Online thugs are targeting bloggers (mostly conservative, but not all) who have dared to expose a convicted bomber and perjuring vexatious litigant who is now enjoying a comfy life as a liberally subsidized social justice operative. Where do your elected representatives stand on this threat to our founding principles?... (more)

June 7, 2012
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Ronald Reagan won the Cold War by following his instincts and ignoring a lot of bad advice from establishment Republicans in and out of his administration. A new book just released tells the amazing story of Jeane Kirkpatrick, a onetime liberal Democrat whose intellectual honesty and probing mind led her to the inner circles of the Reagan foreign policy strategists... (more)

June 7, 2012
ALAN KEYES — On his departure from office, America's first President, George Washington, delivered his famous Farewell Address in which, among other things, he warned against reliance on just the sort of partisan politics system that now dominates America's political life, and that has deeply corrupted America's political culture... (more)

June 7, 2012
The best of Fred Hutchison
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — Debates about abortion are often very heated because they involve a head-on collision of worldviews. Abortion cannot be supported within the internal logic of the Christian worldview. Laws against abortion cannot be supported within the internal logic of the worldview of liberal postmodernism... (more)

June 7, 2012
RICHARD VIGUERIE — Since Ronald Reagan left the national stage, many have auditioned for the role of leader of the conservative movement, but no one filled the Gipper's shoes until Scott Walker came on the scene... (more)

June 7, 2012
NEWSMAX — Mitt Romney can capture Wisconsin and win the presidential election in November, but only by taking a page from the playbook that propelled conservatives to victory in Wisconsin's Tuesday recall election, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says... (more)

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