Michael Bresciani
Ancient law of millstones vs. new House bill H.R. 1913
By Michael Bresciani
May 2, 2009

With almost patronizing ardor Barack Obama called for the passage of hate crimes bills. After adding his ok to FOCA and laying a nine trillion dollar deficit at the feet of the next generation he went on to other pressing matters like protecting gays from hate; perceived or real. Is it real?

Federal Hate Crimes legislation H.R. 1913 flew through the congress after a couple hours of debate and was passed by a decision of 249 for and 175 against. Many of the best minds in the country are warning that this is an incremental step toward a complete end to freedom of speech. It is a veiled attempt to create a specialized class or a two tiered class of citizens.

The reasons for the bill are grossly exaggerated by the gay community. FBI reports that out of 1.4 million violent crimes in 2007 only 247 of those had anything to do with gays. After prosecution even less than that were held as 'hate crimes.'

The fourteenth amendment to the constitution provides the same protections under the law as hate crimes laws do, so the bill is a bit of extraneous nonsense at best and an attempt to codify certain behaviors as more criminal than others.

Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel says "Passage of 'hate crimes' legislation would place the behaviorally driven and fluid concepts of 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' on an equal footing with legitimate, neutral and immutable 'suspect class' characteristics such as skin color or a person's true gender. This creates both a sociopolitical and legal environment wherein traditional sexual morality officially becomes the new racism," April 22, 2009 Americans for Truth.

One of the most insidious and almost hidden dangers of the bill is that it could be used to halt the free speech of Catholic and protestant ministers alike as it pertains to the biblical teachings of homosexuality.

The bible is clear that homosexuality is and always was an abomination in God's eyes. An abomination is a sin that makes God sick to disgust. While this is true the bible does not allow any believer to harm or injure a gay person in any way, not even with words. Not even these biblical protections are good enough for most gays but hidden in the bill is yet a far more sinister potential. Let's see.

When Rep. Steve King of Iowa (R) asked that an amendment specifically excluding pedophiles be introduced he was shot down by Tammy Baldwin (D) of Wisconsin who exclaimed that the amendment was 'inflammatory.' Baldwin argued that under the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990 that pedophiles were not included as being adult consenting hetero or homosexuals engaging in an act.

Chairman of the Judiciary Committee John Conyers of Illinois who introduced the bill shut down the debate and called for a vote. Claiming that he didn't see anyone who really wanted to debate the amendment it was rushed to the call and the rest is history.

But it isn't history just yet. The Senate has yet to decide the fate of the legislation and in the interim a national cry is going up that has caught the ears of many concerned citizens all the way to the halls of the Senate.

The inherent danger in this bill is that a pedophile can and most likely will use the broad definitions of sexual orientation to cover crimes against children.

Not every pedophile is a porn junkie on social security with only a chance of a public defender if nailed for pedophilia. The Child porn industry is a multi billion dollar enterprise and there are plenty of high rolling pedophiles who can afford lawyers and juris-doctors of loopholes.

If any one pedophile chooses to test this ambiguous and potentially dangerous law the precedent will wreak havoc with the very foundations of this nation. We already slaughter 4,000 innocent un-born children per day what could be worse than leaving the rest of our young fledglings open to the wiles of the child abusers and pedophiles who according to statistics are virtually lurking everywhere.

Rather than leaving this question unanswered and as ambiguous as the wording of H.R. 1913.

I will offer this warning. No laws framed by our legislators can supersede or supplant the ancient law of the 'millstone.' It is one of the immutable laws of reciprocation that does not regard the argument of the atheist' or the whining of the agnostic. It disregards the agenda of the gay community or any other group of modern deviates whether protected by law or not.

It was spoken by one who defeated death itself and who holds the keys to heaven and hell in his hand. "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." (Rev 1:18)

It was a warning made by one who clearly promised that it would be no natural disaster that would bring men to the judgment. No nuclear winter, global warming or rogue asteroid would bring men to account but he himself would be the judge.

Yet, it would not even be his person that constitutes the final judgment but rather what he said, to wit "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." (Jn 12:47-48)

So what are those words and specifically what words did Christ say about pedophilia, child abuse or harming children in any way? This is the law of 'millstones' and should be held in high regard because it precedes and trumps any law of man.

"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:6)

© Michael Bresciani


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