Michael Bresciani
From carrying the cross to bearing the sword -- is it the same Jesus?
By Michael Bresciani
January 22, 2013

Polls have indicated that only 37 percent of Americans now believe that homosexuality is a perverted and sinful practice. Most of those examining this latest excursion in PC acquired morality or immoralities, (depending on who you ask) agree that it is caused by a combination of three influences.

First, is President Obama's declaration that he believes all is well with the practice of homosexuality and gay marriage. Second is the apostate (falling) church that would rather give in to anti-biblical doctrine rather than stand up for what they have been taught and commanded. Lastly is the years' long campaign of the LGBT to induct everyone from kindergartners to ministers of the gospel into the new wave of gay acceptance. Hollywood and mainstream media is the right arm of the movement, but now even intrusion into academic curriculum and legislative process is being harangued into implementing the gay agenda.

According to scripture the deep rooted driving force behind the dive into super-immorality comes directly from the god of this world, sometimes called the ruler of the cosmos (world system of evil,) more commonly known as the devil.

To those well versed in eschatology and last days prophecies, there is no surprise that this wave is gaining acceptance. Although not welcomed, it is only part and parcel to the prophetic warnings of a world spiraling out of control and approaching the very judgments of God.

The prophecies of scripture are no mousey debate on Nostradamus, Jeanne Dixon or the Mayan calendar. They are a long list of historical changes that take place to prep the world for the coming of the leader of the last worldwide government and economic system. All but a few of these prophecies have yet to be fulfilled. Starting in 1948, with the return of the Jews to their former homeland, the clock has been ticking off the last few years and days of time as we know it.

This writer has addressed those prophecies unendingly for forty years in public and of late on the internet, but it is rise in deep perversion, child molestation, human trafficking and the gay agenda that is the mercury that gauges the collective state of mind, in America and the world.

It may be politically incorrect to say that homosexual practices are sinful, but it is biblically correct and will be until the last moment of time.

Those who obey Christ's commands to obey the word of God could no more say otherwise than they could deny their faith in Christ. But much more than a word against the gay life is the fact that the very word we will not deny is the basis of the coming judgment.

"He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day."(Jn 12: 48)

Prophecies forewarn that those who hold to the scriptures will decrease as worldwide apostasy increases. Their number will continue to shrink, but their message will not. Accordingly, near the very end of time they will be systematically silenced by imprisonment, and finally by death. (Rev 6: 9) Their martyrdom will embolden those who remain faithful to the end and create doubt in the unbelievers, but not enough to save them from a terrible judgment that will shake the earth to its very foundations.

We have long endured the caricature of Christ as the meek and lowly, bleeding heart who just loves us all regardless of how we live but that portrayal is false to the core. In Richard Mullen's classic song "He" is the familiar line "Though it makes him sad to see the way we live,

He'll always say, I forgive," but that sentiment must be balanced and tempered with the words of Christ who said, "I tell you, nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." (Lk 13: 3)

The meek and lowly Jesus said he came to bring a sword. What pictorial non-sequitur we have to muster to see the lowly Jesus and then, the same Jesus wielding a dangerous two edged sword. Yet, that sword has already begun to sever nations, political parties, families and individuals. Those who will not accept the word of God are cut out of God's favor, and eventually his presence.

The disobedient endeavor to cut and dissect the word of God to make it fit modern man's conception of what is moral and what is not. God intended it to be the other way around.

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Heb 4: 12)

That same sword (the word of God) is the line, the gauge and the final criterion for all the behaviors of man from time immemorial.

"And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." (Rev 19: 15, 16)

While the theology of Revelation nineteen is a summary of where all the PC diversity of man ends up, it is a thousand other points of the scripture that assure us that Christ is in this present day wielding the sword to cut and divide specific aspects of geo-political and economic affairs worldwide.

On this very day, as the inauguration of Barack Obama goes forth with full pomp and ceremony I can safely say that, for America, his presidency will not end well. It is no new message for me, but it is now much closer. In fact I believe that the total collapse of our markets and our economy will begin this year.

Mr. Obama's disregard for social norms, the Constitution, and the rights of citizens in general will bear fruit. Throughout time God has struck at disobedient nations at their very heart, to get their attention. It is what usually precedes more overt, interventional and far more destructive judgments. He strikes at the proverbial 'breadbasket,' always in an attempt to get the attention of people who are obsessed with other things which lead to their own demise. To wit:

"Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, behold, I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight, and with care; and they shall drink water by measure, and with astonishment: That they may want bread and water, and be astonied one with another, and consume away for their iniquity." (Eze 4: 16, 17)

The principle of interventional sword wielding is blatantly apparent. It is extremely hard to give much attention to gay rights, gourmet cooking classes, getting rich and being entertained when finding a piece of bread is harder than finding a gold nugget in the frozen tundra.

The next few years will justify these prognostications, which will result in the acknowledgement, that after all, they were actually prophecies. Even to the last minute they all can be avoided, but Americans have the tenacity of bulldogs when it comes to their pursuits, whether good or evil. Once again, even bulldogs are at a disadvantage when they meet up with the bearer of the sword.

Also on this day, Monday January 21, 2013, as Americans watch the second inauguration of Barack Obama, with full pomp and ceremony, I can with complete confidence say that his term will not end with even a fraction of the enthusiasm it started with.

The Teflon president has managed to slip by an un-vetted and highly suspect list of background discrepancies, the death of Americans at Benghazi, the death of law enforcement officers due to 'Fast and Furious,' and its subsequent cover up by executive fiat, but when the economy collapses Americans will not fail to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of one Barack Hussein Obama.

History and prophecy will soon combine to deliver judgment to nation, party and president. It does not promise to be pleasant. May God help us?

© Michael Bresciani


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