Jenn Giroux
"Show me your marks": the piling on of Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin
By Jenn Giroux
September 23, 2010

Evidently the elected leadership offices in our country are off limits for any female candidates that speak of the traditional values on which this country was founded. In fact, from all appearances, these women are feared. As we sit back and watch the piling on of such candidates as Delaware U.S. Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell, a 41 year old single energetic woman who speaks of God and sexual purity, we can clearly see the pattern that was all too transparent in the assault on former Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin. These spunky women have defied the odds and the overwhelming influence of the national media simply by being gutsy enough to enter politics with the two things that the establishment in Washington and the media haven't a clue how to handle: authenticity and a real sense of moral clarity.

Authenticity and moral clarity: I can think of no qualities more crucial to bringing our nation's laws and policies back to the intentions of those who risked their lives to sign our Declaration of Independence. The overwhelming power of the national media wants us to believe that it is abnormal or even unconscionable to believe in sexual purity, the sacredness of every human life, and well — God. The liberal media who consistently revere the "feminist, homosexual minded, pro-abortion, all ideas have the same truth" female candidates are horrified by the overwhelming response to the Christine O'Donnells and Sarah Palins of the world. They want us to believe that anyone with common sense and courage to speak of God and morality are in the minority. Are we? The fact that Christine O'Donnell has seen her campaign bank account shoot from $50,000 to over $2.2 million in just over one week since winning the Delaware primary certainly should give us the hope that the tide is turning.

The piling on of Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin warrants analysis. Both are feminine, pretty, articulate, smart, and conservative in their personal beliefs and political ideas. Oh, we can't have that be the role model of young American women! That would fly in the face of the 50 year assault on traditional womanhood played out in the media over and over in an effort to shape the minds and aspirations of young girls. This assault is rooted in leftist feminism and funded by the likes of Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars. One need only to look at the running themes that can be seen in major publication to understand that there is an effort to shape the thinking and to drain the enthusiasm from the mindset of having children. A few examples include:

  • Time Magazine cover story in July about the new trend of having only one child.... "The Only Child Myth: One and Done." This highlights the 'new normal' of having one child quoting 'objective' data gathered by such resources as The Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood's own research arm). Did you know that the 'only child' is more intelligent? This article is itself an insult to our intelligence! It refers the reader to studies which include "Children of Lesbians May Do Better Than Their Peers" and refers to results from a study by professor Toni Fabo, a researcher at the University of Texas, who is an only child, who herself had an only child, and decided to study China's only child policy and only child families in the U.S. She argued that "singleton's aren't measurably different from other kids -except that they along with firstborns and people who have only one sibling, score higher in measures of intelligence and achievement." This is further propaganda to only have two children. (I would love to introduce Professor Fabo to my sixth child, Maggie, who just scored a perfect score on the national Latin exam and to my eighth child, Patrick, who at the age of six named every country in the world in 2 1/2 minutes. Believe it or not large families have intelligent children too.)

  • New York Magazine article on July 4, 2010 "Why Parents Hate Parenting" further demoralizes young couples from finding happiness in having a family. This article is filled with depressing thoughts from the parents. They describe parenting as a scene out of a slasher film and their home where they deal with their children as "a nice place, but what it really needs is a bar." Also provided are statistics about how much happier non-parents supposedly are than parents.

  • In a Yahoo article this month "Birth Control Is Bad for the Environment" we are told that "not making any more people is one of the best things you can do for the planet....."

It is interesting that the resulting mentality of today's media is pushed back on their heels by the one thing that they cannot control: a Godly message rooted in authentic Truth. They cannot control how profoundly this resonates in the hearts of Americans who long for leaders who fearlessly serve God and Country.

There is a counter cultural comeback underway in the hearts of Americans and it can be seen in the grassroots response to Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin. These women are not perfect. None of us are. But we should pray for them and others who put themselves in the crossfire in an effort to reclaim America once again to her proper place as "One Nation Under God."

As I was growing up in a household of eleven children, my dad used to tell us an old Fulton Sheen story during times of real discouragement. This would remind us why it was important to stand up for what is right even in the face of personal attacks. He would tell us that when we arrive at heaven's gate we will be greeted by Our Lord who will open his hands and say "Here are the marks I took for you, please show me the marks you took for me."

God Bless Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell and all the others who are willing to take their marks in re-shaping our country for the future and for the souls of our children.

© Jenn Giroux


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Jenn Giroux

Jenn Giroux has been a Registered Nurse for 29 years, where she has witnessed firsthand the physical, emotional, and spiritual fallout of the women's movement, especially in the areas of contraception and abortion. In response, she has answered God's call to be a witness to the hidden truths on these subjects... (more)


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