Publius Huldah
Open your eyes and see what is going on in our country. If you don't face up to reality right now and act accordingly, we are doomed.
The fight over whether to have an Article V convention isn't between Republicans and Democrats, or liberals and "conservatives." It is spiritual warfare between those who want to keep our biblically-based Constitution of 1787 [1] and godless revolutionaries who want to get rid of our Constitution and set up the New World Order.
1. Our institutions have long since been captured by the enemy
The transformation of our country into the New World Order has been going on for well over 100 years. A brief summary of the capture of our institutions is set forth here. But even worse than the capture of our institutions has been the ideological subversion of the American people: former KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov describes that ideological subversion here.
Now that all of our institutions have been captured, and great numbers of Americans have been ideologically subverted, the war is turning "hot": The enemy now seeks to finish the job of destroying us and our Country.
2. Our Republic was overthrown in the last election
The essential characteristic of a “republic” is that power is exercised by representatives elected by the People. Due to last-minute unconstitutional changes to state election laws which made massive election fraud possible,[2] the last election was stolen, and we lost our right to choose our representatives. They are now chosen by those who control the voting machines.
3. Violent insurrections in the cities
The violent insurrections in the cities are carried on by Marxist-trained communist agitators who mean to kill us and burn down our cities – they say so here and in many other videos which have been on the internet. And we’ve seen on the internet videos showing that the violent insurrections are supported by various members of Congress and the pretended Vice President of the United States.
4. Replacing our Constitution at an Article V convention
So now the time is ripe for the forces of the New World Order to move in for the final kill: to get rid of our Constitution. That Constitution is the only thing (other than the Mercy of God) remaining which stands between us and hell of the New World Order.
If Congress calls a convention under Article V, U.S. Constitution, our present Constitution of 1787 can – and almost certainly will – be replaced with a new constitution.[3]
Congress is the body which has the constitutional authority to “call” – organize and set up – an Article V convention. Congress – the same Congress which is now controlled by those who egg on the insurrections which are destroying our cities and intimidating the inhabitants.
And it is that Congress which has the power to determine how delegates to an Article V convention are selected – and even who they will be. The Constitution is explicit:
- Article V grants to Congress the power to “call” the convention.
- Article I, §8, last clause , grants to Congress the power to make the laws necessary and proper to carry out its power to organize and set up the convention.
Accordingly, the Congressional Research Service Report of April 11, 2014, [link] recognizes:
First, Article V delegates important and exclusive authority over the amendment process to Congress….
Second…Congress has traditionally laid claim to broad responsibilities in connection with a convention, including…(4) determining the number and selection process for its delegates…. (p.4)
So, among its other powers respecting a convention, Congress may appoint the delegates – they may appoint themselves! And those members of Congress who support the violent insurrections or are getting money from the Chinese Communists, and other subversives, may well be the delegates!
If state legislatures give to Congress the power to call an Article V convention, there is nothing any of us can do to stop it if Congress appoints subversives and revolutionaries as delegates.
And while Congress is deciding who the delegates will be and where the convention will meet, what will be going on outside the Capitol building? Busloads of armed and violent Antifa and BLM rioters were sent into Minneapolis to intimidate the jury in the Chauvin trial;[4] and to commit murder and mayhem and burn down the city in the event Chauvin were acquitted [link]. Will these thugs also descend on the District of Columbia when Congress is deciding who the delegates will be?
And what about the convention itself? Will the delegates be intimidated by armed and violent Antifa and BLM thugs surrounding the place the convention meets? Will these thugs demand that the proposed constitution for the New Socialist Republic of North America [link] be imposed? Will they demand the Marxist constitution George Soros wants [link]? Will the Chinese Communist Party demand that the delegates impose the constitution they want? Or will the globalists demand that the delegates propose a new constitution which transforms the formerly sovereign United States into a member state of the North American Union [link]? Will the delegates be in such fear for their lives that – as in the Chauvin jury – they surrender to the demands of the mob?
And know this: Any constitution has its own mode of ratification. The proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America [link] provides at Article XII, §1 that it is ratified by a referendum called by the President. The states don’t vote on it; they are dissolved and replaced by regional governments answerable to the new national government.
And as to ratification of the new constitution by national referendum: we would see, once again, that Lenin was right when he said the people who vote don’t determine the outcome of elections – the people who count the votes do.
5. And it is Republican state legislators who are putting us in this fatal danger
The Article V convention is being marketed by demagogues and hirelings to state legislators (primarily Republicans) as the “conservative” solution to our problems. They falsely assure state legislators that they will select delegates and have complete control over what they do.[5] And since legislators of today often know little to nothing about our founding documents, history, or civics, and have been ideologically subverted as well, they fall for the marketing.
And, like many others, they are shutting their eyes to the unpleasant reality described above. But that is the context in which an Article V convention would take place today.
These are the ones who will turn over to Congress the power to get the new Constitution which will be the death blow to this country.
May God have mercy on their souls – they will have much to answer for. It is their adamant refusal to listen to the warnings against an Article V convention which has grave moral implications for them.
[1] Our Constitution of 1787 was based on God’s model of civil government [link].
[2] The unconstitutional changes to our state election laws which created the opportunities for the fraud are described in a series of papers here.
[3] See, e.g., “What the convention lobby isn’t telling you about our Declaration of Independence” [link] & “How to get a new Constitution under the PRETEXT of proposing amendments” [link].
[4] Alan Dershowitz speaks here of how U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters called for riots if Chauvin weren’t convicted, thereby terrorizing the Jurors into finding Chauvin “guilty”.
[5] Eminent conservative constitutional litigators William Olson & Herb Titus have rightly described such assurances as “false” and “reckless in the extreme” [link].
© Publius HuldahThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.