Alan Keyes
'Dr.' Gosnell and Obama's heart of stone
By Alan Keyes
April 22, 2013

"It will have blood, they say. Blood will have blood. Stones have been known to move, and trees to speak. Augurs and understood relations have by maggot pies and choughs and rooks brought forth the secret'st man of blood." (Shakespeare's "Macbeth," Act 3, Scene 4)

When he was a state senator in the Illinois Legislature, Barack Obama opposed a bill intended to assure that nascent children who managed to survive an abortionist's effort to murder them would be given the same care as other children born alive into this world. As a result of his statements and actions at that time, I and others have accurately noted that he countenanced infanticide rather than concede one jot or tittle of his fanatical support for so-called "abortion rights." As reported by (a site not notorious for its willingness to clarify facts detrimental to Obama), "His stated reasons for opposing 'born-alive' bills have to do with preserving abortion rights, a position he is known to support and has never hidden."

However, as the bill approached a vote in the legislature in 2002, Obama slyly avoided explaining his position in such stark ideological terms. He posed as an advocate for the concerns of the medical community, suggesting that the bill cast doubt on the professionalism of the "doctor" carrying out the death sentence the mother had imposed upon her offspring. Obama said:

"Essentially, I think...the only plausible rationale, to my mind, for this legislation would be if you had a suspicion that a doctor, the attending physician, who has made an assessment that this is a nonviable fetus and that, let's say for the purposes of the mother's health...labor is being induced, that that physician a) is going to make the wrong assessment, and b) if the physician discovered, after the labor had been induced, that, in fact, he made an error, or she made an error, and, in fact that this was not a nonviable fetus but, in fact, a live child, that that physician, of his own accord or her own accord, would not try to exercise the sort of medical measures and practices that would be involved in saving that child. Now...if you think that there are possibilities that doctors would not do that, then maybe this bill makes sense....I, at least, have confidence that a doctor who is in that room is going to make sure that they're looked after."

Obama voiced this confidence despite the fact that he was among the legislators who, in March of the previous year, heard firsthand testimony from Jill Stanek, a delivery ward RN in an Illinois hospital. Stanek's description of infants "allowed to die without any attempt to provide medical treatment" even moved most of Obama's pro-abortion Democrat colleagues in the Illinois Legislature to support legislation to protect the lives of every infant born alive in Illinois hospitals. Unlike them, his commitment to the specious right to murder one's posterity is so fanatical that he would rather risk fully exposing the murderous intent and nature of so-called "abortion rights" than to limit their scope in any way.

More amazing, however, than Obama's obdurate insistence upon the death penalty for infants who survive the "medical care" of the doctor appointed to assassinate them is his indifference to the gruesome realities being exposed, in chilling detail, at the trial of abortionist "Dr." Kermit Gosnell. The accounts of casual child murders at Gosnell's death house for nascent babies, complete with nauseating humor, ought certainly to do what Jill Stanek's moving testimony could not, those many years ago. They ought to break Obama's heart of stone.

Instead, his official spokesman persists in dismissing as "hypothetical" the now evident fact that the practice of so-called "abortion rights" simply means licensing physicians to murder helpless, innocent babies. This practice contradicts and ultimately displaces the heart for healing that, once upon a time, lived by the sacred maxim Primum non nocere, "First, do no harm." True physicians were not permitted to be the instrument of action that has no intent but willful, death- dealing harm. Gosnell represents what has become of medical professionals since that primordial discipline was cast to the wind. This exposes Obama for what he is (and along with him, all those who promote the suppression of the unalienable right to life), a "most secret man of blood."

Thanks to Kermit Gosnell, the secret is out. In recent weeks, others have written extensively about the elitist faction media's conspiracy of silence regarding the Gosnell trial. Nothing more emphatically proves the consciousness of guilt that haunts and oppresses those who have conspired to impose the culture of murderous death so contrary to the founding premises of our society, which include, first of all, respect for the unalienable, God-endowed right to life. If they thought the homicidal atmosphere at Gosnell's death house was exceptional, the elitist media commissars would not feel compelled to shield the facts from general public scrutiny. They apparently feel certain that the facts of the Gosnell case are like roaches caught in the light, each one representing so many more still hidden in places of darkness.

They know, and are part of, the noisome fog of murderous intent that pervades the whole abortion industry. And tragically, through the fissure opened up by the wicked notion that wholesale child murder is a rightful aspect of "medical care," this deadly fog of evil begins to pervade the entire medical profession. At the beginning and the end of life, those who should only be healers are being perverted into skilled assassins. Having licensed individuals to procure the murder of their offspring, the elitists who now control government power are fashioning "health care" institutions to give themselves license to cull the human herd, without regard for any will or judgment but their own.

The facts being revealed at Gosnell's trial are like the auguries, mentioned in Shakespeare's "Macbeth." They cry out for judgment against the spilling of innocent blood. You see, Shakespeare's Macbeth was right. God's first law of human natural justice (Genesis 9:6) means that blood will have blood. We Americans may not wish to admit it, but somewhere in the midst of our grief and dismay in the aftermath of an attack like the one that just now marred the Boston Marathon, the still, small voice of conscience whispers: "The evil that we fight is but the shadow of the evil that we do." Such shadow-boxing is part of the choreography of God's due process. It is a self-defeating martial art, at which Obama is presently the sensei-in-chief. He represents an elitist faction skilled at producing blows they then purport to parry. As long as the American people continue to suffer, in positions of power, such minions of elitist factional ambition, we will fight in vain against the ruthless forces that are gradually consuming our nation's life in decent liberty.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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