Robert Meyer column
Robert Meyer is a hardy soul who hails from the Cheesehead country of the upper midwest. Robert is known by his opponents as a "clever rhetorician" who often exposes the fallacies of knee-jerk arguments presented in local papers. Seeking to develop precepts for every aspect of life — based on a conservative Christian worldview — Robert often gleans inspiration from looking off his back deck, over the scenic Fox River and recalling the wise counsel of those who mentored him. He can be contacted at
Robert Meyer
July 17, 2024
If you have done any amount of dialoguing on the internet, you come across the type of people who make some assertion and act like it’s a revelation that . . .
Robert Meyer
February 13, 2024
Well, it likely won’t be the last time I head down the freeway, but it certainly marks the end of an era, so to speak. It has been a long time since I have . . .
Robert Meyer
July 19, 2023
Whenever a certain policy or practice has even the slightest whiff of a biblical precept influencing the culture, we predictable hear the phrase “separation . . .
Robert Meyer
April 10, 2023
Liberals have taken control of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court by a 4-3 margin based on a decisive victory by a liberal judge who suggests she will put her . . .
Robert Meyer
February 5, 2023
What if I told you that I knew a woman who was widowed in her early 30’s, only to remarry and take care of a man with failing health for several years before . . .
Robert Meyer
September 15, 2022
Why are so many evangelical Christians politically conservative? A good question, but not a hard one to answer. I myself have been accused of coloring my . . .
Robert Meyer
August 28, 2022
When I was young, it was common for kids to ask newcomers in a neighborhood the question, “What religion are you?” The geographic area of the country I live . . .
Robert Meyer
July 28, 2022
A method for evaluating any particular system of thought for validity is to conduct a test for internal coherence, known as an internal critique. If a certain . . .
Robert Meyer
July 24, 2022
"There’s not a shred of evidence that God exists." Wouldn’t it be great if you had a dollar for every time you've heard someone make that pronouncement? . . .
Robert Meyer
July 15, 2022
One of the most common criticisms heaped upon people who identify as Christians, is that “you don’t think for yourselves.” This, apparently, in reference . . .
Robert Meyer
July 6, 2022
Perhaps one of the most thoughtless and deceptive statements uttered today is people who say “I believe in science.” Whenever I run across someone who says . . .
Robert Meyer
July 5, 2022
The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade was a bit anti-climactic given that the adjudication intentions of the SCOTUS had been leaked earlier. While it was a . . .
Robert Meyer
February 7, 2022
It has been nearly a year since I first published the piece telling readers of my wife’s passing. There were sequels to the original piece that were often a . . .
Robert Meyer
December 6, 2021
Even though we had wet snow today, with bad roads to accompany it, today is exceedingly better than what I went through a year ago December 5th. It was the last . . .
Robert Meyer
November 25, 2021
One year ago, today was probably the most difficult day of my life, and I hope never to face one that rivals it. In reality, it may have been the 12 days that . . .
Robert Meyer
November 22, 2021
The cultural reactions to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, bring to mind the lamentations of the late Judge Robert Bork, as articulated in his tome “Slouching . . .
Robert Meyer
November 7, 2021
The great American pastime these days is to read what “fact-checkers” have to say about the claims of some political figure who is disliked by the . . .
Robert Meyer
October 14, 2021
It’s been nearly a year since I lost my wife tragically and unexpectedly. During that period of time, as you might anticipate, I’ve had my ups and downs. In . . .
Robert Meyer
August 10, 2021
Various people have opined in near desperation that we must defuse polarization in America. Two decades ago, the late Judge Robert Bork, who was rejected as a . . .
Robert Meyer
July 11, 2021
In theology and Christian apologetics, one of the most difficult issues to handle is the subtopic of Theodicy – that is, defending the character of God in . . .
Robert Meyer
February 22, 2021
In my childhood the ultimate question was where were you when you heard President Kennedy was shot. Later it shifted to the Apollo 11 moon landing. In middle . . .
Robert Meyer
February 11, 2021
This is the first Valentine’s Day since 1986 that I’ll spend without my wife Rita. She passed into eternity on November 25th after a 13-day hospitalization . . .
Robert Meyer
October 1, 2020
Possibly one of the silliest arguments politicians make is to label their opponents as hypocritical, as if it were a noteworthy or unique revelation in the . . .
Robert Meyer
May 18, 2020
The minute I finished the last piece, I knew I hadn’t said everything I wanted to about the Covid-19 shutdowns. As of this writing, many states are opening, . . .
Robert Meyer
April 30, 2020
I can always tell when people are taking a problem seriously They work together and their differences are set aside to achieve a common goal. Initially, I was . . .
Robert Meyer
April 27, 2020
The mischaracterization of statements made by a political opponent or some other perceived adversary is nothing new, but during the presidential tenure of . . .
Robert Meyer
December 26, 2019
Ordinarily I'm not too concerned with responding to people who arrive at different conclusions than myself, which are based on personal principle. I've had . . .
Robert Meyer
October 2, 2019
The whistle-blower media frenzy appears as just the latest installment in the eternal campaign against the president. It began with constraining suggestions . . .
Robert Meyer
March 26, 2019
Now that the Mueller report has been released, and it revealed exactly the verdict that was expected for months, we have to make an analysis of how we go . . .
Robert Meyer
January 21, 2019
Two years after his inauguration, President Trump is every bit the lightning rod he was on day one.
Regarding the unending Mueller investigation, we have two . . .
Robert Meyer
November 13, 2018
I write this to celebrate the life and times of James Robert "Chico" Meyer. Perhaps some of you probably wonder how he got the nick-name Chico. Well, his . . .
Robert Meyer
April 1, 2018
Probably one of the most frequent questions asked of Christians these days, is how they can continue to support Donald Trump in spite of his past moral failings . . .
Robert Meyer
March 6, 2018
People are constantly fretting about the discord in this nation. Frequently we are given the pleas that we must come together as a nation. Indeed, surveys and . . .
Robert Meyer
January 1, 2018
President Trump has kept a major campaign promise by signing into law one of the largest tax cuts in history.
His detractors used an overworked canard "Tax . . .
Robert Meyer
December 14, 2017
In determining the root of the differences between 'progressive' political objectives and those precepts promoted by the U.S. Constitution, the greatest . . .
Robert Meyer
November 19, 2017
I first heard of Judge Roy Moore around the turn of this century. His posting of the Ten Commandments plaque and the subsequent placement of a monument in an . . .
Robert Meyer
October 3, 2017
Using a "weak" definition of atheism for the purpose of a abdicating the burden of proof may not be worth the can of worms it tips over in the form of . . .
Robert Meyer
September 30, 2017
These days it's more common and fashionable for atheist apologists along with atheists in general, to define their position as a "lack of belief in God or gods. . . .
Robert Meyer
August 21, 2017
Regardless of your position on the issue of humanly caused global warming, one thing remains undeniable: Those who are apologists for the "save the planet" . . .
Robert Meyer
June 26, 2017
A common quip regarding the topic of faith is that "Faith is believing something you know ain't so." Perhaps Christians are themselves guilty of perpetuating . . .
Robert Meyer
May 8, 2017
President Donald Trump made a bold step in the right direction at the National Day of Prayer ceremony, by issuing an executive order negating the Johnson . . .
Robert Meyer
April 18, 2017
Neal Gorsuch has been approved by majority vote to fill the vacant seat for the ninth Justice for the SCOTUS. His confirmation was by a 54-45 margin. Much has . . .
Robert Meyer
April 3, 2017
The late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan is famous for suggesting, "You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Moynihan's . . .
Robert Meyer
March 16, 2017
President Donald Trump's handling of the media makes him appear less than "presidential" Yet, ironically, his approach is exactly what's needed to counteract . . .
Robert Meyer
February 20, 2017
President Donald Trump has picked his SCOTUS nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch. It's somewhat likely the Democrats in the Senate will filibuster the nomination, . . .
Robert Meyer
January 24, 2017
At 12:30 AM Sunday morning January 15th, my wife and I were awakened by a knock on the front door. When I answered, two men with badges, one a sheriff's deputy . . .
Robert Meyer
January 11, 2017
Normally I stick with hard opinion pieces, but occasionally I delve into personal experiences that I think can serve as a catharsis for readers. This is such an . . .
Robert Meyer
December 16, 2016
In the aftermath of the presidential election, there have been protests and riots in some major cities. The mainstream media swiftly and carefully pointed out . . .
Robert Meyer
November 14, 2016
Many people have questioned how someone who claims to be a Christian can vote for Donald Trump. Below, I've offered some explanation of that under a variety of . . .
Robert Meyer
November 12, 2016
I am reminded of an anecdote about a man who had committed some offence against the king of his land. He is sentenced to be executed by the king, but requests a . . .
Robert Meyer
October 11, 2016
With the presidential election season upon us, you're likely to see a bumper sticker sporting the slogan "God is not a Republican." Variations of this theme . . .
Robert Meyer
September 19, 2016
For many years I've done a periodical editorial spot for a local radio station. Once last year, my theme was the idea that the semi-anonymity accorded by . . .
Robert Meyer
August 10, 2016
In these days and times, it is difficult for Bible-believing folk to see anything positive to cheer about in the culture or via the political process. Many are . . .
Robert Meyer
July 1, 2016
I have never been a firearms enthusiast, sportsman or avid hunter. I live in a rural area and when I'm outside doing yard work, I can hear the rapid discharge . . .
Robert Meyer
June 21, 2016
"There are lies, damned lies and statistics." This is a declaration attributed to Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th century British statesman, illustrating that . . .
Robert Meyer
May 31, 2016
The popular Christian imperative WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) is based on a 19th century book by Charles M. Sheldon., In His Steps. The book is actually the story . . .
Robert Meyer
May 23, 2016
Recently a poster I encountered asserted the common claim that Christianity was largely responsible for the Holocaust, while pointing out the harm caused by . . .
Robert Meyer
May 14, 2016
Recently, we have witnessed a debate on whether the Senate should vote on Obama's SCOTUS nomination Merrick Garland. But the better question is whether they . . .
Robert Meyer
March 31, 2016
I am delighted the competition for the GOP nomination between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump isn't over just yet. This is not because I am hoping for a brokered . . .
Robert Meyer
February 17, 2016
As I turned on the television Saturday night, February 13th, I was stunned to discover that Justice Antonin Scalia, a man for whom I hold the greatest reverence . . .
Robert Meyer
February 11, 2016
Several years ago while waiting in a doctor's office, a man asked if I wanted to read the newspaper he had. I told him I was only interested in the editorial . . .
Robert Meyer
February 2, 2016
There are those few who contend that the big problem in Christianity vs. Deism debate, is that both sides are wrong about the religious nature of the founding . . .
Robert Meyer
January 18, 2016
Donald Trump is far from my ideal of the perfect, or even the prototype of a strongly endorsable candidate. Yet one cannot help but marvel at Trump's staying . . .
Robert Meyer
December 23, 2015
Phrases used in the Declaration of Independence are said to be of deist nomenclature. The fact is that many of the phases used in the Declaration had fixed . . .
Robert Meyer
December 21, 2015
Three things which make me perpetually suspicious are claims of non-partisanship, "credible" authority and truth by consensus.
A common tactic employed by . . .
Robert Meyer
December 16, 2015
A byproduct spun off from the cultural wars, is the question of what philosophical underpinnings influenced America's founding. Ask most college educated folk . . .
Robert Meyer
November 5, 2015
Liberals and secularists frequently and haphazardly shoot from the hip, when they claim ad nauseam, that certain activities violate the "separation between . . .
Robert Meyer
September 23, 2015
Judicial activism is the outgrowth of a theory of law known as Legal Positivism. It began to take hold after the Civil War when the president of Harvard . . .
Robert Meyer
September 19, 2015
Before we delve into an example of civil disobedience, we should touch on how the government and religious consciousness came to be so adversarial.
A . . .
Robert Meyer
September 14, 2015
Kim Davis, the county clerk from Kentucky who was jailed for refusing to process marriage license applications for same-sex couples, offers a poignant segue . . .
Robert Meyer
June 18, 2015
As more support for educational vouchers gains ascendancy, the talking points against them become increasingly shrill.
The epitome of this trend might well . . .
Robert Meyer
April 22, 2015
We have heard complaints about the "do nothing congress" for the past several presidential administrations. Indeed, we frequently see that congressional . . .
Robert Meyer
April 14, 2015
The recent passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana has caused a disproportionate amount of push back considering a similar law was passed . . .
Robert Meyer
March 18, 2015
Scott Walker got elected as governor of Wisconsin without a college degree. That has the usual purveyors of snide remarks, such as democratic provocateur, . . .
Robert Meyer
February 17, 2015
Obama's recent comments at a national prayer breakfast raised a host of critical eyebrows.
The most offending comment from the president's address was as . . .
Robert Meyer
January 8, 2015
On December 11th, Robert Nordlander, a household name to anyone who habitually read the opinion pages in the Appleton Post-Crescent, passed away after a . . .
Robert Meyer
December 19, 2014
The United States has had a long history with the ugly stains of racial prejudice and institutional discrimination on its collective conscience, particularly . . .
Robert Meyer
November 19, 2014
The public and pundits alike, tend to read too much into the results of a particular election because society has fallen for the romantic notion that the . . .
Robert Meyer
October 4, 2014
A dubious editorial pastime these days involves political progressives offering their suggestions about rescuing the Republican Party from extinction. Of course . . .
Robert Meyer
August 19, 2014
I participate in a forum where my local newspaper asks a group of people to comment on an issue the newspaper chooses on a rotating basis. My group of . . .
Robert Meyer
July 16, 2014
The recent Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision has brought about a hue and cry representing a chorus of scorched cats. It becomes almost impossible to exaggerate the . . .
Robert Meyer
July 9, 2014
Recently I read a post that stated something I have heard numerous times; "religious convictions have no place in influencing legislation in a secular society." . . .
Robert Meyer
May 22, 2014
Only a few years ago, I never imagined anyone would be opposed to verifying the identity of voters, or that the issue could be so heavily politicized. I would . . .
Robert Meyer
May 21, 2014
Recently, I have seen both pro and con editorial pieces regarding the proposed expansion of educational vouchers in Wisconsin.
Those critical of educational . . .
Robert Meyer
April 19, 2014
In a recent local letter to the editor, Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Madison, Wisconsin based Freedom From Religion Foundation, promotes the tenor . . .
Robert Meyer
February 28, 2014
On Sunday February 9th, 1964, I sat in my small rocking chair in the living room of my family home. An older sister was there, as were my parents, who stopped . . .
Robert Meyer
February 17, 2014
Mr. N is well known in my locality, as an atheist who writes letters to the editor, often making rhetorical arguments impugning Christianity.
In a recent . . .
Robert Meyer
January 7, 2014
In the world of cultural semantics, there is probably not a phrase that rings with more pejorative innuendo than the term "fundamentalism." It should be noted . . .
Robert Meyer
January 2, 2014
While listening to the radio in my car several days ago, I heard about a new poll where a small majority of people said that there actually is no war on . . .
Robert Meyer
December 16, 2013
A big pre-Christmas news story was that Roman Catholic leader Pope Francis was named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year." That happening requires an . . .
Robert Meyer
November 6, 2013
I am writing this piece to commemorate the life of my father, Robert E. Meyer Sr., who passed away Oct.29th. You won't long remember much of what I write here . . .
Robert Meyer
October 5, 2013
Recently a Community Column writer for a local paper wrote an opinion piece denouncing conservative politicians for not complying with the "Red-Letter" . . .
Robert Meyer
September 12, 2013
I couldn't agree more with the sentiments expressed regarding in the recent op-ed by Christine M. Flowers "Around the world, the cross is in the crosshairs."
. . .
Robert Meyer
August 21, 2013
We are all exhausted from the Zimmerman v. Martin media fiasco, but need to indulge it once again as a prelude into this piece.
I have no first-hand . . .
Robert Meyer
July 23, 2013
My Father and I were discussing how perceptions have changed over the years. He has been retired over 30 years now. He told me that once the big talk at his . . .
Robert Meyer
June 17, 2013
It has been years since I received so many inquiries regarding a piece I wrote. The controversy surrounding domestic surveillance abuses has resulted in many . . .
Robert Meyer
May 18, 2013
Several editorial works have appeared recently, once again addressing the give and take of global warming/climate change concerns.
Few of us have the . . .
Robert Meyer
April 13, 2013
Recently a 15 year-old attending school within the Appleton, Wisconsin School District, made both local and national news for alleging that he faced harassment . . .
Robert Meyer
February 14, 2013
Every time someone writes a piece observing the destruction of the traditional family, you can be assured it will be greeted with the typical chorus of . . .
Robert Meyer
January 29, 2013
With yet another stinging presidential defeat barely in the rear view mirror, pundits are making dangerous and inadvisable suggestions about the future of the . . .
Robert Meyer
January 17, 2013
Two recent hot button issues, "reproductive rights" and gun control, represent examples of failed methods for dealing with cultural problems.
It's no mystery . . .
Robert Meyer
December 30, 2012
The Sandy Hook tragedy presents yet the latest example of the liberal political strategist's adage "Never let a crisis go to waste."
This slaughter of young . . .
Robert Meyer
December 14, 2012
There has been controversy among those interested in economics as to which tax policies have been more beneficial to the economy: Those supported by past . . .
Robert Meyer
November 27, 2012
I remember in 1986, when I was a lot less politically savvy. When looking back at the Reagan years up until that time, I thought to myself "At least they can . . .
Robert Meyer
November 6, 2012
Bishop David Ricken of the Catholic Diocese in Green Bay, Wisconsin has been roundly criticized for saying in a letter to his flock, that they could jeopardize . . .
Robert Meyer
October 11, 2012
Recently a writer of a letter to the editor opined about a columnist who criticized the pro-life position, smearing it recklessly with predictable stereotypes . . .
Robert Meyer
September 25, 2012
A Community Columnist for a local paper wrote a piece reasoning that since this year's presidential election revolved around economic issues, we ought to survey . . .
Robert Meyer
September 14, 2012
Just over three years ago I believed there was no way Obama could never win re-election. But if the election for president was held today, Obama would likely . . .
Robert Meyer
August 16, 2012
In the early morning hours of Saturday, August 11th, republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced his running mate selection to be Wisconsin . . .
Robert Meyer
July 8, 2012
Unless you are Rip Van Winkle, you have heard an earful about how Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, has sided with the liberal wing in declaring . . .
Robert Meyer
June 10, 2012
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is the first governor in history to survive a recall election. Of course, that isn't saying much when we consider how few . . .
Robert Meyer
April 24, 2012
While the U. S. Senate lacked the votes to pass the "Buffet Rule," it turns out that Obama, like Warren Buffet, probably paid a lower percentage on his federal . . .
Robert Meyer
April 10, 2012
Recently, President Obama gave an address, jawboning the Supreme Court after they heard deliberations regarding the constitutionality of the Health Care Bill. . . .
Robert Meyer
March 7, 2012
A new issue has surfaced in the long rhetorical political battle. A question of religious liberty has been turned into a circus of shameless political innuendo, . . .
Robert Meyer
February 10, 2012
A local writer wrote a recent column praising the late journalist Christopher Hitchens, who passed away last December 15th. In reading a number of the writer's . . .
Robert Meyer
January 31, 2012
Political opponents of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin announced they had nearly double the amount of signatures legally required to proceed with a recall . . .
Robert Meyer
December 31, 2011
Tim Tebow is simply the latest super magnet for attracting the sentiments of religious bigotry. There has already been discussion Ad Naseum pertaining to a . . .
Robert Meyer
December 19, 2011
During this Christmas season, the Madison, Wisconsin based Freedom From Religion Foundation(hereafter referred to as "FFRF") made another installment in their . . .
Robert Meyer
November 28, 2011
Unfortunately the "Occupy" movement is becoming more violent in its orientation. What was once billed as a liberal incarnation of the Tea Party, has become a . . .
Robert Meyer
October 27, 2011
Face-painting, bongos and drum circles in New York, on Wall-street, and now even on Main Street in many of America's smaller cities. Is this a movement of . . .
Robert Meyer
October 10, 2011
If you are an avid reader of newspaper editorial columns, you can't help but notice two reoccurring themes that come around with nauseating regularity. Both of . . .
Robert Meyer
September 22, 2011
Nearly all disputes about political economic issues, boil down to differences in philosophies regarding the nature of the legitimate role of government. When I . . .
Robert Meyer
August 18, 2011
In the aftermath of the wrangling over increasing the federal debt ceiling, the editorial topic du jour seems heavily invested in lauding the "virtue" of . . .
Robert Meyer
July 27, 2011
See Obama with poker face and dark shades, stoically warning us about the dire repercussions of ignoring his call to raise the debt limit.
Come the middle of . . .
Robert Meyer
June 29, 2011
Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner did something morally commendable — he finally decided to resign his office. In this piece I will make no . . .
Robert Meyer
May 23, 2011
Recently the legislature in the state of Wisconsin passed a law requiring ID to vote, with certain specified exceptions. Many people have voiced their opinion . . .
Robert Meyer
May 9, 2011
In light of the jubilant celebrations all over America, spawned by the announcement that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by Navy Seals, we have to assess the . . .
Robert Meyer
April 4, 2011
The state of Wisconsin has suffered a meltdown. I am happy to report it was not a meltdown of their nuclear reactors such as Japan experienced after its recent . . .
Robert Meyer
March 14, 2011
In mid-February, political turmoil crashed up on the shores of Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin and surged all the way to the capitol grounds. Last year, when . . .
Robert Meyer
February 9, 2011
Okay, this is not a story about the legendary pirate flag, but rather a commentary honoring the Super bowl champion quarterback Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay . . .
Robert Meyer
February 8, 2011
This column is about old news, and has been overshadowed in the news cycle because of the recent upheaval in the Middle east. Yet this issue is one that will be . . .
Robert Meyer
January 5, 2011
For over two years, conservatives have been anticipating this moment, the first step to reinstall representatives in Congress which will hopefully put us back . . .
Robert Meyer
December 12, 2010
As of this writing, it is difficult to speculate on whether or not the Democrats in Congress will pass the deal to maintain current tax rates, as agreed upon by . . .
Robert Meyer
November 16, 2010
A recent editorial theme that is overworked among the soothsayers of conventional wisdom, is suggesting that newly elected conservatives have a short time to . . .
Robert Meyer
November 4, 2010
The recent election brought about mixed results based upon my expectations. Pending the outcome of the undecided Senate races at the time of this writing, the U . . .
Robert Meyer
October 13, 2010
As of this writing, the election is only a few weeks away. At this point it doesn't pay to make any outrageous projection for the 2010 mid term elections. I'll . . .
Robert Meyer
September 20, 2010
It's already old news that Christine O' Donnell won the Delaware Republican primary in upset fashion. It took less than two seconds flat for the establishment . . .
Robert Meyer
September 2, 2010
The Ground Zero mosque controversy has been erroneously portrayed by certain news pundits as being an issue about religious freedom. Of course this is another . . .
Robert Meyer
August 14, 2010
In a recent letter to the editor of my local newspaper, Valley Scene columnist (a liberal arts and entertainment tabloid) Mr.N, a prominent local atheist, . . .
Robert Meyer
July 20, 2010
To many political observers, it probably appeared that the Tea Party movement came out of the woodwork or even thin air. But the roots of the movement go back . . .
Robert Meyer
June 22, 2010
I write a monthly column for a local arts and entertainment tabloid with a decidedly liberal slant. A fellow columnist, who I'll call Mr. N panned a new book in . . .
Robert Meyer
June 18, 2010
Most of the arguments over the heated immigration issue take on a similar form. People claim that Arizona's new law allows police to racially profile Hispanics. . . .
Robert Meyer
April 12, 2010
It was once claimed that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. In his time, Neville Chamberlain was probably the poster child for such a sentiment. In . . .
Robert Meyer
March 19, 2010
Recently, I received an E-mail from a gentleman who described himself as a "Bright." Just in case you are not familiar with the term, it is not slang for an . . .
Robert Meyer
February 16, 2010
Up until now, you probably have noticed that I have not engaged in much criticism of president Obama. I suppose it could be said that for me the honeymoon . . .
Robert Meyer
January 14, 2010
An editorial writer recently sought to make a point about the federal health care legislation, giving us an anecdotal story about a Republican congressman who . . .
Robert Meyer
December 18, 2009
A frequent contributor to my local newspaper wrote a piece before Christmas urging that religious Nativity displays don't belong on government property. Since . . .
Robert Meyer
November 5, 2009
A recent vitriolic anti-Christian editorial brought out the usual boiler-plate responses from both sides of the ideological continuum. One respondent argued . . .
Robert Meyer
October 13, 2009
There has much conversation in recent years about both the religious right and religious left, as to why their views differ. Since both movements claim to be . . .
Robert Meyer
September 17, 2009
One of the drawbacks of the current health care debate is that this issue is debated in terms of facts (which side is dishonest or misinformed about provisions . . .
Robert Meyer
August 20, 2009
When my local newspaper published the an article related to the latest folly of the Madison Wisconsin based Freedom From Religion Foundation, under the heading . . .
Robert Meyer
July 22, 2009
If we have seen it once, we have seen it a thousand times: somebody writes an editorial claiming that man-made global warming is a irrefutable scientific fact, . . .
Robert Meyer
June 16, 2009
Recent diatribes have appeared in the media criticizing and misrepresenting the rationale of those opposed to the Sotomayor nomination to the Supreme Court.
. . .
Robert Meyer
May 27, 2009
Every now and then, some event in life occurs that changes your entire outlook on things. Such an event merits writing about despite the fact that it deviates . . .
Robert Meyer
January 26, 2009
Along with the "coming out" of militant atheism in recent years, there has been a growing perception that freedom of religion is tantamount to public freedom . . .
Robert Meyer
January 20, 2009
To the consternation and disappointment of many ardent Obama supporters, Rick Warren, the famous mega-church evangelical author, was asked to officiate at the . . .
Robert Meyer
December 25, 2008
Virtually every year at this time, an issue over Christmas displays on public property, or some related church and state issue pops up. I call discussion of . . .
Robert Meyer
December 4, 2008
In the wake of the November election's repudiation of Republicans, there is a controversy among pundits about what Republicans need to do to stage a legislative . . .
Robert Meyer
November 26, 2008
One of the most common complaints registered during the recent election season, is that certain policy positions of political candidates are wrongly . . .
Robert Meyer
November 19, 2008
In the aftermath of this year's electoral train wreck for conservatives, my local newspaper has published a few editorial letters by people trying to offer . . .
Robert Meyer
November 7, 2008
On election night, just after Barack Obama was declared the President-elect, Fox News interviewed Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, who is thought to be a rising . . .
Robert Meyer
November 3, 2008
My call-in editorial was posted in Saturday's edition of a local newspaper, intended as a satirical presentation of some conspiracy theories which I have heard . . .
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.