Alan Keyes
Defending America the American way
Impeachment now!
By Alan Keyes
June 17, 2013

The Obama faction is now openly engaged in a campaign to use the power of the U.S. government to overthrow the U.S. Constitution. Because they have not or will not let themselves be tutored by America's founders, the GOP majority in the House of Representatives is showing itself to be incompetent to deal with it. Obama's disciples of Marx and Saul Alinsky every day parade abuses infuriating to a solid majority of the American people. But instead of a strategic response that rallies this aggrieved majority in defense of America's liberty, the so-called leaders of the party that claims to stand in opposition to Obama's push for totalitarian socialism offer a ragged, piecemeal response.

This reminds me of the set-piece battles between American militiamen and the disciplined troops of the British Army in the early days of the American Revolution. In those battles, the British regulars answered the similarly ragged volleys of the American patriots with such devastatingly unanimous replies that the American irregulars often took to their heels in short order. The irregulars fared much better when they harried the British troops as hit and run sharpshooters, skillfully using every shred of cover available. The lesson here is not just about the early example of modern guerrilla warfare Americans set before the world. It is rather a more general and adaptable insight. Those early American patriots fought best when they fought for America in the American way.

At present, the fight for America's future is still taking place in the political rather than military sphere. There are powerful domestic enemies of America's unparalleled success in constitutional self- government. They have waged an effective campaign, now decades old, to teach the leading talents of successive generations of Americans to doubt and despise their nation's exceptional political heritage. As a result, all too many of these potential leaders never learned the defining principles, ideas, and ideals with and upon which previous generations built the strength and endurance of the American people. Others of them positively reject or carelessly abandon these premises.

When they came to lead, the children of the generation that fought World War II allowed the focus of American education to shift decisively away from a serious regard for the seminal documents that convey the logic of America's liberty. This is the key to the elitist apostasy from America's creed. On account of this apostasy, a more and more organized, self-consciously elitist faction has matured. It rejects the moral egalitarianism that undergirds America's creed of liberty. Therefore, it works to overthrow the form of constitutional self-government that respects the sovereignty of the people. Informed by socialist totalitarian ideologies, this elitist clique is endowed by the materialist, authoritarian corporatism of the money powers now largely in control of America's financial institutions, its so-called mainstream media, and both the Democrat and Republican parties.

In political terms, these elitist faction forces come against the U.S. Constitution from left and right. Whatever the rhetoric of their verbal professions, in their actions they unanimously reject the premise that there is one benevolent and superintendent Deity whose spirit, will, and judgment created human nature and ultimately rule over human affairs. This rejection of God's authority is the daily proven fact that belies the specious opposition that is supposed to divide one of the elitist faction's wings from the other. Whatever they say, the resultant charade of their supposedly adversarial interaction has for more than a lifetime consistently undermined this central pillar of American self-government, without which its other supports are like branches of a tree, forced to bear a weight they cannot stand.

This hostility to the primary moral premise of America's way of life resulted in a pervasive, diffuse but up to now largely undeclared, war against America's moral identity. Under the impetus of Obama's abusive administration, however, it has broken out into open warfare. On one front of that war, the Obama forces seek to compel the nation to ingest a demoralizing spiritual diet that includes the poison pills of abortion, homosexuality, and the systematic abrogation of the God-endowed obligations and rights of the natural family. On another front, they are making the threat of terrorism into an excuse for stripping the American people of their unalienable and civil rights, beginning with the strategically critical right to keep and bear arms.

To hobble Christian individuals and institutions with specious administrative and legal entanglements, they invidiously apply the false doctrine that requires separation of church and state. Meanwhile, they cover for Islamic entities, openly tied to the Islamic terrorist infrastructure, as they engage in activities and practices that are contrary to both our laws and the Supreme Law of the Land. They do so (as in regard to the assassination of America officials in Benghazi) even when these activities involve murderous attacks against American citizens and public servants.

Each of these battlefronts damages the prospects for the survival of America's liberty. If we respond to each in its own terms, here and there we may seem to win a victory. But we will be fighting on grounds the enemy has chosen, in engagements intended to contribute to their ultimate victory. However, what if we identify and respond to all these threats as elements of the war against our constitutional self-government? Then we will be fighting on grounds chosen by our founders and by every previous generation of Americans. They are grounds ordained by God's endowment of right. They have proven favorable to our united strength and courage as a people no matter what the seeming advantages of our foes.

If we rely on shallow, jerry-rigged expedients like special prosecutors and such, the cause of liberty must fail. Such expedients were invented to evade and ultimately discard the constitutional appeal to the people that respects their constitutional sovereignty. GOP leaders pretend to represent our anger and righteous opposition to the Obama faction's unconstitutional abuses. But in recent years, they have continually undermined and betrayed that opposition. Regardless of their lip-service, we must reject their shallow posturing.

We must demand, instead, that they mine the logic of our organic laws – the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – for the precious practical wisdom that will guide us to victory, as it guided our forebears. If they do so with any degree of understanding, they will find and use the constitutional ordinance exactly suited for the battle we are in. They will hear and act upon our urgent battle cry: IMPEACHMENT NOW! Do your duty, and leave the rest to God and the American people.

God's beautiful ornament they use for pride

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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