Alan Keyes
Zimmerman jury vs. GOP senators
By Alan Keyes
July 22, 2013

Watching events unfold in the wake of the Zimmerman trial's not guilty verdict, I find it obvious once again that the Obama wing of the elitist faction has no use for the U.S. Constitution except when its provisions can be perverted into a weapon deployed against the rights and righteous liberty of the American people. They unsuccessfully fomented (at taxpayer expense?) communist-style mob tactics as part of their failed attempt to intimidate the jury to find Zimmerman guilty, despite all the contrary evidence presented to them (even by the prosecution's witnesses). Now Obama and Holder are seeking to pervert the Constitution's respect for rights to find a way around its prohibition against double jeopardy (the tyrant's practice of prosecuting someone again and again for the same offense until he gets the verdict he requires).

Meanwhile, the GOP contingent in the U.S. Senate responded to Obamanesque intimidation quite differently, as they surrendered to threatened mob rule of a different variety. Since Obama took over the White House, he has encouraged scandalous abuses by civil officers in the executive branch. But the GOP members of the U.S. Senate are patting themselves on the back for supinely agreeing to stand down while the Democratic majority puts more of Obama's minions in position to eviscerate constitutional government.

Brandishing the so-called "nuclear option," Majority Leader Harry Reid threatened to abandon the institutional culture prudently developed by heretofore more characteristically American generations of Senate leadership. Those previous leaders acted with statesmanlike intent, to keep the Senate's business from succumbing to mobocratic majority dictatorship. They valued the practices of constitutional self-government that, with one great exception, kept the United States from succumbing to the "boom and bust" political cycle characteristic of simply majoritarian democratic rule in other times and places (e.g., the hot summer of simmering, deadly conflict that has replaced the false hope of "Arab Spring" in Egypt).

Unlike the "regular folks" on the jury in the Zimmerman case, the GOP's elitist faction cohorts caved to Reid's Obamanesque bullying. With pathetic self-satisfaction, they resisted the temptation to use Reid's dictatorial threats to help Americans see and understand the elitist faction's arrogant drive to overthrow our institutions of self-government. They had no use for the constitutional wisdom that has allowed us to sustain government of, by, and for the people, in defiance of the age-old lie that regular folks cannot be trusted with the sovereign power of government, humanly speaking.

The GOP's dereliction in this respect has, in fact, characterized its response to the creeping insurrection against the U.S. Constitution Obama has been spreading since the moment when, with evident duplicity, he repeated his oath of office. They first signaled their derelict attitude when they refused seriously to investigate Obama's compliance with the Constitution's eligibility requirements for the office of president. They confirmed their cowardly disposition when they ignored Eric Holders racially motivated violations of the Constitution's requirement that all citizens enjoy the equal protection of the laws. They even violated the Constitution themselves when, in the legislative deal that raised the debt ceiling for the U.S. government, they agreed to ignore the Constitution's clear injunction that all revenue-raising bills must originate in the House of Representatives.

But the most significant symptom of the GOP's abandonment of respect for the U.S. Constitution is their neglect of the provision for the impeachment and removal of civil officers of the U.S. government, even though it's evident that the Obama wing of the elitist faction means to institutionalize the practice of high crimes and misdemeanors, such as the IRS abuses, which the implementation of Obamacare will introduce into every aspect of America's economic life. These offenses cry out, like Abel's blood, for the remedy the Constitution provides.

If the GOP majority in the U.S. House was doing what the Constitution requires in this regard, only political hacks, blinded by partisanship, would fail to understand the impropriety of taking a "business as usual" approach to dealing with Obama's proposed appointees. An occupant of the Oval Office willing to preside over an administrative riot against the Constitution should obviously not be allowed to put new ringleaders in a position to increase the riot's intensity. Of course, since the GOP contingent in Congress has shamefully neglected its duty to impeach abusive officials for their offenses, they are in no position to make this very sensible argument for suspending approval of Obama's proposed appointees.

In their dealings with the Obama wing of the elitist faction, the GOP's politically calculated cowardice has given rise to an odious combination of complicity and dereliction of duty. This contrasts sharply with the courageously matter-of-fact integrity of the "regular folks" on the Zimmerman jury. That contrast offers Americans an important lesson about the way to preserve our God-endowed rights, and restore the properly disciplined, constitutional form of self-government necessary to secure them.

Simply put, the common sense and courage needed to secure the God-endowed rights and liberty of the people must come from the people themselves: from plain, unassuming, regular folks – not from self-worshiping, self-obsessed political "leaders" who have rejected their true vocation. That vocation is to represent law-abiding people, not those who prey upon them. I have been trying to explicate and apply this lesson for years, in essays on my blog and in every other way that I can. In my column last week, I invited readers to consider its implications for themselves. I called on them to decide whether they would commit to do whatever they can to encourage the development of an electoral vehicle that finally discards and competes against the sham two-party system, a sham in which both parties are bent on ruling people by deceitful manipulation, rather than truthfully, responsibly representing their common good.

I set an initial benchmark of 80 folks willing to let their yes be yes, that would trigger a column responding to their determination. I'm pleased to report that several hundred have answered the call. So what you're reading right now is also the preface for the article I promised, which I've posted on my blog. In it I acknowledge the goodwill of the yea-sayers and challenge them to live up to their commitment.

If you are already among them, it may be of interest. If not, read last week's column, and decide. Events continue to demonstrate that elitist forces, bent on destroying our constitutional republic, hold both the Democratic and Republican parties in their domineering grip. If you are proud to be counted among the regular folks resolved to thwart their agenda, it's long past time to do what you, and only you, can do. Join the yea-sayers: regular people of goodwill who have resolved to become the living words that will renew America's proclamation of righteous liberty.

"Those who would be free themselves must strike the blow."

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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