Alan Keyes
Obama's anti-American malice bears deadly fruit
By Alan Keyes
June 9, 2014

According to a report I read recently, "The first name to emerge as the favored choice to head the Department of Veterans Affairs previously predicted that Obamacare will eradicate employer-based insurance and push the U.S. towards a single payer system 'like they have in England.'" Dr. Delos "Toby" Cosgrove made the prediction in a 2012 interview. His words confirm that socialism is the goal of the government takeover of the health sector. The forces pushing Romney/Obamacare are lying to Americans. They are destroying the free-enterprise health system that once delivered results that were the envy of the world.

I've never understood why some Americans accept these lies, especially when they come from a life-long purveyor of socialist ideology like Obama. As I said in an article in 2010:
    After the government takeover, instead of negotiating their benefits package with corporate managers in a situation where their solidarity lets them negotiate from a position of relative strength, they [workers] will have to deal with a legislative process that is already being revamped to allow party bosses to run roughshod over the views of the people. At present, workers can achieve advances through a bargaining process that, for example, forces union leaders to be sensitive to the need to maintain support from the rank and file. Under the socialist regime, they will face a closed-door political process that allows political leaders to offer union leaders a separate peace assuring their personal fortunes and power as long as they shill for whatever party line the political bosses dictate.
The elitist faction's political and media shills don't want Americans to focus on the fact that Romney/Obamacare is just the engine for a totalitarian socialist takeover of the health sector. The aim of socialism isn't to serve people; it's to control them (as Democrat John Dingell suggested, perhaps inadvertently, in an interview back in 2010). Socialist health care is the political tool (or weapon) of whatever faction controls the government bureaucracy. These days that means the elitist faction forces that dominate the leadership of both political parties and much of the so-called "mainstream" media.

The deadly nightmare in the VA hospital system is a tragically complete example of what we can look forward to once socialism politicizes and bureaucratizes the health sector. Instead of efficiently providing quality health services, socialism increased the size of the system's budget and workforce to provide payback (in terms of employment or profitable government contracts) to the individual and corporate forces that support the faction that controls the government.

Moreover, the faction's ideological goals skew the administration of services. Is it just a coincidence, for example, that an administration that promotes the idea that all veterans should be regarded as potential terrorists, ends up producing deadly results for the veterans it is supposed to serve? The VA hospital system ought to be a living memorial of America's gratitude for their services to the nation. Is it being used instead to wage an insidious pre-emptive war on men and women the elitist faction regards as potential bulwarks of trained resistance to their imposition of socialist tyranny?

Don't even try to pretend that it's outrageous to impute such malevolence to the forces presently in control of the U.S. government. It is foolish not to do so, given their tolerance for Obama's neglect of the security of the nation's borders, his massive release of criminal illegal immigrants, his imposition of rules of engagement on our forces in combat that recklessly endanger the lives of our troops, his treacherous acceptance of a traitorous deal that puts terrorist masterminds back into active service against our people. In exchange, America's deadly enemies released into the spotlight of world attention an alleged deserter, a man whose words and actions suggest that he is more likely than not a willing tool of the enemy's propaganda, a man whose 15 minutes of fame are more than likely to defame, anger, and demoralize American military personnel who are risking and giving their lives in honorable service to the nation.

I have said before and I say again that "Barack Obama has repeatedly shown himself to be a fanatical ideologue...the first anti-American occupant of the White House in U.S. history." America is in mortal danger of its national life every minute that a man, and a faction, with such ill will toward our Constitution, our safety, and our God-endowed rights remains in control of the executive branch. As long as he can claim to wield the authority of commander-in-chief, the danger of each and every crisis we encounter will be exacerbated by the fact that it offers the administration an opportunity to abuse that authority in order to impose their socialist, totalitarian nightmare once and for all on us and our posterity.

As we have never before had such malevolence at the helm of our government's executive branch, so there has never before been a moment when the power to impeach and remove officials from office has been so urgently relevant and necessary. Instead of just impotently decrying the assault against our rights, our Constitution, our way of life, we need to act now to end it, by constitutional means. As our founders intended, the mid-term elections in 2014 offer the opportunity to consolidate and express the firm political will to make use of those means.

The Pledge To Impeach mobilization is the effective way to translate the power of our votes into the power to deal with the crisis we are in. Have you added your resolve to the weight of that power? Have you taken the impeachment/removal pledge? What travesty, what treachery, what deadly maladministration or traitorous deal will it take to impel you to do so? Thousands have already made known their resolve. Millions are needed.

The difference is only a matter of will and courage, since the means is just a click away. In January 2015 we can have a U.S. Congress with the strength to impeach, try, and remove the danger to our liberty. But only if we have the courage to join together now and at the polls in November, to demand that they do so. Take the pledge. Urge all the like-minded people you know to do the same.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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