Alan Keyes
Why GOP doesn't want 'big' win in November
By Alan Keyes
September 30, 2014

This week, Ann Coulter finds it hard to understand the way the GOP's elitist faction leaders are approaching the 2014 election. But Rush Limbaugh shrewdly understood the significance of their approach some time ago. The GOP's elitist faction leadership doesn't mind "winning" the 2014 congressional elections, so long as it's not a big, decisive victory. These days, the facts that make this clear are becoming obvious to all but the most openly servile GOP quislings. As I wrote earlier this year:
    The problem, however, isn't that the GOP's quisling leadership in the Congress is blind. The problem isn't that they're incompetent, either. They show remarkable competence when it comes to attacking, thwarting, and defaming the GOP's grassroots constituents. And as Thad Cochran's quisling victory in Mississippi shows, they are also remarkably effective when it comes to collaborating with their putative opponents in order to defeat the views and hopes of their own base. This warlike disloyalty to their constituents, this is the problem.

    Their disloyalty to what is supposed to be their party's platform is the problem. Their disloyalty to the oath they have taken, in which all affirmed that they would "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" and "bear true faith and allegiance to the same," is the problem. And this disloyalty is exactly the opposite of the outraged patriotism grassroots Americans all over the country are showing, as they clamor for their supposed representatives in Congress to show that they feel the same outrage.

    But instead of organizing these patriotic legions to sweep the Democrats from the field in November (as they would be energetically doing do if they were truly opposed to the Obama faction's tyrannical agenda), the GOP's quisling leaders are slyly maneuvering to achieve a middling victory, sufficient to win, but narrow enough to justify what they are actually intending to do – i.e., continue their collaboration with Obama on issues like amnesty for illegal immigrants, the erasure of our national borders, and the withering away of our sovereignty and good faith as a constitutionally self-governing people.
In 1994, the GOP won a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives after being exiled from overall leadership in the House for 40 years. Though she purports to look for a national strategy for the GOP as Election Day approaches, Ann Coulter neglects to mention the example of the 1994 election before she asks "What would make a good national issue?" That may be because the famous "Contract with America" didn't focus on a single issue.

It worked with the feeling, particularly strong among the GOP's natural constituency, that the problem (and therefore the most troubling issue) was the deep corruption of the U.S. government during the Clinton era, as the Clinton Democrats undertook the elitist faction's first general offensive against constitutional self-government in the U.S.

During Obama's occupation of the White House, the sense of U.S. government corruption has, for many, mutated into the conviction that the U.S. government is now controlled by forces hostile to the liberty, prosperity, and security of the United States. For many, this hostility to liberty has been confirmed by evidence that the Obama faction sought to stifle their ideological opponents using the inherently abusive powers of the IRS, and by revelations about NSA surveillance programs that systematically nullify Fourth Amendment constitutional restrictions on the government's power indiscriminately to search among the people's private possessions and seize whatever they can collect.

For many, the controlling faction's hostility toward America's prosperity has been confirmed by policies that systematically destroy the good faith and credit of the American people. It has become increasingly clear that this debt enslavement severely damages the prospects of middle class people in the United States, while greatly increasing the relative wealth of the money powers largely responsible for funding the elitist faction's electoral machinery in both the Democratic and Republican parties.

Hardly a day passes now without revealing the ill effects of policies that have surrendered the nation's sovereign borders; weakened and demoralized the U.S. military; degraded America's reputation as a reliable friend and a formidable enemy; and endangered or uselessly sacrificed the lives, not only of American military personnel, but of innocent Americans targeted by jihadi terrorists and other forces. As it turns out, terrorist forces like the Islamic State probably obtained their present advantage of arms directly or indirectly as the result of Obama faction policies, activities, and operations.

By now a plethora of observers, many with the experience and information to know whereof they speak, have concluded that the sorry and destructive record of Obama and his collaborators includes high crimes and misdemeanors. Taken as a whole, these constitute a general offensive, pursued with malice aforethought, against the Constitution and people of the United States. Unless the perpetuation of both no longer matters to the people most affected by it, this offensive surpasses the scope of any single issue. It constitutes a national crisis fit to galvanize the will and participation of every American still loyal to America's liberty and true self-government.

To assure continued opportunities for treacherous collaboration, the self-serving GOP thralls of the elitist faction must neglect to mobilize such patriots in the 2014 election. But it is just such mobilization that is the whole aim and purpose of the Pledge To Impeach mobilization. Have you joined the effort to elect representatives to both House of Congress pledged to do what the Constitution provides to call Obama and his collaborators to account? If so, are you urging everyone you can to do likewise?

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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