Alan Keyes
Is Donald the elitist faction's trump?
By Alan Keyes
July 21, 2015

Donald Trump is convincingly playing the role of a pandering demagogue. He seeks to stir up a passionate reaction that serves the purposes of his ambition. America's founders repeatedly warned against such demagoguery, because it sets people up for tyranny. Given his background, it's advisable to assume Donald Trump is being used by the enemies of rightful liberty to lead otherwise sincerely conservative people down a blind canyon into the withering fire of their elitist foes.

Consider the following factual summary of his background from an article entitled "Donald Trump is no conservative," from one of the elitist faction media's best-known outlets:
    There is an Ivy League grad who has spent most of his life in Manhattan, where he is chauffeured around in limousines. He frequently brags to strangers about his massive personal wealth. In public statements, he has advocated government health care, a woman's right to an abortion, an assault weapons ban and paying off the national debt by forcing rich people to forfeit 14.25 percent of their total wealth. When the man married his third wife, he invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to the wedding, and he has given many thousands to their political campaigns and their foundation. He's donated many thousands more that helped elect Democrats to the Senate and the House.
Given this track record, before following Trump's lead, shouldn't people sincerely anxious to restore America's constitutional liberty carefully examine the nature of his purported advocacy? With much fanfare, Trump is being attacked by his erstwhile elitist faction buddies. But has he attacked them for treacherous betrayal of the security and sovereignty of the American people? Or is he instead turning his fire on the illegal immigrants who have responded to the "Y'all Come!" sign his once and future friends purposely hung around America's neck. He focuses on the damage being done by the criminal element among the illegals, without harping on the now inconvenient truth that his once (and future?) elitist faction friends have purposely sowed those criminals into communities all over the United States, with taxpayers footing the bill.

So, is Trump's Johnny-come-lately preoccupation with the illegal-immigrant invasion of America intended to work for or against the elitist faction's overthrow of America's whole way of life? The issue of illegal immigration is a chess-like maneuver in the elitist faction's war to take America down. Trump's focus on their threatening pawns distracts from the fatal intent of the elitist faction powers-that-be. They are the ones moving those pawns around the board.

They attack him to build up his credibility. The Trump-NBC scenario reminded me of the scene in the outlaw camp in "Silverado." Claiming that he's being pursued by a posse, Paden (Kevin Kline's character) has infiltrated the camp to retrieve the wagon train's stolen gold. To lend credibility to that pretense, Mal (Danny Glover's character) shoots at Paden from a perch along the canyon's rim, just missing with each shot. Watching Trump's mock combat with his elitist faction buddies play out, I keep hearing Dawson's (the outlaw leader) astute reaction to events: "There's only a couple of guys up there, and this guy's one of them."

Trump is one of them. His failure to be clear about their purposeful, bipartisan responsibility for the damage we're suffering suggests that his outsized populist sound bites are part of the act. His attack-dog rhetoric doesn't measure up to the true standard of boldness in the conservative cause. As in the example set by Ronald Reagan, such boldness isn't just about negative attacks on "the enemy." It's about speaking for the goodwill and conscience of Americans who care deeply about what's right and who have the faith and courage to stand for it, even when there's nothing they will gain by doing so. That's something Reagan did for years, in the political wilderness, when doing so promised nothing but ridicule and defeat.

For years, I've followed and worked as I could with grassroots conservatives who long ago sounded the alarm against the elitist faction's betrayal of our sovereignty as a people. I never saw or heard of Donald Trump in the midst of them. Indeed, his money and influence were arrayed on the side of our enemies. Now that he's seeking to buy the presidency with his big money and fool conservatives with his big mouth, he has some use for them. But mark my words, should he attain the office he seeks, he will kick any real conservatives to the curb faster than you can say "Jeb Bush" (though he will not do it any faster than Bush himself, who is already saying he won't "kowtow to conservatives," as if showing real, as opposed to rhetorical, respect for their views would be a sign of weakness).

Trump's participation in the GOP doesn't offer any hope for its redemption. Rather, it confirms that the now misnamed Republican Party is hopelessly enthralled by the glamour of evil. Donald Trump's shift to the Republican Party reminds me of Mitt Romney's shift to the moral-conservative cause. Whatever words they mouth, the whole tenor of their previous lives speaks against what they say. I was right about Romney, as his betrayal in the battle for natural family rights now proves. I have no doubt that I'm right about Donald Trump, too. It's bad enough that well-intentioned conservatives continue to be taken in by the elitist faction sham. But to do so when the sham is so obvious is worse than bad; it smacks of self-betrayal.

As for me, if I walked into an arena full of so-called conservatives enthusiastically applauding Mitt Romney's "conservative" views, I'd walk right out again. Similarly, the fact that someone with Donald Trump's predilections is buying up stock in the GOP label makes me more certain than ever that the time to kiss the quislings' GOP goodbye was several elections ago. Donald Trump's eagerness to punch the GOP ticket for a ride to the White House is the surest indication yet that the next scheduled stop on the GOP's itinerary serves a gated, bipartisan, elitist faction community called by many names, all of them meaning "Liberty's Demise."

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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