Alan Keyes
GOP to continue support for homosexualist agenda?
By Alan Keyes
January 31, 2017

Since the Supreme Court's blatantly anti-constitutional decision purporting to force "gay marriage" on all the United States, the GOP's elitist faction leaders have repeatedly signaled their intention to accept the decisions as the "law of the land." Then-governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley made this clear in the Republican Response to Obama's State of the Union address in January 2016, saying:

"If we held the White House,... [w]e would respect differences in modern families, but we would also insist on respect for religious liberty as a cornerstone of our democracy."

As Ben Johnson of Lifesitenews noted at the time, "the terminology 'modern families' evokes the ABC sitcom featuring a homosexual couple raising a child." Many of the self-professed Christians who gave Donald Trump his margin of victory in the late presidential election may believe that he is an exception to the GOP's embrace of same-sex marriage. The fact that former Gov. Haley was just appointed his ambassador to the United Nations should give them pause.

Gov. Haley's mention of religious liberty is the rhetorical ploy the GOP's quisling leaders use to encourage wishful thinkers to believe in their commitment to uphold the God-endowed right that is the basis for the natural family. As a fact of human nature antecedent to all government, there can be no doubt that it is among the "retained rights of the people" alluded to in the U.S. Constitution's Ninth Amendment, where it says:

"The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

When people accept the responsibilities and obligations of procreation, they do what is right for the common good of humanity. This exercise of right represents, in concrete form, the exact definition of God-endowed unalienable right, which is the only form of right plainly antecedent not only to the U.S. Constitution, but to any and all man-made law.

In the GOP response referred to above, Haley promises that "If we held the White House,... [w]e would recognize the importance of the separation of powers and honor the Constitution in its entirety." She goes on to say, "And yes, that includes the Second and 10th Amendments." But this pointedly omits mention of the Ninth Amendment, with its prohibition against any construction of the Constitution's enumeration of rights that "denies and disparages" the fundamental rights all human beings possess, and inherently retain, on account of their God-endowed nature.

When leaders like Nikki Haley refer to religious liberty, many people assume that they are referring to the language of the Constitution's First Amendment, which says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." But, though every right involves the exercise of freedom, all freedom is not an exercise of right. Freedom simply alludes to a choice freely made, and acted upon without let or hindrance. But the exercise of right alludes to the right character of the choice, in light of the standard that justifies the claim that it is the right choice.

The First Amendment deals with religious freedom because the different religious sects and denominations that existed, and still exist, in the United States reflect differing opinions about God and the standard of right that individuals have to observe in order to meet their obligations to God. Its language clearly forbids the use of the lawmaking power vested in Congress to prevent individual actions that reflect these differing opinions. But the very existence of the people of the United States, as an independent nation, involved their united appeal to "the laws of Nature and of Nature's God," laws that are the measures with which their Creator constituted the existence of humanity and in respect of which all human beings may be recognized and entitled to be treated as such.

But just as an apple may be recognized and entitled (named) to be treated as an apple (for use in making an apple pie, for example) because its shape and other characteristics conform to the measures that delineate it as such (that is, as an apple), so human beings are obliged to conform to the measures by which their humanity is made manifest. But since the measure wherewith they are measured includes the capacity (responsibility) for choice, their destiny is to choose, and by their choice, to preserve or abandon the God-ordained measures that make their existence possible.

People are claiming that Donald Trump's accession to the presidency marks the beginning of a revolution in the affairs of the people of the United States. But if it involves disregarding the Ninth Amendment's prohibition against denying or disparaging the God-endowed unalienable rights of all humanity, it portends the destruction of the republican form of government that charges the people with responsibility for those affairs. This is the implication of the GOP's acceptance of the homosexualist agenda. The unalienable right of liberty depends, like all unalienable rights, on our respect for the authoritative measures of the God who made us. As we abandon respect for His standard of right in regard to the perpetuation of the species, we abandon it in respect of individuals as well. Hence, the assault on our nascent posterity.

This means that all the actions and rhetoric that purport to care for the rights and welfare of individuals may be intended to distract us from the abandonment of respect for God's authority. That respect is our common good. It is the ultimate source and expression of the sense of right and justice that has made of us one nation. Its final abandonment may not be a foregone conclusion – yet. But if we continue to tolerate, praise, and abet leaders who are tacitly joining in that abandonment, it will be.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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