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August 5, 2010
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August 4, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — A federal judge in California who is reported to be living a homosexual lifestyle today nixed the state's "gay"-marriage ban, ruling that voters cannot define in their own state constitution that marriage is between one man and one woman only... (more)

August 4, 2010
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a key provision of President Barack Obama's health care law, sending a clear message of discontent to Washington and Democrats less than 100 days before the midterm elections... (more)

August 4, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — The attorney general for the state of Virginia, who recently won a preliminary round over the Obama administration in his state's fight over Obamacare, says if it is upheld that the feds can order residents to purchase health insurance, then "they can order you to do anything"... (more)

August 4, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — Black members of the tea party movement on Wednesday rejected charges that the group's activists are racist, saying they oppose President Barack Obama because of his policies not his skin color. The members gathered at a Washington news conference in the wake of allegations about its rank and file... (more)

August 4, 2010
RIGHT WING NEWS — Over the past few days, a video of California Rep. Pete Stark's exchange with a constituent in a town hall meeting has gone viral in the online community. The interest in the video is focused on a comment Stark made about the power of the federal government... (more)

August 4, 2010
RENEWAMERICA — Recently, we received the following message from Alan Keyes' national pro-life organization -- Declaration Alliance -- appealing for support of a criminal complaint filed by DA and Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch alleging that Elena Kagan defrauded the Supreme Court by altering a scientific report on partial-birth abortion when she was an attorney for President Bill Clinton... (more)

August 4, 2010
JOHN GIZZI — In most of the contested Republican primaries held in three states last night, the winners were conservatives. The GOP nominations for open U.S. Senate seats in Kansas and Missouri, for example, were won by conservative Representatives Jerry Moran and Roy Blunt respectively... (more)

August 4, 2010
CNSNEWS.COM — With the nation's unemployment rate at 9.6 percent, a new Rasmussen poll shows that voters are just as likely to blame President Barack Obama for the nation's current economic woes as they are to blame his predecessor, President George W. Bush... (more)

August 4, 2010
JOHN STOSSEL — In "Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity," I bet my readers $1,000 that they couldn't name one thing that government does better than the private sector. I am yet to pay. Free enterprise does everything better. Why? Because if private companies don't do things efficiently, they lose money and die... (more)

August 3, 2010
MICHELLE ODDIS — In just one month Americans will once again pause to remember a day that forever changed our country. On September 11, 2001 radical Islam attacked America. They murdered our families, friends, and co-workers. Over 3,000 died and millions suffered. Today, President Obama continues to demonstrate that he cares more about tolerance and hand holding than defending our country... (more)

August 3, 2010
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Leading Republicans are joining a push to reconsider the constitutional amendment that grants automatic citizenship to people born in the United States. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Tuesday he supports holding hearings on the 14th Amendment right... (more)

August 3, 2010
D.L. ADAMS — In a strange and dangerous pandering to populism over constitutionalism, the Massachusetts legislature approved a law on July 27 that overturns the Electoral College in that state. In other words, nullification is alive and well in the Bay State. According to Democratic state Sen. James B. Eldridge, "every vote will be of the same weight across the country"... (more)

August 3, 2010
JOSEPH FARAH — For 30 years or more, the political divide within the Republican Party has been over how to build the so-called "big tent." Republicans like Ronald Reagan not only laid out a positive and sweeping vision of how America could reclaim its heritage of a "shining city on a hill" through returning to the principles of limited government through responsible taxation and spending policies, but also emphasized non-materialistic values such as faith in God and the importance of the traditional family... (more)

August 3, 2010
REUTERS — Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, one of America's most powerful politicians, holds a narrow edge among likely voters in his re-election bid in recession-lashed Nevada, a Reuters-Ipsos poll said on Tuesday. The struggling U.S. economy is paramount in voters' minds as they look ahead to the November 2 election in Nevada, with 74 percent citing the economy as their top concern, the poll of 600 Nevada voters July 30-August 1 found... (more)

August 3, 2010
THOMAS SOWELL — You expect Republican politicians to criticize Democratic administrations and vice versa. But when Democrats start criticizing Democratic administrations, that is news. Someone once said that the headline "Dog bites man" is not news, but "Man bites dog" is. We are now starting to get "Democrat bites Democrat" news... (more)

August 2, 2010
FOX 10 PHOENIX — He's been at the center of the discussions and controversies surrounding illegal immigration enforcement in Arizona for quite a while. On the day parts of Arizona's immigration law, SB 1070, went into effect, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is in the news for another reason: there's a price on his head - allegedly offered by a Mexican drug cartel... (more)

August 2, 2010
CNSNEWS.COM — Pinal County (Ariz.) Sheriff Paul Babeu is hopping mad at the federal government. Babeu told that rather than help law enforcement in Arizona stop the hundreds of thousands of people who come into the United States illegally, the federal government is targeting the state and its law enforcement personnel... (more)

August 2, 2010
NEWSMAX — Virginia's attorney general said Monday that his state's law enforcement officers are allowed to check the immigration status of anyone "stopped or arrested"... (more)

August 2, 2010
NEWSMAX — Not only are Wyoming, Mississippi and Utah the most conservative states in the nation, but they like other GOP-leaning regions are proudly conservative. Residents in these regions are far more likely to boast of their rightward tilt than their liberal counterparts in the most left-leaning states, according to a new Gallup poll... (more)

August 2, 2010
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Why am I not surprised that a leading Hollywood director is bemoaning poor, misunderstood Adolf's place in history? Oliver Stone says his upcoming Showtime documentary series Secret History of America will put the 20th century's star butchers Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin "in context"... (more)

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