Alan Keyes
Ryan's budget deal: more quisling betrayal
By Alan Keyes
December 16, 2013

I had already written what I thought would be my WND column for this week when word came of the Ryan-Murray budget deal. I agree wholeheartedly with its critics, but I find it very frustrating that few if any of them are willing to state the obvious. This deal is just another instance of the quisling pattern of betrayal now characteristic of the GOP. Because so few are willing to say so, I decided to use this week's column to add to their number. (For readers who may be interested, the column I originally had in mind is the latest posting at my blog.)

Paul Ryan was the GOP's 2012 vice presidential candidate. He was supposed to be a conservative. Conservatives gagging at the smell of Romney's not-really-soft-core socialism (artificially sweetened with factory-fresh conservative rhetoric) were supposed to accept the Ryan nomination as proof that their voice would be heard in a Romney administration.

In a series of articles ("Ryan's Ayn Rand induced deficiencies"; "2012: America's heads they win, tails we lose election"; "Will Romney/Ryan doubletalk stampede the conservative herd"; "Ryan: On gays in the military Obama takes U.S. in the right direction"; "Romney/Ryan: 'The better to fool you with...'") I explored and warned against the true nature of the Romney/Ryan ticket. The ticket typified the elitist faction's assigned role for the GOP during the Obama era. They are the "token opposition" party. The GOP is now irreversibly under the control of leaders in the grip of the same elitist faction forces Obama serves. They have no purpose but to distract, deplete, and demoralize the Republican Party's conservative base, betraying them whenever necessary to keep faith with the elitist faction's anti-American agenda.

With this in mind, Paul Ryan's two-step with Patty Murray should come as no surprise. Their budget proposal funds even the most objectionable (Obamacare) and heinous (abortion-supporting) aspects of the Obama faction's agenda for America's destruction. In this respect, the GOP's current leadership behaves predictably, as a reliable instrument of the faction it serves. But for voters still loyal to constitutional self-government, such GOP leaders are like the "instruments of darkness" in Shakespeare's "Macbeth." They "win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence" (Act I, Scene 3).

As usual, the "honest trifles" are promises of future actions. So the Ryan/Murray budget proposal boosts spending and taxes/fees in the short term. But its promised $23 billion reduction in the deficit "doesn't start until 2022." Given the U.S. Congress' track record in this century, it's a stretch to contend that this promise is worth the murky water it's written in. Meanwhile, a change in the U.S. Senate's procedures, included in the deal, "will limit the GOP's ability to block tax increase in future years." So the GOP shows its adamant opposition to Harry Reid's bid for Democratic Party tyranny by extending its purview.

This is much like decrying Obamacare while funding its many evils. Rush Limbaugh says that fear is the motive for the GOP's budget surrender. I say that it shows how false the party's professed conservatism truly is. Otherwise, why are party leaders – supposedly so afraid of Obama – willing boldly to declare war on the conservative core of their voter base? It's a tellingly selective fear that surrenders to the Democratic opposition without a fight, while boldly threatening to fight the voters whose views they are supposed to champion. What it tells us is plain.

The budget deal epitomizes the most tragic aspect of America's present crisis. There are many voters who earnestly desire the restoration of the nation's fiscal sanity. They adamantly oppose the destruction of America's character and key moral institutions. In response, the Obama faction Democrats are consolidating and abusing all the powers of government to attack them. Meanwhile, the GOP's quisling leaders effectively facilitate those attacks, while preparing new capitulations (on the issue of immigration and the sovereignty of the America people, for example).

But like people pounding sand in frustration, some well-intentioned patriots go on beating the drums of the GOP delusion, letting themselves be taken in by personalities and promises drenched in the septic effluvia of years of GOP deceit, prevarication, and treachery. Is there no way to escape this self-destructive pattern of desperate delusion?

Why don't the GOP leaders like Ryan and Boehner fear the conservative voter base? It's because they are convinced that conservative voters have, and can devise, no political alternative. But because it was devised by a generation of leaders determined to establish self-government for their nation, the U.S. Constitution offers a way to outflank the elitist faction's money and media power. Voters with the courage, self-discipline, and energy to do so could mobilize themselves to make the impeachment and removal of Obama and his cronies the catalytic issue of the 2014 election.

Before it's too late, will you seriously think through this constitutional strategy? Start by reading about the impeachment strategy for the 2014 elections. Then read "The steps liberty-loving Americans can take," which challenges you to join those who are willing to build the network of voters working to demand that candidates for national office in 2014 pledge to impeach/remove Obama and his cronies, and who are ready to enforce that demand by giving their vote exclusively to candidates who have taken the Impeachment Pledge.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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