Gina Miller
SPLC wages "transgender" war on civil rights law
By Gina Miller
April 16, 2015

On Tuesday, I read an Associated Press report about a young woman who, with the help of the radical liberals of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and another homosexual activist group, is suing a business for firing her because she refused to dress and behave as a woman. This girl pretends to be – or believes she is – a man, and the business did not want to employ a woman presenting herself as a man. She had apparently dressed and looked like a man when she was hired, but only when the company processed her paperwork and driver's license did they realize she was a female. Management told her she would have to dress and behave like the woman she is in order to work there. She refused and was let go.

It was just a short few weeks between the time she was hired and then fired. This is yet another case of the radical homosexual-"transgender" activist movement using lawfare to crush the rights of people to run their businesses as they see fit, free from being forced to hire mentally ill cross-dressers. The SPLC in its devilish case is trying to conflate this case with "civil rights" for "transgendered" people. As they write in their "case docket" at the SPLC website:

Tristan Broussard, a young transgender man, was fired from his manager trainee position at Tower Loan, a Mississippi-based finance company with 180 locations nationwide, for not agreeing to dress and be treated as a woman. The Southern Poverty Law Center and allies filed a federal discrimination lawsuit alleging Tower Loans violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights by firing plaintiff Tristan Broussard. Title VII prohibits against employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

... The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, alleges that Broussard's former employer Tower Loan violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal law that protects employees from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Courts nationwide have repeatedly recognized that Title VII's prohibition on sex discrimination protects transgender workers.

I am not aware of an abundance of nationwide cases that have "repeatedly recognized" that the Civil Rights Act covers mentally deranged people who believe, against biological reality, that they are the opposite sex, but wherever these rulings may be made, they're dead wrong. Never in the wildest imaginations of the men who crafted and passed that legislation, would they have intended it to cover people with such mental illness at the expense of the right of employers to not participate in such lunacy. Further, since when can the employer not dictate employees' dress code, specifically that it should match their gender?

This is tyranny, and it has not come to the United States from an invading nation with tanks and rockets. It has come wrapped in a hijacked-rainbow flag, under the banner of "diversity" and "nondiscrimination." At this point, only the most uninformed and deceived among us cannot see that the radical homosexual movement – a movement based purely on lies and sin – has at its heart the wicked goal of tyranny over Christian freedom, expression and conscience. Don't doubt it. While this particular case does not necessarily involve a Christian employer, ultimately Christians and Christianity are the true targets of this hell-born movement. But, these activists will gladly target anyone who resists their dark agenda, as this company, Tower Loan, is sadly discovering.

The culture in our nation today is steeped in immorality and moral relativism to the point that far too many people have no perception of the grotesque reality of homosexual behavior and how the activists and their supporters in this sexual anarchy movement are using sodomy and "transgenderism" as a foundation to create new "rights" for those who engage in these base behaviors. These new "civil rights" for sodomites are for the purpose of destroying the rights of the majority of the American people.

The truth is that homosexuality and related behaviors like "transgenderism" are wholly degenerate, dangerous to body, mind and spirit, and entirely unnatural to God's design for human sexuality. God calls these things sin, an abomination to Him, and so many today no longer grasp the unchanging truth of this. With a pro-sodomite media narrative that includes all popular entertainment platforms, people are becoming desensitized to the hideous, demonic nature of this behavior.

Regardless of this, homosexual and "transgender" behavior should never be covered under the Civil Rights Act, because if that becomes the case, then there are no limits to the kinds of bad behavior that would be added to the lunacy of "nondiscrimination" law. Yes, lunacy. This weapon of "nondiscrimination" has become nothing more than a battering ram against the rights of business owners, especially Christian ones.

If Tower Loan loses this bogus "civil rights" case to the SPLC, it will be just one more nail in the nearly-sealed coffin of freedom for the American people at the hands of a perverse minority of sexual degenerates.

© Gina Miller


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