Jen Shroder
Peaceful warning to U.S. government & guide to petitions to secede by state
By Jen Shroder
November 19, 2012

"Sign at your own risk." We the People have been warned by our own conservative talk show hosts, alerting us to the fact that we are giving up our names to be easily used by the White House. I appreciate the concern, but expressing our desire to secede peacefully is not a useless effort. It is a warning to all politicians on both the right and the left that Americans are becoming fed up with this march to absolute tyranny. All it would take is one brave leader, called and blessed by God to unify the rally call and a powder keg would go off.

Yes we are identifying ourselves just as the patriots did in 1776. It wasn't easy for our founding fathers to sign declarations. They knew they were risking their lives when they picked up that pen. They also placed within the Declaration of Independence the right to secede:

"...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

We are watching our rights be abrogated in front of our faces, we see the noose tightening as BOTH sides of the aisle have cuffed our hands, delegating themselves corrupt versions of eminent domain, treating us as serfs, excusing themselves from Obamacare for better health benefits while wrapping colossal debt around our necks and marching us to the cliff. We are being forced to pay for the butchery of the unborn by the sweat of our labor, our election process has been destroyed by lack of voter ID and fraud, we are becoming cogs in a wheel of a massive machine about to be unleashed upon the world as Obama attains power to arrest any of us at any time indefinitely. Meanwhile Hillary drafts arms treaties threatening the 2nd Amendment and Panetta informs Congress that Obama seeks UN and NATO legal authority rendering Congress as superfluous*, obliterating our sovereignty.

Meanwhile, Bob Unruh of WND wrote of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's view that "a state's right to secede died with the hundreds of thousands of bloodied victims of the Civil War."* But the Civil War was not fought to defend the Constitution, a birth certificate acknowledging God as our Creator and Provider of our inalienable rights. It is TREASONOUS to attempt to take our rights from us. If accusations of TREASON are to be allocated, then TREASON is a label that would stick to this government, not the defenders of the Constitution!

If this government continues to wrest away our freedom as Pelosi's laughter at the Constitution echoes through our memories, then many of us will reach the point of taking up arms to secede. Farmers are already fighting to save their farms, jobs are hemorrhaging under Obamacare, companies are shutting down and unions are celebrating it as victory. Public education is purposely attacking our children's faith with multiculturalism, leading them down a road of proclaiming all religion as the cause of war, replacing it with evolution without a shred of proof that species jump from kind to kind, while Islam is lauded as the religion of peace. Our own Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear a case* where teachers may require our children to get on their hands and knees and profess Allah as the only god worthy and Mohammed as his prophet, because of the excuse that this is done in demonstration. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has said we are not to know other gods! And yet our children are told to bow down to them to experience Islam? What kind of religious freedom is this?

There are also Biblical arguments to secede. Yes God chooses our leaders but perhaps He is nudging us to make a choice whom we will serve. For if we stay, our labor will soon pay for the butchery of the unborn worldwide along with every other God forsaken practice we are being dragged into.

"And whoever will not receive you nor hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as a testimony against them. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!" (Mark 6:11, Matthew 10:14, Luke 9:5)

"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Rev. 18:4)

"So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, 'Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." (Acts 4)

How often do we see in the news the name of Jesus Christ or God's commandments censored?

It was not easy for our founding fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence, nor is it easy to come out of the shadows and stand up for freedom that this administration can easily target us for signing a PEACEFUL request, but show ourselves we are!

The petitions do not require a last name, just initials and an email address. But by writing this, I am exposing myself to much more than a White House petition surrounded by hundreds of thousands. Consider this my warning because though these petitions are peaceful requests, they gage the unrest of the nation. We are being destroyed by this oppressive government and we know it. No one wants war, but this government is becoming something unrecognizable by all and dangerous to the world.


Jen Shroder
you know where to find me

Find your state below. Also, please consider the Constitution Party. The GOP quietly funded candidates such as Richard Tisei* while neglecting prolife candidates. They have been lying to us. It is time for a third party. The Constitution Party is already considered a major party.

Richard Tisei


Signatures gathered as of Nov 18 at 3pm PST:

Alabama 29,742

Alaska 7,691& 4,078

Arizona 22,747

Arkansas 22,524

California 1,514 & 14,494 & 2,060

Colorado 21,635

Connecticut 3,533

Delaware 7,496

Florida 34,053

Georgia 12,203 and 31,471 & 8,034

Hawaii 3,896

Idaho 6,086

Illinois 5,098 & 5,070

Indiana 20,964

Iowa 4,854

Kansas 8,398

Kentucky 18,539

Louisiana 36,407

Maine 4,043

Maryland 3,785

Massachusetts 3,931

Michigan 19,164

Minnesota 5,397

Mississippi 18,143

Missouri 19,661 and 13,564

Montana 13,205

Nebraska 7,055

Nevada 10,231

New hampshire 5,374

New Jersey 13,957

New Mexico 4,902

New York 14,783 & 8,242

North Carolina 29,790

North Dakota 11,324

Ohio 11,430 & 8,352 & 4,265

Oklahoma 17,685 & 9,305

Oregon 14,498

Pennsylvania 13,323 & 8,823

Rhode Island 4,571

South Carolina 14,951

South Dakota 6,376

Tennessee 30,484

Texas 114,615

Utah 8,069 & 6,626

Vermont 2,157

Virginia 8,500 & 4,839 & 5,154

Washington 3,566 and 4,184

West Virginia 7,624

Wisconsin 6,890

Wyoming 8,897

More petitions of worth

Recount the election (currently at 62,269)

Allow all seceding states to reform a New United States of America

Stop using hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to fund planned parenthood. Where is our CHOICE? Defund them now!


Panetta & Congress

Scalia on Secession

Worshipping Islam simulations in public schools

Constitution Party Principles

Related: 20 States seeking to Secede; What are the godly to do?

© Jen Shroder


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