Joan Swirsky
A genocidal obsession against America and Israel
By Joan Swirsky
Certainly you read about the six-year-old from Colorado Springs who got suspended from school for sexual harassment, specifically for kissing his little classmate on the hand. It was his second suspension, the first for kissing the same little girl on the cheek when he was five.
Think of what "the authorities" would have done to this menace if he had told his teacher he hated her, or worse, that he wished she were dead. Permanent exile? Reform school? Mandatory psychotherapy? Banishment to Siberia?
The point is that this child's totally benign, even sweet, behavior was taken with dead seriousness by the [idiotic] powers-that-be, and if he had verbalized any angry feelings, you know the punishment would have been even more draconian.
Contrast this with the behavior of the man who occupies the Oval Office when listening over the past decades to the bellicose chants of the mad mullahs in Iran – "Death to America, Death to Israel" – with the man who apparently thinks it's okay for Israel's enemies today to chant: "Israel must be obliterated!"
For this man, Barack Obama, no problem.
In fact, in an interview in The Atlantic in May, writer Jeffrey Goldberg asked Mr. Obama how he squares his admission that the Iranian regime represents "venomous anti-Semitism" with his eagerness to sell them nukes, Obama – incredulously – responded in the following way:
"Well the fact that you are anti-Semitic, or racist, doesn't preclude you from being interested in survival. It doesn't preclude you from being rational about the need to keep your economy afloat; it doesn't preclude you from making strategic decisions about how you stay in power; and so the fact that the supreme leader is anti-Semitic doesn't mean that this overrides all of his other considerations."
Uh huh. And it clearly doesn't preclude Iran from carrying out a nuclear attack on a state and a people that has obsessed this lowly species of "clerics" for a lifetime of all-consuming hatred. The same self-interests didn't stop Hitler! But Mr. Obama knows all this.
He is acutely aware that just this week, Iranian, ahem, "Supreme Leader," Ali Khamenei, called for the destruction of the "barbaric, wolf-like and infanticidal regime of Israel" and the dispersal of the Jews who had emigrated to Israel from some other place.
But so obsessed is Mr. Obama with helping the chief purveyor of terrorism in the entire world gain a fast-track to nuclear bombs that he and his laughably impotent Secretary of State, John Kerry, caved on virtually every issue – on more than 12 key issues, also listed here – that might have kept both America and Israel if not safe, then safer.
Then we learn of secret talks in which the Obama regime agreed and approved – in 2011, no less, behind the backs of every American – that Iran had a "right" to operate a nuclear program.
Of course, sane people pushed back immediately on Obama's latest genocidal agreement. Within weeks, a majority of Americans of every political affiliation rejected the deal, as did every Republican member of the House and Senate – and also increasing numbers of Democrats.
Again, Obama showed the sentiments he simply can't conceal, using all the anti-Semitic code words that Jews have heard for centuries. His words "dredge up the [forgery of] "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," said the esteemed political science professor and Ford Foundation fellowship recipient Abraham Ben-Zvi of Haifa University – accusations about Jewish "money" and "lobbyists" opposing the Iran deal, all of which dredge up the toxic canard of dual loyalty.
In the news at the same time that the deadly deal with Iran was struck was an announcement that a Manhattan Federal Court awarded an immense amount of money – in the billions – to the families of American victims who were wounded or killed in the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) bombings and shootings that killed 33 and injured hundreds between 2001 and 2004. And as day follows night, Mr. Obama went to bat for – drum roll here – the terrorists! He insisted that the court lower the judgment so the extant Palestinian terrorists wouldn't go broke.
Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?
A child barely older than a toddler gets slammed for kissing his cute little girl crush, but a thug regime totally dedicated to murdering Jews and Americans gets a pass from Mr. Hope and Change.
And people wonder why a billionaire candidate who is pro-American, pro-Israel, pro-military, pro-capitalist, pro-taking out ISIS is galloping toward a presidential nomination and why a doddering, lying, pro-Obama candidate is not only going down, but probably to Leavenworth!
© Joan Swirsky
August 25, 2015
Certainly you read about the six-year-old from Colorado Springs who got suspended from school for sexual harassment, specifically for kissing his little classmate on the hand. It was his second suspension, the first for kissing the same little girl on the cheek when he was five.
Think of what "the authorities" would have done to this menace if he had told his teacher he hated her, or worse, that he wished she were dead. Permanent exile? Reform school? Mandatory psychotherapy? Banishment to Siberia?
The point is that this child's totally benign, even sweet, behavior was taken with dead seriousness by the [idiotic] powers-that-be, and if he had verbalized any angry feelings, you know the punishment would have been even more draconian.
Contrast this with the behavior of the man who occupies the Oval Office when listening over the past decades to the bellicose chants of the mad mullahs in Iran – "Death to America, Death to Israel" – with the man who apparently thinks it's okay for Israel's enemies today to chant: "Israel must be obliterated!"
For this man, Barack Obama, no problem.
In fact, in an interview in The Atlantic in May, writer Jeffrey Goldberg asked Mr. Obama how he squares his admission that the Iranian regime represents "venomous anti-Semitism" with his eagerness to sell them nukes, Obama – incredulously – responded in the following way:
"Well the fact that you are anti-Semitic, or racist, doesn't preclude you from being interested in survival. It doesn't preclude you from being rational about the need to keep your economy afloat; it doesn't preclude you from making strategic decisions about how you stay in power; and so the fact that the supreme leader is anti-Semitic doesn't mean that this overrides all of his other considerations."
Uh huh. And it clearly doesn't preclude Iran from carrying out a nuclear attack on a state and a people that has obsessed this lowly species of "clerics" for a lifetime of all-consuming hatred. The same self-interests didn't stop Hitler! But Mr. Obama knows all this.
He is acutely aware that just this week, Iranian, ahem, "Supreme Leader," Ali Khamenei, called for the destruction of the "barbaric, wolf-like and infanticidal regime of Israel" and the dispersal of the Jews who had emigrated to Israel from some other place.
But so obsessed is Mr. Obama with helping the chief purveyor of terrorism in the entire world gain a fast-track to nuclear bombs that he and his laughably impotent Secretary of State, John Kerry, caved on virtually every issue – on more than 12 key issues, also listed here – that might have kept both America and Israel if not safe, then safer.
Then we learn of secret talks in which the Obama regime agreed and approved – in 2011, no less, behind the backs of every American – that Iran had a "right" to operate a nuclear program.
Of course, sane people pushed back immediately on Obama's latest genocidal agreement. Within weeks, a majority of Americans of every political affiliation rejected the deal, as did every Republican member of the House and Senate – and also increasing numbers of Democrats.
Again, Obama showed the sentiments he simply can't conceal, using all the anti-Semitic code words that Jews have heard for centuries. His words "dredge up the [forgery of] "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," said the esteemed political science professor and Ford Foundation fellowship recipient Abraham Ben-Zvi of Haifa University – accusations about Jewish "money" and "lobbyists" opposing the Iran deal, all of which dredge up the toxic canard of dual loyalty.
In the news at the same time that the deadly deal with Iran was struck was an announcement that a Manhattan Federal Court awarded an immense amount of money – in the billions – to the families of American victims who were wounded or killed in the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) bombings and shootings that killed 33 and injured hundreds between 2001 and 2004. And as day follows night, Mr. Obama went to bat for – drum roll here – the terrorists! He insisted that the court lower the judgment so the extant Palestinian terrorists wouldn't go broke.
Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?
A child barely older than a toddler gets slammed for kissing his cute little girl crush, but a thug regime totally dedicated to murdering Jews and Americans gets a pass from Mr. Hope and Change.
And people wonder why a billionaire candidate who is pro-American, pro-Israel, pro-military, pro-capitalist, pro-taking out ISIS is galloping toward a presidential nomination and why a doddering, lying, pro-Obama candidate is not only going down, but probably to Leavenworth!
© Joan Swirsky
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