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September 17, 2013
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STEPHEN STONE, RA PRESIDENT — Dear friend of liberty, As the congressional effort to defund and derail Obamacare continues to gain momentum among grassroots Americans, your senators and congressmen need to hear from you. They need to know that you don't want them to fund Obamacare!

Tell your elected representatives to stop this disastrous healthcare program by excluding the measure from the upcoming "Continuing Resolution" scheduled to be voted on by Congress before the end of the month.... (more)

ALAN KEYES — is reporting on the activities of people who have been gathering on highway and other overpasses in different parts of the country with signs advocating the impeachment of Barack Obama... (more)

September 16, 2013
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — There is currently underway a concerted effort (step-by-step) to blur America's understanding of the century-long dismantling of the America we have come to know and love... (more)

September 16, 2013
ALAN KEYES — I'm heartened by the commitments many people are making in response to the challenge to build a network to support the demand that candidates for election to Congress (the U.S. House and Senate) in 2014 commit to support impeachment and removal of officials in the U.S. government who are conducting, or collaborating with, the Obama faction's war on the U.S. Constitution... (more)

September 16, 2013
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE — At a House vote Tuesday, McCarthy had conducted the initial whip count to gauge where the conference was, and a significant majority of the House was on board with Cantor's plan. Lots of Republicans hadn't understood the plan at first, but many had come around when they heard more information.... (more)

September 16, 2013
Barack Obama is left with only spin and bravado
WASHINGTON TIMES — "There's no use trying," Alice told the White Queen. "One can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." We can only envy Alice. She lived in a wonderland where the impossible things she was asked to believe numbered only six.... (more)

September 16, 2013
THE TELEGRAPH — Nearly half the rebel fighters in Syria are now aligned to jihadist or hardline Islamist groups according to a new analysis of factions in the country's civil war.... (more)

September 16, 2013
THE DAILY BEAST — A new report reveals that the State Department's Benghazi investigation failed to hold senior officials accountable for the deaths of four Americans. Josh Rogin reports.... (more)

September 16, 2013
CHRISTIANITY TODAY — For Abby Johnson, the closing of a single Planned Parenthood center demonstrated her dramatic reversal from abortion clinic director to leading pro-life advocate.... (more)

September 16, 2013
BREITBART — Almost everything you think you know about the Matthew Shepard narrative is false.... (more)

September 16, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — An unusually honest new book by gay journalist Stephen Jiminez holds the potential to de-sanctify Matthew Shepard, the gay college student beaten to death by Aaron McKinney in Wyoming in 1998.... (more)

September 16, 2013
ROBERT KNIGHT — I'm all for according public officials the dignity due their positions, but I must say that Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. is beginning to resemble Puff the Magic Dragon.... (more)

September 16, 2013
DAILYCALLER — In an interview with The Daily Caller, author and academic Paul Kengor said establishment media reporters are "dupes" who spout Obama administration propaganda.... (more)

September 14, 2013
DAILYCALLER — Republican Rep. Tom Graves and 42 House cosponsors introduced a budget plan Thursday to defund Obamacare without forcing a government shutdown, placing pressure solely on the shoulders of Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.... (more)

September 14, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — The Republican National Committee has set up a website counting down the minutes remaining before the "Obamacare train wreck" arrives. In less than three weeks, the insurance exchanges open, and House Speaker John A. Boehner wavers over whether he ought to prevent it from happening.... (more)

September 14, 2013
CLIFF KINCAID — It sounds like a sensational charge. "Twelve years after we were attacked by al Qaeda, 12 years after 3,000 Americans were killed by al Qaeda, President Obama now asks us to be allies with al Qaeda," Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) says.... (more)

September 14, 2013
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — President Obama must promise not to arm rebel forces or Syrian dictator Bashar Assad will not hand over his chemical weapons, the embattled leader told a Russian state media outlet today while demanding that Israel also surrender its nuclear arsenal.... (more)

September 14, 2013
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — In the Syrian rubble of Barack Obama's foreign policy lies a moment of opportunity for conservatives. It is a moment for building a muscular foreign policy based on a recognition of good and evil; on an unapologetic conviction that the United States stands firmly on the right side of that ledger because it stands for the liberty and equal dignity of every human being; and, therefore, on an unwavering commitment to have our interventions guided solely by American national interests.... (more)

September 14, 2013
JOSEPH FARAH — It's looking less likely every day that Barack Obama will make good on his diabolical threat to attack Syria. That's encouraging. What's discouraging is that so many Democrats and Republicans in Congress are still attempting to justify this unjustifiable action.... (more)

September 14, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — As the debate over whether or not the United States should take military action against Syria continues, an interesting fact has been uncovered about many U.S. Senators supportive of such a conflict.... (more)

September 14, 2013
NEWSMAX — Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri urged small-scale attacks inside the United States to "bleed America economically," adding he hoped eventually to see a more significant strike, according to the SITE monitoring service.... (more)

September 14, 2013
FOX NEWS RADIO — Erin Shead, a 10-year-old student at Lucy Elementary School in Millington, was assigned to write about someone she idolized. The girl, who is a Christian, decided to write about God.... (more)

September 14, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — New-media pioneer Matt Drudge called Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a "fascist" after she suggested only "real reporters" deserved protection under a new media-shield law.... (more)

September 14, 2013
DAILYCALLER — Attorney General Eric Holder and IRS officials advised black ministers on how to engage in political activity during the 2012 election without violating their tax-exempt status.... (more)

September 14, 2013
MICHELLE MALKIN — Quick, call the CDC. We've got a Rocky Mountain outbreak of Acute Sore-Loser Fever. After failing to stave off two historic recall bids on Tuesday, two delusional state legislators and their national party bosses just can't help but double down and trash voters as dumb, sick, criminal, and profligate.... (more)

September 14, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the Internal Revenue Service scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed that they be held up in 2011 in order to come up with an agency policy, according to several of Ms. Lerner's emails released by a House committee Thursday.... (more)

September 12, 2013
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — Conservatism passed through a series of fiery trials during the nineteenth century. The previous essay (part 6) viewed conservatism and Christianity in the crucible of war. I have devoted two essays to the eight dark waves of depraved modernism that passed over the land during the nineteenth century. In this essay, part 7, we will consider 1) German "higher criticism" of the Bible, 2) Hegel, 3) Marx, and 4) the cult of modernism... (more)

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