Bryan Fischer
Jefferson did NOT host an Iftar dinner at the White House
By Bryan Fischer
Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"
Barack Obama and the Ministers of Propaganda in the meanstream media repeat ad nauseum the utterly unfounded and spectacularly erroneous myth that Thomas Jefferson hosted the first Iftar dinner at the White House.
He most certainly did not.
In fact, the very first Iftar dinner at the White House was held by George W. Bush a mere month after Muslims, inspired by the commands of Allah through his prophet as preserved in the most holy Koran, obliterated 2,973 innocent Americans on 9/11. President Bush gamely verbalized the pathetic nostrum that Islam is a "religion of peace," but all that meant is that Muslims were able to play him for a chump.
Now Jefferson did host a temporary Muslim envoy for dinner at the White House in 1805, and it happened to be during Ramadan. The envoy, who celebrated his Muslim-hood by requesting prostitutes as soon as he set foot on American soil, said he could not come at the scheduled time of dinner, 3:30 p.m., because of Ramadan, but could come after sundown. Not to mention that he would probably be occupied with his infidel call girl until then anyway.
Jefferson courteously agreed. But he didn't change the menu to make the dinner halal or Muslim-friendly or anything of the sort.
In fact, Jefferson was rather aggravated with this envoy and Muslims in general at this time. The whole reason this envoy was even in Washington, D.C. was because Muslim pirates had been raiding American ships for decades, plundering their cargo and selling captured sailors as slaves. Muslims overall sold more people into slavery — one million — than were involved in the entire history of the slave trade with the West.
Jefferson as president finally had had enough of this foolishness and the craven submission of the U.S. to Muslims thugs by paying them tribute to leave our ships alone. He decided to send the Marines into Tripoli, and in they went, inspiring the phrase in the Marine hymn, "to the shores of Tripoli."
Marines to this day are called Leathernecks because they wrapped thick strips of leather around their necks before the attack because they knew that the holy prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded his loyal followers to slice the heads off every infidel they could find.
Fatuously misguided leftists, including President Obama, mindlessly celebrate the fact that Jefferson owned a copy of the Koran. Our first Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison of Minnesota, even used Jefferson's Koran as a part of his swearing-in ritual when he took the oath of office.
But Jefferson purchased a copy of the Koran not to celebrate the cultural richness of Islam but to figure out why Muslims were determined, against all principles of humanity in general and Christianity in particular, to rape and pillage innocent Christians who had done them no harm whatsoever.
(As a footnote, it's worth nothing that Jefferson's copy is not a "holy" Koran, because it is translated into English. Only Korans in the original, Allah-breathed Arabic are considered holy.)
Jefferson himself, along with John Adams, had gone to London in 1786 to have a sitdown with the Muslim ambassador who represented the Barbary pirates of Tripoli. They asked him a simple and direct question: by what right do you extort money from us and enslave us?
Jefferson reported the ambassador's response to Congress: "[That right] was founded upon the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."
Jefferson bought a copy of the Koran because he found it hard to believe that any religion could be as dark, dangerous, evil and wicked as this. He had to check it out for himself.
Lo and behold, he read, in his own copy of the Koran, the command of Allah through his holy prophet, peace be upon him: " Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them" (Sura 9:5).
Jefferson, as president, finally got to the place where he had had it up to here with paying extortion money to these pirates and murderers, and ordered a blockade of Tripoli. The USS Constitution captured a number of Muslim vessels who were trying to run the blockade, and Jefferson's dinner guest had been sent by the Bey of Tripoli in an effort to get his ships back.
So the purpose of the dinner was not for Jefferson to celebrate the multi-cultural marvels of this benighted religion, but to inform this ambassador that Americans were done being played for saps, and from now on were going to play hard cheese with Muslim pirates, murderers, enslavers, and rapists whether they were inspired by their Holy Koran or no.
Bottom line: prior to 2001, the only White House tradition when it came to Iftar dinners was not to have them. May the day come when that tradition is resumed.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)
© Bryan Fischer
August 16, 2012
Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"
Barack Obama and the Ministers of Propaganda in the meanstream media repeat ad nauseum the utterly unfounded and spectacularly erroneous myth that Thomas Jefferson hosted the first Iftar dinner at the White House.
He most certainly did not.
In fact, the very first Iftar dinner at the White House was held by George W. Bush a mere month after Muslims, inspired by the commands of Allah through his prophet as preserved in the most holy Koran, obliterated 2,973 innocent Americans on 9/11. President Bush gamely verbalized the pathetic nostrum that Islam is a "religion of peace," but all that meant is that Muslims were able to play him for a chump.
Now Jefferson did host a temporary Muslim envoy for dinner at the White House in 1805, and it happened to be during Ramadan. The envoy, who celebrated his Muslim-hood by requesting prostitutes as soon as he set foot on American soil, said he could not come at the scheduled time of dinner, 3:30 p.m., because of Ramadan, but could come after sundown. Not to mention that he would probably be occupied with his infidel call girl until then anyway.
Jefferson courteously agreed. But he didn't change the menu to make the dinner halal or Muslim-friendly or anything of the sort.
In fact, Jefferson was rather aggravated with this envoy and Muslims in general at this time. The whole reason this envoy was even in Washington, D.C. was because Muslim pirates had been raiding American ships for decades, plundering their cargo and selling captured sailors as slaves. Muslims overall sold more people into slavery — one million — than were involved in the entire history of the slave trade with the West.
Jefferson as president finally had had enough of this foolishness and the craven submission of the U.S. to Muslims thugs by paying them tribute to leave our ships alone. He decided to send the Marines into Tripoli, and in they went, inspiring the phrase in the Marine hymn, "to the shores of Tripoli."
Marines to this day are called Leathernecks because they wrapped thick strips of leather around their necks before the attack because they knew that the holy prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded his loyal followers to slice the heads off every infidel they could find.
Fatuously misguided leftists, including President Obama, mindlessly celebrate the fact that Jefferson owned a copy of the Koran. Our first Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison of Minnesota, even used Jefferson's Koran as a part of his swearing-in ritual when he took the oath of office.
But Jefferson purchased a copy of the Koran not to celebrate the cultural richness of Islam but to figure out why Muslims were determined, against all principles of humanity in general and Christianity in particular, to rape and pillage innocent Christians who had done them no harm whatsoever.
(As a footnote, it's worth nothing that Jefferson's copy is not a "holy" Koran, because it is translated into English. Only Korans in the original, Allah-breathed Arabic are considered holy.)
Jefferson himself, along with John Adams, had gone to London in 1786 to have a sitdown with the Muslim ambassador who represented the Barbary pirates of Tripoli. They asked him a simple and direct question: by what right do you extort money from us and enslave us?
Jefferson reported the ambassador's response to Congress: "[That right] was founded upon the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."
Jefferson bought a copy of the Koran because he found it hard to believe that any religion could be as dark, dangerous, evil and wicked as this. He had to check it out for himself.
Lo and behold, he read, in his own copy of the Koran, the command of Allah through his holy prophet, peace be upon him: " Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them" (Sura 9:5).
Jefferson, as president, finally got to the place where he had had it up to here with paying extortion money to these pirates and murderers, and ordered a blockade of Tripoli. The USS Constitution captured a number of Muslim vessels who were trying to run the blockade, and Jefferson's dinner guest had been sent by the Bey of Tripoli in an effort to get his ships back.
So the purpose of the dinner was not for Jefferson to celebrate the multi-cultural marvels of this benighted religion, but to inform this ambassador that Americans were done being played for saps, and from now on were going to play hard cheese with Muslim pirates, murderers, enslavers, and rapists whether they were inspired by their Holy Koran or no.
Bottom line: prior to 2001, the only White House tradition when it came to Iftar dinners was not to have them. May the day come when that tradition is resumed.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)
© Bryan Fischer
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